Detention Center

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You guys without Joy_of_life88 I would've probably never began to even write this in the first place so thank her because when I get stuck in the middle of an idea I sometimes just let the idea go... WELL NOT THIS TIME BECAUSE SHE HELPED ME!! ❤️ She is sassy and won't take the credit when it is due so I needed to put it on here so everyone can thank her and then she has no other choice but to accept it because it's not just me saying she's a genius! 😝 GOTCHA!
The dentition center is for young adults that have problems in everyday life controlling things such as anger. Many of them were 17, 18, and 19. Y/n was a new counselor and fresh from college. They had offered her the position without her knowing how difficult it was to handle kids who couldn't handle themselves very well, but she did what she needed to every day and tried her best to help each and every person. But one that had been going downhill lately was Roman. He had been in the center since he was 17 and seems to have highs and lows that vary weekly. But they have been getting worse since he turned 18. His problem is he gets into fights. He even got into a fight with his cousin who is also here. I sighed as I organized papers on my desk. There was a knock on my door and I turned around. I walked over and opened the door and speak of the devil there he was. "Hi Roman! Come on in!" I said with a smile and he smiled softly. "Thanks." He said as he walked in. He walked over to the sofa and he sat down. "So..." I said with a sigh grabbing his file. I looked at him and he groaned. "I already know what you are gonna say." He said stopping me. I whined and planed my forehead. "You we're doing so good! What happened?" I asked and he groaned. "My own cousin decided to mouth off to me about controlling my anger when he is in here for the same damn reason! And I know I've been doing good but he just kept pushing and pushing and pushing. And I feel trapped in this place! Lately I feel like a cadged animal that needs to get out!" He said angrily and I nodded. "Big deep breath. Breathe with me. I don't need you to yell I can hear you just fine. I know you are upset but we can talk through this." I said and he nodded taking in a deep breath. "You need to learn that the solution to your problems is not violence. Violence will only create more problems for you. Once you get out of here those problems could lead to years of jail or prison time. I can't help you then." I said and he sighed nodding. "I know and I swear I'm trying." He said and I nodded. "I know. I can see. I see your progress. You just need to find a way that works for you to let your anger out in a safe way." I said and he nodded. "You don't get mad often." I said and he nodded. "I know. I just. There's so many emotions going through me." He said and I nodded. "I get that.... Let me grab a sheet quickly." I said standing up.
—Roman P.O.V.—
I watched her gorgeous hips sway back and forth as she walked to her desk. She bent over it ever so slightly and I couldn't take it any more I was painfully hard. And she didn't know this but the reason I fought my cousin last week was to stay in here and finally work up the courage to ask her if she even likes me. But now I was hungry for her. I wanted to such dirty pleasurable things to her and her body. She was just so sweet. And kind. Maybe a part of me wanted to. Ruin that side of her. Turn her into a bad girl. Fuck I needed her right now.
—Y/N P.O.V.—
I looked through my papers trying to find what I was looking for. I heard him get up but I didn't pay any mind. He was usually just getting a cup of water. I gasped as I was pushed up against my desk. His rough cheek laid against my neck making me whimper. "R-Roman what are you doing?" I asked and he groaned kissing against my neck. "Do you know you drive me crazy Ms.Y/n?" He asked and I whined. "Roman we can't do this..." I said trying to pull his hands away. "I can make this worth it Ms.Y/n I swear." He said and I moaned. He was begging for me? God that was hot. But I couldn't do this. "Roman. We can't." I said and he groaned. "Please look I'll show you." He said stepping away. He walked over to the door putting my out of office sign on the handle outside before locking it. He closed the blinds all around my office dimming the lights lowly. "See? No one will know. Please I need you so bad. Your skirts, those low cut tops, the way you bite your lip when you are focused...I'm so fucking hard for you please. I need this." He said and thought for a moment. He slowly walked towards me grabbing my hand in his softly. "Maybe you could be my release." He said and I bit my lip. He was so good looking. His eyes were my favorite part about his face. The dark brown irises hiding a man I knew truly didn't want to hurt anyone. "I'll do this on one condition..." I said and he smiled. "Anything for you." He said making me blush. "Promise me that you will try your hardest to get out of here in the next month. If I see improvement then I'll sign the discharge papers and maybe I'll give you a chance." I said and his face perked up with happiness. "Really? You'll let me take you out on a date?" He asked and I nodded. "I promise. I swear I will." He said and I smiled. "Then let me help you out with what you've got going on in your pants." I said and he groaned breathily. I bent down on my knees looking up at him. "Can you keep your tights, skirt and heels on?" He asked and I smirked looking up at him nodding. He grabbed my glasses from my desk opening them. "Can you put these on at take your hair down?" He asked and I smirked. "Bossy." I said with a giggle grabbing the glasses putting them on. "I just have been having this same dream and I want it to become reality." He said with a blush. "Yeah? Well how about I make it come true. Guide me through this dream of yours baby." I said and he moaned. "You start off just like this and y-you let me fuck your face." He said and I moaned. It sounded good coming from him. Usually he was so respectful and hardly ever swore in front of me. He told me I was the only one that he felt like trusted him and he respected that so he didn't speak like that in front of me because he didn't like too speak disrespectfully towards me. "If that's what you want darling I'll give you exactly that." I said as I slowly slid his pants and boxers off his huge cock springing free and bouncing slightly. "You weren't kidding... this looks like it hurts baby." I said with a gigging gripping him at the base making him groan. "If you don't want to uhm I don't have to fuck your face." He said nervously making me smiled. "I trust you Ro. Don't worry. I'll let you know if something is too much." I said with a wink and he groaned nodding. "Go ahead darling." I whispered out seductively as I opened my mouth. He took in a sharp breath slowly putting himself inside my mouth. He groaned loudly as he began to slowly thrust into my mouth. He growled loudly throwing his head back. I pulled his shirt looking up at me and he quickly looked down. "Too much?" He panted out slowing down and I shook my head pulling at his shirt. "You want me to take this off?" He asked and I nodded making him groan. He slid his shirt off and I hummed. He was fucking jacked. He put his hands softly on the sides of my face before deep stroking into my mouth. I gagged softly looking up at him. "You look so pretty. Fuck keep looking up at me." He said panting making me moan against him. I ran my hand up his sides scratching at them as I dragged them back down. "Fuck yes. Scratch me." He growled out making me gag. I bought my hands up his torso this time scratching down. "Fuck I don't want to cum like this stop." He panted out as he slid himself out of my mouth. I looked up at him with a smile and he bent down kissing me roughly as he gripped my neck. I moaned into the kiss bring my hand up to his hair taking it out of the slick low bun. I ran my fingers through it softly until he pulled away. "Stand up for me." He said roughly and I slowly stood. He grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled it over my head revealing my black lace bra. He grabbed my breasts biting his lip. I reached back and unhooked my bra letting it fall to the floor. He looked up at me with a smirk looking down at my well endowed chest. "Damn." He said making me blush. He pecked my lips softly before dragging my tight skirt up the swell of my hips allowing it to bunch you around my waist. "No panties?" He asked with a groan and I nodded. "God damn baby I can see your wetness from your tights." He groaned running his fingers along my wet covered entrance. I gasped as his ripped them open. Not the entirety of them though, just enough he could reach my entrance and uncover my ass. He slid everything off my desk onto the floor and pushed me against it. My breasts touch the cold wood of my desk causing me to shiver. "Usually I'd reciprocate for the head you gave me but not this time. I need to be inside you." He growled and I whimpered nodding. He lined himself up with my entrance before pushing in. He was huge. I whined in discomfort as he slowly pushed in. "I'll give you a second baby don't worry." He said and I smiled. He pulled back out slowly before sliding back in and finally it felt good. He began to pick up the pace. The sound of our skin slapping filled the room. "Oh my god Roman." I moaned softly making him growls he gripped my hips tightly as he slammed into me. "You feel so fucking good fuck. I've wanted to be in you for so long." He groaned making me whimper. "Mind if a get a little rough baby?" He asked and I whined shaking my head. "I trust you baby." I panted out breathlessly and he smiled with a moan. He grabbed my hard in his hands pulling it into a ponytail. I moaned loudly as he held me like that. I watched him from the mirror in front of us hanging behind my desk. He bit his lip looking down at our bodies connecting. I moaned as I watched his facial expressions as he pounded into me. "Holy fucking shit." He growled slapping my ass roughly making me moan out. I scratched at the wood of my desk as I could feel myself getting close. "I can feel you. Are you close baby?" He asked with a pant and I nodded. He pulled me up by my hair until his chest was against my back. His hand let go of my hair gripping around my neck. I whined looking up at him and he groaned. "I want you to cum for me. Cum for me baby." He grumbled before kissing me sloppily. I moaned into his mouth as my legs shook. My breathing picked up as I began to rise on my tippy toes. He quickly pushed me back down making me take him further and I moaned into his mouth as I exploded around him. "Fuck. Fuck. Can I cum in you baby?" He asked and I nodded with a whimper. He bite at my neck thrusting into me hard three last times before thrusting all the way into me. His warm seed filling me up. "Jesus Christ." He growled making me moan and laugh. "I'll help you clean up all your papers." He said kissing my forehead. He slid out of me and I took off my shoes and tights. "Can I keep your tights?" He asked and I giggled. "You won't my torn tights?" I asked and he nodded blushing. "Yeah since I won't be able to have you for the next month. I need something to remind me of you." He said and I smiled. "Go ahead and take them then." I said kissing his cheek. He grabbed his pants pulling them up before grabbing his shirt pulling it on. I slipped my blouse on and pulled my skirt down. I slipped my heals back on and began to pick up. He helped me until everything was back to where it was supposed to be. I sighed as I turned to him. "This was an amazing meeting...I think you are making progress." I said with a smile and he smirked pulling me close. "Yeah? Well I've got this new release that I found works amazing." He said making me smirk. "That is great. Hopefully you keep improving over the next month and you'll be released." I said and he nodded. "I'll see you in a few weeks then Ms. Y/n." He said with a wink and I nodded. He walked out of my office closing the door softly. I smiled as I looked up at the ceiling with my eyes closed. Fuck he was amazing. And sure I had worries. But he needed someone who could trust him. Who he could talk about his feelings with. And I would gladly be that person for him.
—1 month later—
I shivered as I walked outside of the office. The winter breeze blowing up my skirt. I quickly tried making him way to my car and stopped in my tracks as I saw a man leaning against a truck next to mine. "Don't worry Babygirl. It's just me. I got out... and I believe I was promised a date with you as an incentive." He said with a smirk and I smiled as I walked over to him. I hugged him tightly breathing in his scent before pulling back and kissing him. "I'm so proud of you." I said and he smiled. "Thanks for always believing in me baby. Now..I bought us some takeout and movies. Could we possibly go to your place? I don't have one yet and I'd prefer to not be at my parents house..." He said with a laugh rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah of course come on." I said and we got in my car driving to my house. He held me by my hips as we walked up to the door. "Your house is so nice." He said and I smiled. "Thank you. Come in."  I said opening the door. We walked in and he closed the door behind us. He took his shoes off standing by the door. "You don't have to stand there and feel awkward make yourself comfy I'm gonna get myself some wine. Do you want anything?" I asked and he thought for a moment. "A glass of cold water please." He said and I nodded. I walked into the kitchen grabbing our drinks before walking back out into my living rooms he was sitting on the couch waiting patiently. "Here you go babe." I said kissing his forehead as I sat down. He grabbed the glass of water thanking me before taking a big drink. "Pick whatever movie you want to watch first." He said with a big smile and I smiled back. I put in the one I wanted and we began to watch it. "You know, I love that you trust me." He said and I smiled nodding. "You haven't given me a reason not to trust you." I said and he smiled. "And you just believe in me and that means so much to me." He said and I pouted before smiling. "Thank you baby." I said rubbing at his chest. "Uhm....will you be my girlfriend?" He asked rushed and I smiled. I kissed his cheek before turning his face to mine kissing his lips. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend baby." I said and he sighed happily. "Thank god! Now... let's cuddle and eat." He said and I nodded as we l began to cuddle and feed each other. Sure it was a crazy turn of events but I didn't care. I loved him already I can't wait to start this journey with him.

Give it up for  she helped me think of this whole idea!!! See you soon love 😏🥰

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