"I'll always back you up."

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Y/n P.O.V.

Drama always buzzed backstage. So when news of Roman getting a divorce leaked it spread like wildfire. And though he acted like it didn't bother him I knew it was getting into his head. I walked down the hallway over to hair and makeup. Linda, my favorite worker called me over to her chair. I sat down and typed away on my phone as I heard the obnoxious voice of Carmella. I internally rolled my eyes as I let Linda finish my eye makeup. "I heard he cheated on his wife. His looks must've gotten the best of him." She said with a laugh. I looked over at her continuing to listen. "You know...Roman could have thousands of women...why would he get married in the first place?" Carmella asked Natalya. I sucked on my teeth trying to contain myself. "She's a blabber mouth you know that." Linda said softly blocking my view from her. "You know...I wouldn't be surprised if he was sleeping around with people backstage." She said before coughing fakely. Natalya giggled as well as some other girls. I looked over and I realized she was insinuating I was the one he was sleeping with. "If you've got something to say to me Carmella speak up." I said and she rolled her eyes. "Oh please Y/n we all know you've had a crush on that best friend of yours for years. We all know you'd sleep with him at the drop of a hat." She snickered making me scoff. "Let's get one thing straight. My best friend...is NOT a cheater. He is a great person who would never do that to his wife. It's none of your fat mouthed buisness. He has a private life, unlike you he doesn't feel the need to constantly look for validation from others. So why don't you mind your own damn business for once." I seethed out and she laughed. "Oh you think it's funny? I find it quite rich coming from you! Aren't YOU the one who slept with a married man? Who is now YOUR husband?" I asked and she stood. "No! T-that was a rumor his ex made up about me!" She said flustered and I laughed. "Oh? A rumor huh? You don't like them when they are about you but you'll open up your fake plastic lips and make up rumors about others." I said and she rolled her eyes. "You know Carmella if you put as much effort into wrestling as you do flapping your big lips you may just be a mediocre wrestler." I said snappily before standing up. "Thanks Linda. I'll talk to you later." I said with a smile and she nodded.

— — Time Skip— —

I walked down the hallway and I just so happened to see the long haired Samoan walking towards me.  I smiled as we met each other halfway. "Hey big man what's up?" I asked and he smiled down at me. He had this fire in his eyes. I hadn't seen it in a while. "Can I talk to you in private?" He asked and I nodded. "Is everything okay?" I asked as he grabbed my hand pulling me into an empty dressing room. "Yeah yeah." He said and I looked up at him. "Did you really mean what you said to Carmella?" He asked softly and I felt like the air went still. "Ro...you are my best friend. I'll always back you up." I said and he smiled. "I know...and I can't thank you enough for that...but that's not what I meant." He said and I cocked my head to the side confusion clear on my face. "I-if the opportunity to be with me was in front of you...would you take it?" He asked and I stared up at him. "Ro I...." He could tell I was trying to think of what to say. "I'm tired of moping Y/n, I'm tired of pretending I shouldn't move on. And I'm tired of hiding." He said shaking his head. "Hiding what?" I asked and he smiled. "I love you." He said softly and I stood frozen. He backed up a little nervously. His smile faded and I finally snapped out of my trance. I pulled him towards me kissing him. He smiled against my lips pulling me close. "I.love.you.too." I said between kisses. "Go on a date with me? Tonight." He said putting his forehead against mine softly. "Of course." I said with a soft smile. "I've got a promo but that's it for the night. You go to the hotel, and get ready, dress comfortable. I'll pick you up after my promo." He said with a smile and I nodded. I smiled looking up at him as he held me. I felt so happy. "Text me when you are on your way?" I asked and he nodded. He kissed me softly making me smile. "Good luck out there. Make them acknowledge their tribal chief." I said with a wink making him grin. "You know I will. See you in a little bit." He said with a wink walking towards the door. I nodded as he walked out. As soon as the door closed I did a giddy little dance. I had a few things to finish up for the night before I went to the hotel.
As I walked into my hotel room I quickly tried to figure out what I was gonna wear. I picked out a slightly sexy top. And comfortable pants. I matched it with a pair of shoes and some jewelry. I freshened up my hair and makeup lightly before looking in the mirror. I looked good! Even if I didn't Roman would tell me I did. I sat down on the bed pulling my phone out from my purse.

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