I didn't expect this

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Y/n P.O.V.
I was so excited for today. I get to be mixed tag partners with Roman. The most handsome dreamy guy I've ever laid eyes on. Word around backstage is that he's single now. Which I mean is sad because he does have three kids but hey as long as he fulfilling his role as a parent in their life that's all that matters. I was backstage getting ready just wearing some leggings and a crop top when I saw the man of the evening. His big brown doe eyes connected with my hazel irises and he smiled. He looked breathtaking honestly. His long hair pulled into a sleek low bun. His large biceps bulging out of his white t-shirt, and his GREY sweatpants. Lord help me when he's wearing grey sweatpants. I had to snap myself out of my trance as he walked up to me. "Hey babygirl ready for our match tonight?" He asked and I nodded. "Of course I am we are gonna tear down the house tonight I can just feel it." I said excitedly and Roman smiled. "I think we are too. Hey uh I was thinking maybe after we could go and celebrate. Like maybe go out for some drinks or something or some food or whatever you feel like?" He asked blushing and rubbing the back of his neck. "That sounds great." I said with a soft smile. "Really?" He said with a surprised smile and I nodded. "Yeah why not." I said with a smile. I leaned up and kissed his cheek and he stiffened. "I'll see you out there." I said with a wink walking away swaying my hips. I walked into my locker room and began getting ready. Once I was finished I looked in the mirror and smiled.

I walked through makeup and hair and one of my best friends Renee smiled at me

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I walked through makeup and hair and one of my best friends Renee smiled at me. I walked up to her and her jaw dropped. "Oh my god girl look at you! Who are you getting all sexy for?" She asked and I smiled. "Ohh a certain Samoan that I not only have as a tag team partner but also asked me for drinks afterward." I said with a smirk and her mouth dropped as she gasped. "Your fucking crush asked you for drinks!? Ohh snap someone is gonna get some tonight!" She said and I laughed. "That's my goal. Also I mean to snatch him up because I'm sure once I get it once I'm gonna want it forever you know?" I said and she nodded. A producer walked up to me and told me I was on in 5 so I said goodbye walking to the curtain looking at the screen seeing Roman out up on the turnbuckle looking at the crowd. They got a perfect shot of his ass and I bit my lip. The tech person nodded at me and I got ready as they played my theme song.

I walked out and smiled at the crowd before sticking my tongue and doing my little dance. I twerked a little before looking up at Roman and his mouth was a gap as he stared at me from the turnbuckle. I walked down the ramp and slapped some fans hands. I slid into the ring and waved at fans. Roman hopped into the ring and I smiled up at him. He raised his hand up and I gave him a high five and he pulled me in for a hug. "I expected for you to come out in something beautiful but I didn't expect it to be this beautiful." He whispered in my ear and I blushed smiling. We turned towards the entrance and waited for Bobby Lashley and Lana to come out. They walked out kissing each other and me and Roman gagged. The crowd laughed as they walked down to the ring.   They both had microphones in their hands so I grabbed one for me and Roman. They rolled into the ring and Lana walked up to me. "You really think that you can beat us!? Look at us compared to you both. You and your little boy toy are jokes!" She yelled annoyingly. "One. He isn't my boy toy because he's his own person and he definitely ain't no boy. Two the only jokes here are you and your so called fiancé. I've never had a man wear makeup to the point that when you kiss his makeup comes off onto your face. He really had you looking like a clown then. So don't come up here in MY ring. In MY city and think I'm gonna let you speak to me like I'm below you because I damn sure am not and neither is Roman." I yelled at her getting in her face and Roman chuckled lightly. Bobby all the sudden decided he was gonna take his balls out of Lanas purse and step up to Roman. "What are you laughing at!?" He growled and I stepped in between them pushing Bobby back. "DO NOT PUT YOUR NASTY SWEATY BODY ANY WHERE NEAR MY PARTNER GOT IT?" I yelled out getting in his face. "Roman you better get your little lap dog." Bobby said and I cocked my head to the side. "Lap dog? Oh I'll show you lap dog." I said lunging forward but Roman caught me in his arms moving me to the corner and trapping me in so I couldn't go anywhere. "Look at me babygirl I got this you worry about Lana's annoying ass and I've got lashley." He said with a smirk and I nodded. "Good now get out there and show me what your made of babygirl." He said tapping me on my hip. I nodded as he got out of the ring and stood by our corner. Lana stayed in the ring as Bobby got out. The bell rang and I lunged at her bringing her to the ground. She screamed kicking her feet but that didn't stop me. I rolled her over and slammed her head into the mate. I got up and stomped on her stomach. I looked out at the crowd before getting up on the top rope. Looking over at Bobby and painting at him. I jumped landing double knees on her before rolling up and doing a back handspring into a splash. The crowd roared as I got up looking over at Roman with a smile. He winked at me and I turned my attention back to Lana who was trying to get up. Just as I was about to grab her again Bobby starting yelling. "Your such a little bitch!" He said and I walked up to him and slapped him making him stumble almost falling off the apron. "You've called me out of my name twice now Bobby three strikes and I'm beating your ass myself got it!?" I said and he glared at me. I looked back over and Lana was over by Roman her hands on his neck as he had a disgusted look on his face his hands up in the air as he looked over at me. I growled as fury built up inside me and I told Roman to get off the apron. He did exactly that before I ran and dropkicked her back making her fall into the turnbuckle. She yelped and rolled onto the mat screaming in agony. I picked her up delivering a body slam before running and bouncing on the ropes hitting a leg drop. I hyped up the crowd a little bit before I grabbed her by her hair pulling her up. I swung her into the turnbuckle were Bobby was and he tagged Lana and I laughed shaking my head. I walked slowly over to Roman and I's corner and I tagged him in. He held the rope for me while I stepped out. He stepped in instantly beating Bobby to a pulp. Lana was screaming her head off. Yelling at Bobby to get up and fight. Roman looked so sexy when he was wrestling. Watching him sweat and heavy breath was my favorite. His thick ass prominent in his black cargo pants. I could tell Bobby and Lana were planning something with how much silence there was coming from Lana. Bobby "accidentally" knocked over the ref causing him to fall and roll out of the ring. Lana slid a chair into the ring and was yelling at Bobby to grab it. "Oh know I don't think so bitch." I said getting into the ring grabbing the chair and hitting Bobby in the back with it. I hit him a few more times before throwing the chair out of the ring and going after Lana. I grabbed her by her hair and swung her head into the turnbuckle before pulling her into the ring and hitting her with my signature.

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