"That dress looks way too good on you."

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Y/n P.O.V.
I sighed as I tamed my fly away hairs down in the mirror. My husband and I had a dinner party to go to. Fancy client things. I looked in the mirror one last time.

 I looked in the mirror one last time

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I walked out of the bathroom. Looking around for my husband. "Ro? Where are you?" I asked walking around. "I'm in the walk in babe." He said and I walked into the closet. He was putting his Rolex watch on. I walked up to him sliding my hands around his waist. "You smell so good." I moaned softly with a smile. "Thank you my love. Now let me look at you." He said with a sigh as he turned around. "God damn. That dress looks way too good on you." He said biting his lip. "Come here real quick." He said guiding me into the bedroom. He walked over to the bed. He rolled onto the bed with a sigh. He rubbed his beard before looking over at me. "Come give me a taste." He said lowly and I giggled. "Ro we have to go we are gonna be late." I said pulling his hand trying to make him get up. "I don't give a fuck about being late. I want a taste of my hot ass wife and the Cheif don't like to wait. It's ready for you baby I wiped it clean and everything. Come sit on my face." He growled and I moaned. That did sound fantastic. "Baby my dress is gonna get dirty and so is your suit." I said with a whine and he shook his head. "I know what I'm doing Babygirl. I want all that cum to myself. I ain't gonna waste it." He said with a smirk as I crawled onto the bed. He pulled me over his face making me squeal in surprise. "Whenever you are ready." He said with a growl looking up at me before looking at my wet entrance. I slowly lowered myself onto his tongue. I moaned loudly as he pulled me down onto his face. He hummed against me as his devilish tongue worked wonders against me. "Oh my god daddy!" I moaned gripping at his hair. He growled holding me down against his face. His beard scratched roughly against my thighs making me hiss in pleasure. His tongue ventured around inside of me blissfully. "Oh oh my god!" I moaned as I began to shake. I knew I was close. He always brought me to the edge quick when he used his tongue. He began to lift my dress up a little higher and began fucking me with his tongue. I gasped at the sensation as he widened his tongue. "Oh my god! I'm gonna cum daddy!" I moaned out gripping at his hair. He hummed shaking his head against me. I watched as his eyes flutter shut as I whimpered. I took in a deep breath as I came all over his face. "Oh my god!" I moaned out as my legs shook. He slurped at my entrance hungrily growling. "S-stop too much!" I squealed and he finally lifted me off his face. He smirked up at me licking his glistening lips. "You are so bad! Now we are gonna be late!" I whined as I stood back up. "I quite frankly don't care. I got exactly what I wanted and I throughly enjoyed it." He said with a smile making me shake my head. "You are spoiled." I said turning on my heal and walking out of the room. "Mmmhm you spoil me I know." He said as he grabbed my waist and pulled me close. "You are explaining why we are late." I said as we walked out the door. "Fine by me. I'm throughly happy with the appetizer I already had." He said with a smirk slapping my ass making me shake my head. We got into the car before driving off.
Once we got to the restaurant we walked in hand and hand. Everyone was already there including Paul. "Hm. How nice of you to join us... 15 minutes late." One of the men said and I blushed gripping his hand tightly. "Excuse me. Do I know you? I run on my time. Not anyone else's. There's a reason why my manager is sitting here. To manage things when I'm not available." Roman said as Paul brought us chairs. "I don't think that's very kind of you considering this is about a deal for you." Another man pipped up as we sat down. "Let's get one thing straight. This is a deal for YOUR companies. My wife and I are completely satisfied and content with the money we have. I don't need to do deals. I choose to do them. So be lucky that I'm even sitting here having this dinner when I could be doing much more important things like spending time with my wife while I'm in town for a little bit. You will show us respect. Especially after I took time out of my days off to be here." My husband said lowly and I bit my lip. He was so sexy when he controlled things. "Now, introductions are in order. I'm Joe. This is my wife Y/n." He said and I smiled and waived at the men sitting around the table. We ordered food before the meeting continued. I was bored out of my mind. I laid my hand against my husbands thigh rubbing it. He looked over at me with a smile and I smiled back. "I'm boreeed." I whispered in his ear and he hummed. "I know. It's gonna be a little bit and then we'll start eating." He said and I groaned. "Behave and you'll get this dick just how you want it later." He said in my ear and my thighs clenched in anticipation. His dick? Just how I wanted? Could life get any better? No. I had to take the deal. I relaxed crossing my legs and rubbing his thigh. Their voices began to sound like the teacher from Charlie Brown and I really was not having it. His hand reached out and squeezed my thigh roughly. "Stop moving so much. Everyone can see you are impatient." He whispered in my ear and I whined. "They are so boring. I only hear your voice daddyyy." I whined kissing at his ear. He gripped my thigh tightly looking at me for a moment. "Stop. We are almost done here." He said quietly and I whined. This was so fucking boring. "Please give me something. Please?" I whined in his ear and he hummed. "Be quiet and I'll give you a warm up." He growled and I nodded. His large hand ran up to my underwear pulling it to the side shoving two of his thick fingers inside of me. I looked up at the men's faces that were across the table. They were completely engulfed in their food. "Play with your clit." He growled in my ear making me moan softly. I wanted him so bad. "You like my fingers in that tight little cunt don't you." He whispered lowly and I nodded. "Eat your salmon baby. It's gonna get cold." He said pulling away with a wink making me whimper. I took my fork into my shaky hand. I sighed taking a bite before exhaling. I closed my eyes taking in the feeling of his fingers as I continued to eat. I trailed my unoccupied hand down to my clit rubbing in slow circles. He leaned over and I whimpered just as I could feel him getting closer. "Such a good girl for daddy you know that? Nod for me if you know how good of a girl you are." He hummed and I nodded quickly. "Are you close?" He asked and I nodded as best as I could. He had brought me right to the edge again. "Can you cum for me quietly like a good girl?" He asked lowly and I nodded. "Let it out into my ear but quietly baby." He said as I leaned over to his ear as I tipped over the edge. "Ohh fuck. Yes. Unhhh thank you daddyyy." I whispered out as my legs shook involuntarily. Finally I was able to relax. I sighed as I lifted my head off his shoulder making sure none of the guys were looking at me and thankfully the coast was clear. We finally finished eating and I was ready to go. We all stood up and Joe shook the guys hands. We all began to walk out of the restaurant before the guys asked if Joe would want to go out for a few drinks. And of course because business is important. He said sure. And now I was pissed. The entire evening I could've had him to myself and he lets fucking business come before me. "Baby you want to go for drinks?" He asked and I looked up at him staring daggers at him. He knew I was not happy. "No. I'm not feeling well. I'm gonna go home. I'm sure Paul can give you a ride home right?" I said looking at him with a fake smile. He nodded with a slight smile handing me the keys. I snatched them before waking to the car. I was infuriated. As soon as I sat down in the car my phone buzzed.

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