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Y/n P.O.V.
I yawned as I rolled over in bed. The bright sun shone in through the slit of the blinds. I sat up seeing my empty bed and pouting. My husband was not in bed. He normally would sleep in on his days off but I guess not today. I stood up walking out of the room. I walked passed our office hearing his voice. He must be doing an interview. I smirked as I thought of an idea. I was going to tease him. I walked back into our bedroom and then into our walk in closet. I opened my lingerie drawer and skimmed through the items. I smirked as I pulled out a set I hadn't worn for my handsome husband yet. I stripped down and put the set on. I smirked as I looked in the mirror.

 I smirked as I looked in the mirror

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I grabbed my heels putting them on. I quickly took my phone out sitting on my bed.

Me: Can you mute the interview quick? I need to show you something.

Hubby: Important?

Me: Yes. Very.

Hubby: Got It. Gimme 5 minutes.

I smirked to myself and I straightened everything out. Being as quiet as possible, I walked to the office. "Just give me one second guys the wife needs something urgently." I heard him say as I hid by the door. "Alright baby it's muted." He said and I smirked slowly stepped out into the doorway. His eyes darkened as he raised his brows. "This is what you call urgent?" He said leaning back slightly in his chair and I nodded. "Yes. My husband JUST got home last night. I was not woken up with your face shoved in between my thighs or that cock of yours inside me. So I am EXTREMELY horny and pissed off. Now, I suggest you wrap this stupid ass interview up or I will handle my horniness by myself. And best believe I'll make you and those guys hear me through these walls." I said and his smirked dropped. "You better watch your fuckin attitude princess." He said and I rolled my eyes. "Make me daddy. Now once you've decided it's finally time to do your job. I'll be waiting in the room." I said spinning on my heel walking out. I knew he was pissed and unbelievably horny. Did I care? No. He got what he deserved. I walked back into the room laying down on the bed scrolling through social media. I heard the door creak open then slam shut. I looked over and there was my husband. Completely pissed off and undeniably hard. "Let me ask you something Babygirl... who the fuck did you think you could catch an attitude with in the office earlier?" He said slowly walking towards me making me smirk. "Well, as your wife it's my duty to tell you when you are slacking." I said crossing my arms and standing. "Oh yeah?" He said amusement clear in his voice. "Yeah." I said back as he snatched me by my neck making me squeak. I looked up at him submissively and his lip twitched with anger. "You are going to learn how to watch that slick ass mouth of yours." He said as his other hand made its way to my cheek. He stared at me as he stroked the side of my face. His thumb coming down and rubbing my lip. I looked into his eyes as he continued to tease me. "Get on your knees. You know the drill." He said coldly. I quickly dropped down to my knees. I looked up at him waiting patiently. "Hmm now all the sudden you got patience huh?" He said with a smirk making me roll my eyes. He slapped my cheek lightly before taking my jaw in between his fingers. "You better not let me catch you rolling those damn eyes again unless you needing choked by my dick or getting fucked by it. Understand?" He asked with a growl and I nodded. "Words." He grunted and I blinked up at him innocently. "Yes daddy." I whispered my words dripping with desire. "Good girl. Now hurry up. I'm hard as a rock." He said with a smirk and I nodded. I quickly slid his shorts down and his huge cock sprung free. I bit my lip taking in the sight of his tip dripping with precum before I took him into my mouth. I licked around his tip as I looked up at him. "Naw no teasing today." He said lowly as he grabbed the sides of my head and thrusted into my mouth making me gag. He began to fuck my face and I was trying my best not to gag. But the problem was, my husband is huge. So trying not to gag was something that didn't really work. I looked up at him as tears filled my eyes. "You ready to take it deep down your fuckin' throat?" He asked panting and I nodded. "Alright deep breath baby." He said and I did as told taking in a deep breath as he shoved himself seemingly as far as he could get down my throat. I scratched at his thighs as I began to see little black spots cloud my vision. He finally pulled me off with a loud groan. He grabbed his cock stroking himself quickly. "Keep that gorgeous face right there. Stick that tongue out." He panted and I did as he said. I closed my eyes sticking my tongue out as he growled loudly. His warm seed shooting onto my cheek and into my mouth. "Fucking hell." He growled out as I opened my eyes looking up at him with a smile. "I want you to keep my cum on your face like the dirty girl you are." He growled and I nodded. "On the bed now." He commanded and I quickly got up laying down on the bed. He pulled my to the edge making me squeal. He looked at me darkly as he bent down on his knees in front of my entrance. "You want me to eat you out princess?" He asked and I nodded frantically. "Then you better beg for it." He said smirking making me whine. "Please daddy? Please eat me. I've waited so long to feel your tongue again. Please!?" I begged making him smirk and hum before sucking my clit into his mouth. "Oh my god!" I moaned as he began to completely devour me. His strong arms head me against his face. I began to roll my hips against his face gasping as he hit different spots. He hummed around me making me shiver as he stuck his tongue inside me beginning to fuck me with it. I screamed out and he stopped making me whine. "Quiet down." He growled and I whined. "But daddy whyyyy?" I whined and he growled. "Because I fuckin' said so. This is part of your punishment. I don't want to hear a word out of you unless you are gonna ask me to cum. That's it. Do you understand?" He said and I pouted crossing my arms. "Yes daddy." I said annoyed and he slapped my thigh making me squeak. "Don't be a fuckin' brat. I'll end this right here if you don't stop with the attitude." I said lowly. I nodded with a pout and he smirked. "Good girl. Now back to my feast." He said with a hum before diving right back at my entrance. I stayed quiet just breathing heavily as he brought me to the edge. "D-daddy!" I whispered out trying to keep myself composed enough to ask him. "You close Babygirl? I can see it on your face. You better ask me." He said and I whimpered. "Please! Please can I cum daddy? Please?" I whimpered out making him smirk. "Cum for me." I growled out and I moaned loudly as I fell over the edge. Shaking and panting. "Good girl. Look at all that cum. Mmm you did so good." He said making me whimper. He knew I lived praise. It was one of my biggest kinks. "Hands and knees baby." He said lowly as he stood. "Daddy your cum is gonna get all over the sheets." I said and he smirked. He brought his thumb up to my face swiping the cum off of me cheek. "Open." He said and I opened my mouth taking his thumb in. "So good for me." He hummed out with a smirk as I looked up at him continuing to suck on his thumb. "Alright hands and knees. I need to be deep in that pussy." He said with a smirk and I whimpered. I turned over quickly on my hands and knees. He slapped my ass making me squeak. "Arch that back. You already know how daddy likes you." He grumbled out and I did as he said. I arched as far as I could putting my face against the bed. His hand rubbed over my ass slowly. "Hmmm seeming that you've been a good girl. You can be as loud as you want. But if I ask you a question you better answer me. Am I clear?" He asked lowly. His voice was such a turn on. Especially when we were intimate. Words just flowed out of his mouth like a poet. A sexy dominant ass poet. He snapped his fingers in front of my face and I snapped out of my own thoughts. "Am I clear princess?" He asked and I nodded. "Yes daddy." I whispered out and he smirked. Without warning he pushed into me making me gasp. "Oh fuck!!!" I screamed out and he growled. He slapped my ass making me scream out. "Watch your mouth bad girl." He hummed with a smirk. Amusement clear in his voice. "Oh god dadddyyyy." I moaned out as he thrusted into me roughly. Deep stroking me. I panted and whined listening to his grunts and moans. "Oh daddyyy your so deep!" I moaned out gripping at the sheets. "Yeah? You like how deep I am huh?" He asked and I moaned. "Y-yes daddy! I love how deep you are!" I moaned loudly as pleasure filled tears fell down my face. He pulled me all the way back against him so his hips were against my ass and I gasped. He was WAY deeper now. He slowly started rolling his hips in circular motions and I screamed out. "T-too much." I whimpered out trying to pull away. It was too much pleasure. "Naw you can take it baby. Take it like a good little slut. You are a slut aren't you?" He asked groaning making me whine and nod. "Yeah I'm a slut." I moaned out with a whine. "Whos good slut are you?" He asked rolling his hips harder against me. "I'm daddy's good little slut." I whimpered out and he hummed in content. "That's right. Such a good slut for me." He growled making me whimper. I tried pushing him away the pleasure becoming almost too much. "What did daddy tell you?" He asked with a growl. "Dadddyyyy I-it's too much I'm gonna cum!" I whined out and he grunted. Suddenly he changed the pace slamming into me roughly. "Is this better huh? You think you can last longer this way?" He asked panting and I whined. "Noooo daddy I'm so close." I moaned out and he chuckled. "That's what I thought. Regardless of what position I have you in you chase orgasm. Why baby why?" He asked and I whined. "Because! I-I'm a slut for daddies big cock!" I moaned out and he growled. "That's what I like to fucking hear. Cum for me baby. I wanna see that pretty little cum face you got. Show daddy." He groaned out and I moaned loudly as his hand slid down to my clit rolling it with his finger making me gasp. I tipped over the edge, toes curled and legs shaking. I whimpered as he continued. "That's it baby. Good girrrlll. Fuck look at all that cum." He groaned making me whimper. I began to crawl away as I began to feel overwhelmed with pleasure. My body starting to jolt from each thrust. He groaned pulling out and laying down on the bed. "Finish me off with that pretty mouth baby." He said gravely and I happily took him into my mouth. I bobbed my head up and down as he groaned. "Look how gorgeous you look with my cock shoved down your throat. Such a good slut." He growled out as his hand weaving into my hair guiding me down his cock. I stuck my tongue out running it along the underside of his member making him growl. "F-fuck!" He groaned as he twitched in my mouth. I knew he was close. I quickened my pace looking deep into his eyes. I watched as his eyes rolled. He groaned loudly as his body stiffened. His warm seed slid down my throat making me hum in content. "Fuck baby." He groaned out making me smile. I slowly slid my mouth off looking up at him kissing his tip making him laugh. I smiled up at him and he sighed. "I love you." He said smiling and I crawled up kissing his lips. "I love you more." I said with a smile. "I'll run us a bath." He said sliding me off him making me whine. I didn't really want to be away from him at all. "I'll be right back." He said with a chuckle. I heard him turn the water on and then he walked back in. "Come here." He said opening his arms for me making me smile. He picked me up kissing me before bringing me into the bathroom. He brought us into the tub and I moaned as the hot water surrounded us. "I love when you get rough like that." I said with a smile and a hum. "Why don't you just ask me to be more rough instead of being a brat?" He asked with a chuckle. "You are hotter when you are pissed off and actually in the mode than when I ask for it just regularly." I said with a giggle making him hum. "I feel like when I tease you the Roman side comes out. Compared to your Joe side." I said and he hummed. "I have sides?" He said and I nodded. "Joe is who I fell in love with. The charming, sweet, kind soul who does anything to make me happy. And then the Roman side, the badass, dominant man who runs shit." I said and he nodded. "I love both. And you know when to use the correct side at what time. Point in case, what you did to me in the bedroom. Versus now." I said and he nodded. "Well I'm glad I know when to use which side. I just care about making you happy." He said kissing my cheek making me smile. "Trust me baby. You do in every aspect." I said and he hummed in content. "I'm taking you on a date tonight." He said and I smiled looking up at him. "Really? Where too?" I asked excitedly. "It's a surprise." He said making me groan. "Gotta learn to have patience baby." He said and I rolled my eyes. "You know I don't have patience and you also know you don't help with it." I said and he laughed. "What do I do?" He said and I rolled my eyes. "You give me what I want. Duh." I said with a giggle and he laughed kissing my neck. "Well that's not going to stop so you better get used to it." He said making me hum. "Am I supposed to dress up? I need to know somewhat what is happenings I can coordinate my outfit." I said and he nodded. "Just dress comfy. It's not a five star dinner or fancy restaurant by any means. It's more of like a nostalgic type date." He said and I nodded. "We aren't like waking a long distance or anything?" I asked and he shook his head. "Okay. Just making sure so I don't wear heels and then we go like hiking or something." I said with a giggle making him laugh. "Nah Babygirl I exercise enough during the week. When I come home all I want to do is chill and have fun with my baby." He said and I smiled. "Better tell the interviewers that." I said with a giggle making him grumble. "At least when it's a video call I can be at home." He said and I nodded. "And at least I can give you head under the desk while you sit there and talk." I said with a wink and he hummed. "Interview head has to be some of the hottest shit you do to me." He said with a groan making me smirk. "I know." I said with a wink making him laugh. The water began to get cold so we both got out. We dried off and got dressed in comfy clothes, laying back down in bed turning our tv on. I yawned cuddling into him before slowly drifting off to sleep.
A few hours later we woke up and began getting ready. I did my makeup before picking my outfit out. And even though my husband said casual I wanted to dress up for him a little. "Babygirl when you are ready I'm downstairs waiting for you okay? Take your time though. Don't rush. It's not like a timed event we have to be at." I heard him say through the closet door. "Okay baby. I'm almost done." I said with a smile as I put my outfit together before changing.

" I said with a smile as I put my outfit together before changing

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As I stepped in front of the mirror I smiled to myself. I looked good! I spritzed myself with some of Joe's favorite perfume I had before walking down the stairs. He looked up at me and his jaw dropped. "God damnnn. I thigh I said don't dress up." He said making me smile. "I know but I like to show off for you. Do you not like it?" I asked with a pout making him growl and pull me close. "I fucking love it." He said kissing me softly making me smile. "Thanks daddy. You ready to go?" I asked and he nodded. "Let's go." He said leading me out of the house into the car before we took off.
We pulled into the parking lot and I tilted my head to the side in confusion. "What is this place?" I asked as he parked. "It's an arcade." He said and I gasped. "An arcade? Why isn't anyone here?" I asked and he smiled. "Because I know the person who owns it and he let me rent out the entire thing for the night. Just us, and a few workers." He said and I pouted as tears filled my eyes. "You did this for me?" I asked and he nodded with a big smile. "I know how much you love arcades and we can never go and just enjoy our time together. Just us. Without people asking for pictures or autographs.  So I wanted to have it be just us. And each time I come home I want to do something fun like this. Just us. No one else around to bother us." He said wiping the tears off my face. "That would be amazing. I love that idea. You know I miss the privacy we used to have before everyone in the world knew who you were." I said and he nodded. "Hell I miss it too sometimes." He said and I nodded. "Well. Let's go and play games Babygirl." He said and I squealed happily as we hopped out of the car. I jogged to him hugging him tightly. "Thank you for this." I said looking up at him with a smile and he nodded. "You know I love making you happy." He said with a smile making me blush. "I love you." I said bending up on my tippy toes kissing him sweetly. "I love you too. Now I'm gonna kick your ass at these games." He said and I gasped. "You can try but you'll fail. I am THE best arcade game player known to man kind." I said with a smirk and he hummed. "We will see about that." He said with a smile as we walked into the arcade. What a great way to spend his time home.

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