I never thought I was hurting you

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Warning: This does have Self harm in it at one point!!!⚠️

People had been bullying me for months. I was already depressed as it was. I had people comment about my hair so I cut it and he gagged when he saw it. I had people comment about my ring gear. So I made mine all black. He rolled his eyes the first time he saw it. I had people comment about my weight so I got gear to cover my stomach. He looked at it and laughed. I had worked so hard to just get him to look at me in a positive way. Yet everything I did he pushed me back down. I had started cutting while we were on a tour. I'd go up to my hotel room and slit my arms. Feeling my pain sink away as I cried and cried. I was all alone. My mom died and so did my dad. I had no siblings. I didn't have anyone to talk to and of course the person who didn't want to talk to me the most is the one I have a crush on. I walked into the arena with my head down not looking at anyone. I walked into the dressing room. Putting my gear on. Doing my hair. Putting some lipstick on then walking out. I walked down the hall with no expression whatsoever. "Heeyyyyy buttercup what's up!" I heard Finn ask me. One of the only people who was nice to me. "Nothing going to my match. What about you Mr.Astronaut?" I asked him as he put his hand around my shoulder. "Ohh nothin much. Did ya hear that we have to share rooms with another superstar tonight. And it's chosen randomly." He said and I groaned. "Why does no one inform me of these things except for you?" I asked him and he shrugged. "Well this is your stop good luck out there!" He said with a wave and I thanked him. I heard my music play as I walked out putting on a smile.
I had lost again. I walked backstage fast walking to the locker room and grabbed my stuff. I could feel myself about to breakdown but I held it in driving to the hotel getting my key and going up to the room. I set my shit down in a hurry grabbing my blade and sitting up against the bathtub crying. I made small cuts watching as my blood slowly trickled out. I set the blade beside me and sobbed. I must've not heard the door open from how loudly I was sobbing. "Y-y/n?..... Oh my god Y/n what did you do to yourself?!" I heard Joe ask as he bent down trying to get close to me but I put my hands out stopping him. "Get away. I'm just a no good,ugly, fat freak who shouldn't be alive. I mean you even know it. Even you make fun of me in the halls." I said whimpering and sobbing more. "What do you mean? I never did that." He said and I looked up at his handsome face angrily. "So gagging when I got my hair cut because people said my hair was ugly, and changing my ring gear to all black and rolling your eyes, and laughing when I changed my gear so it hid my stomach because everyone keeps telling me I need to lose weight wasn't making fun of me!?" I asked angrily and he sat there with his jaw dropped. "I-I thought that we were joking around. You smiled every time I did that. I never thought I was hurting you Y/n. I think your beautiful. I love your hair and your all black ring gear. Makes you look like catwomen and you look incredibly sexy when you wear it. Oh god I feel terrible. I- I caused this. I made you cut yourself. I made you not wanna be in this world. OH GOD! What's wrong with me! I made the love of my life wanna kill herself." He said with a sob and I looked up at him stunned. Did he just say he loves me?! Joe loves me? "I'm so sorry please I'm so sorry." He sobbed into his hands rubbing a hand through his long hair. "Can you help me clean up." I asked softly wiping my tears away. He didn't hesitate to get up getting medical wrap. Wrapping my arms up to heal my cuts. He threw the blade away as he continued to tell me how sorry he was. It was all a misunderstanding but never the less I still need help. He helped me up bringing me to the bed sitting me down lightly. He kissed my cheek softly making my face heat up. "What else can I get you?" He asked. "Could you get me my pajamas? Out of my bag please." I asked softly and he hurried over grabbing a pair of my sweatpants and a sports bra. I looked up at him silently asking for privacy and he got it. "Oh! Sorry yeah of course I'm gonna change in the bathroom." He said walking in with a pair of shorts. I slowly took my shorts off and put my pants on. I took my t-shirt and bra off before carefully trying to put my arms in without touching my wounds. I eventually got it on and stood awkwardly as Roman came out and stopped dead in his tracks looking at my body up and down making me insecure. "Wow you are beautiful." He said quietly making me blush. I thought he was gonna insult me. But nope. "You don't mind if I sleep next to you in bed do you? Otherwise I can sleep on the couch." He said and I shook my head. "No. I-I don't." I said as I crawled in getting under the covers facing away from him. He slid in bed and cleared his throat softly. "I'm really sorry. I truly do love you Y/n I'm gonna prove it to you." He said making me smile a little bit. "Can you please hold me?" I asked turning towards him and he opened his arms to me and I cuddled into him falling fast asleep from exhaustion.
—Next Morning—
I woke up to a constant ding of my phone going off. Notifications after Notification of people on Twitter and Instagram. I looked over at the large Samoan next to me and he was fast asleep. I opened Twitter and I saw that Joe tagged me in a post. I opened it and it was a picture of me sleeping on him. He was kissing my forehead in one. The next he was smiling looking at me. I looked down at the caption which read this:
"This is my girl. My one and only. She's going through tough times. But I'm always gonna be here for her. I love her with all my heart. Therefore to help her find self love we will be taking a leave of absence for a long vacation. I'm gonna wine and dine my baby and love her to death. If I find out any of her so called "fans" are saying anything negative about her I will personally beat your ass and you can Believe That!"
I giggled softly wiping a stray tear from my face. He kissed my forehead softly and I looked up at his sleepy eyes. "So um I hope you don't mind but I got ahold of Vince and we aren't needed for any major story lines coming up so we can take a vacation to wherever you want. It's my treat." He said in a sexy sleepy tone. I smiled at him brightly. "It's so good to see you smiling." He said with a smile and I blushed. "Your offering to take me anywhere I want on a vacation?" I asked and he nodded. "For as long as you need." He said rubbing my back softly. "Wow Joe I cant except that that's too much." I said shaking my head. "Well it's not an option then. Your going on a trip with me to the destination of your choice. I'll tie you up if you disagree." He said and I laughed. "You'll tie me up huh?" I asked with a smirk. He nodded with a wink. "Well um I want to go somewhere with really pretty water and beaches and good food." I said thinking of places we could travel to. "What about Bora Bora?" Joe asked and I smiled up at him. "Bora Bora it is then." I said and he smiled. "Great I'm gonna order us room service and book everything. We don't have to worry about plane tickets. Vince said we can use his private jet." He said grabbing the menu and the phone. "No way we are using HIS private jet!" I said with wide eyes and he nodded with a smile. He ordered us room service and then took his computer out and booked everything while I was in the shower. I walked out front my hair. I was in just my bra and underwear because well I needed clean clothes. I walked over to my bag and bent down searching for an outfit. I gasped softly as I felt Romans body press against me. He kissed up my back before bending over and picking out an outfit for me to wear. "I want to see you in this lil number." He said with a smile and I blushed brightly. "Ok." I said quietly. I walked into the bathroom and put the outfit on and looked in the mirror. Feeling self conscious of course.

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