Only Kings Deserve the Best Pt.2

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Y/n P.O.V.
Being a king meant he would need to go to battle. I never realized how difficult that would be after having our first child. Though I had some motherly instincts not all come to each person. Our first born, Tamah, our babygirl, she is very finicky. And not only that but she has acid reflux making it difficult for her to keep bottles down. On top of that she is a daddy's girl. So she screams with me wayyyy more. To say it isn't difficult while my king is out fighting would be an understatement. I was worried about him. All the while trying to take care of our daughter on my own. Though I had people who worked in the kingdom that wanted to help. It never felt right to give my own child away for someone to take care of for the day if I'm the child's mother. I loved my baby. She is sooo gorgeous. She looks just like her father. Dark hair, Pretty Blue eyes, entirely too cute of a smile. She was perfect. Today we were going into town to help out at some local places. Tamah's other favorite person is her grandfather which was our first stop for the day. My phone rang snapping me out of my trance as I laid on my bed with Tamah sleeping in my arms. My heart swelled as I saw the caller I.D. "Hello?" I answered with a smile. "Hello my beautiful queen. How are you and princess doing?" My lovely husband asked and I sighed happily. "Amazing now that I know you are okay." I said and he chuckled. "Well I've got even better news. I'm coming home. We have already started our journey back." He said and I smiled happily. "I haven't seen your glorious face in what feels like forever." I said with a sigh making him hum. "It's only been a week and a half love." He said with a small chuckle. "Well it feels like eternity and Tamah likes you more than me." I said with a pout. "Baby that is not true. She loves you." He said and whined. "I just got her from her crib I'm surprised she's still sleeping... she looks just like you." I said looking down at the sleeping little munchkin. I played with her soft black hair and she smiled softly. "Makes me miss you more." I said with a sigh. "I know baby. I'll be home soon. Can't wait to see you." He said and smiled. "What are my girls up to today?" He asked and I smiled. "Well princess gets to see her other favorite guy in the entire world! We are gonna go into town walk around make the town look nice. I need some fresh air and so does Tamah." I said and he hummed. "Sounds amazing. I was thinking we should go on a vacation once I'm back. Maybe some place tropical. Get my babies into some warm weather you know. Take a nice few weeks off." He said and I smiled. "That sounds amazing. Maybe we could visit your home island. I'd love for some of your family to meet your first born." I said with a smile and he hummed in content. "That's a great idea. I'm sure my mother and grandmother would be thrilled. Samoa is beautiful." He said and I smiled. "Alright. We'll square away the details later. I've gotta go. Long journey home. I love you both. I'll see you when I get home." He said and I smiled. "We love you too. See you soon." I said before we said our goodbyes and hung up. I heard a small whimper and looked down. Tamah was waking up. I smiled as she opened her eyes. Blinking up at me while she sucked on her binky. "You wanna get ready to go to town with momma?" I asked happily and she let out a happy squeal letting the binky drop from her mouth showing me her two teeth smile. "Okay let's go." I said getting out of bed. I brought her into the bathroom with me and turned the shower on. I sat her in her rocker as I began to get undressed. I stepped into the shower and began to wash off. I checked on Tamah every so often as she contently stared at different things. Once I was finished I stepped out of the shower wrapping a towel around myself. I picked up Tamah and walked us into the closet. "Hmmm mama and Babygirl are gonna match to today." I said picking out matching outfits as she played with my wet hair. I picked out our outfits before I sat her on the changing table in our closet and changed her diaper and her clothes. I grabbed my dress putting it on. I smiled as her eyes lit up and she smiled. The one thing our beautiful girl always made me feel is that I'm beautiful. She always looks at like I'm sooo gorgeous she's got so much light in her eyes. I worry when she gets older people will be able to read her through her eyes easily. I picked her up kissing her cheek making her giggle. I walked over to the mirror and smiled looking at my baby and I. "You are such a cutie!!" I said and she smiled.

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