My Savior

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Y/n P.O.V.

My ears rang as tears fell from my face. His shrill cries wouldn't stop. My baby boy was finicky. And today...he wasn't happy. Nothing I did seemed to calm him. I tried everything. And his father? Out drinking...because our son had been screaming all night. It was all my fault. Alllll my fault. I was so close to a breaking point. I had nothing else to do. I grabbed my phone and quickly dialed the only person I knew would answer at 1 a.m.

It rang...

And rang...

And rang...

Until finally I heard his his groggy voice pick up.

Ro: Mmm hello?

Me: Ro...I'm so sorry for calling you this late I just I don't know what to do! Luca he-he's been crying all day! I've tried everything Ro I swear I-I've tried everything I don't know what else I can do! I had to leave him in his crib I'm such a bad mom! He's screaming in there I-I can't do this Ro!

Ro: Babygirl! HEY! Relax! Relax for me okay? Just calm down. Take a deep breath with me. Okay? out.

Me: I'm sorry for bothering you this late...

Ro: It's okay Babygirl. You did the right thing calling me. I'm getting up right now. I'm gonna come over and help okay? Just stay on the phone with me.

Me: Thank you.

Ro: Where's Robert?

Me: I-I'm not sure...he went to the bar a few hours ago...

Ro: *Sigh* Alright well I'm on the way.

Me: Thanks again Ro.

Ro: No problem. I'm glad you called me when you did Babygirl. Don't worry about me waking up. I don't care about that.

Me: I've tried everything, he's fed, he's burped, he's changed, I've given him a bath, god...I just...I feel like a failure.

Ro: Come open the door Babygirl I'm here.

Me: okay

I stood up and shuffled to the door. I opened it seeing the tall Samoan I had been best friends with for more than a decade. I broke down with a sob as he pulled me into a hug. He walked us back into the house and closed the door. "Shhhh it's okay. It's gonna be okay. I'm here to help you." He whispered out as I sniffled. "I-I've tried everything." I whispered shaking my head looking up at him. "I believe you. It's alright. You trust me. Maybe if I try to rock him. Or I try to sing to him or something. Sometimes babies need a change." He said and I nodded. "You lay down...close your eyes. Try to rest I can tell you're exhausted." He said and I nodded. He walked back over to the couch with me. I sat down and then swung my legs up so I was laying down. He laid a blanket over me and smiled. I watched as he walked into my sons room. His shrill cries getting louder before he closed the door. My eyes felt so heavy. I tried to keep my eyes open but I couldn't. I slowly succumbed to my exhaustion.

But not for long. I was awoken to a cold liquid being splashed in my face. I gasped opening my eyes, whatever it was burned. I looked up through clouded eyes seeing my boyfriend Robert standing over me. "You stupid bitch." He slurred as I wiped my face. "What the hell robert." I choked out. "He's STILL fucking CRYING!" He yelled at me and I flinched away. He was a devil when he drank. "And you! YOU ARE IN HERE NAPPING!" He yelled out and before I could even think he slapped me hard across the face. My ears rang from how much it hurt. I was snapped out of my trance when I heard a crash and a thud. I looked up my eyes watering. I could see Roman breathing heavily standing over my boyfriend who laid on the ground. I wiped my tears looking up at him. "Go grab a bag, pack up your stuff. You are coming with me to my house." He said softly and I stood. "B-but." I said and he shook his head. "No. No more excuses. He just slapped you right in front of me." He said and my lip quivered. He stepped towards me slowly. "This wasn't the first time. Was it?" He asked and I looked up and bit my lip. "N-no....he hit me before." I said looking down at the floor. "Look at me." He whispered softly. I looked up at him and he cupped my cheek softly. "Listen. I'm not leaving and letting you stay here. You know I've got plenty of space at my house. Grab a bag. Start packing. I'll start grabbing stuff for Luca." He said and I covered my mouth. "Oh god...did he hear everything?" I asked shaking my head. "No. He's fast asleep Babygirl. Just needed someone else to rock him." Roman said with a soft smile. I exhaled deeply and nodded. "Now go. Hurry. I don't want to have to knock his ass out again." He said making me smile. I walked into the bedroom and packed my stuff as fast as I could. Grabbing everything I felt I had needed. I made my way out of the room grabbing some bathroom supplies. Roman already had Luca in his carrier. "I've got everything you need." He said and I nodded biting my lip nervously. "I've got bottles, formula, diapers, burp cloths, clothes, socks, medicine, a thermometer, baby soap, lotion..." He listed off and I nodded. "I think that's it." I whispered and he smiled with a nod. He extended his hand out to me and I looked down. "Come on. Let's get you and Luca out of here." He said and I nodded. I grabbed his hand and we walked out of the house. "Uhm...I'm not sure I want him to know where I'm going...maybe I should take my car. Might be easier since his car seat is already in my vehicle." I said and he nodded. "Good idea, you can park in my garage, it'll fit both vehicles he won't know." He said and I nodded. "Just follow close behind me please...just in case." I said and he nodded he helped me get Luca in the car before we left.

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