Mom's Boyfriend

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Y/n P.O.V.
I was slightly envious of my mother the instant she had brought him through the door. Joe was one of those guys you really only saw in movies. Hot, charming, sweet, and funny. I had always felt like the moment we met we had chemistry. I knew I wouldn't get an opportunity to take him up on that offer so I left it alone. Until one day. I was in my room studying for finals when I heard commotion. I opened my door slowly trying to be stealthy. "I can't believe you did this to me! I fucking loved you!" I heard Joe say and I could hear my mother sobbing. "Please Joe. I swear it didn't mean anything to me I was just drunk!" My mother yelled with a loud sob. "You knew exactly what you were doing. I KNEW! I KNEW you've been cheating on me. I can't believe you." I heard Joe say as his voice cracked. I felt so bad for him. How could she? He was so gorgeous and sweet. "I'm done. I can't do this with you and I won't let myself get hurt again." Joe said lowly before I heard the door open and closed and I quickly stood looking out the window watching him leave. I felt my heart clench as he pulled out of the driveway speeding off. I just knew I couldn't leave him upset. So I began to devise a plan. I'd pick up some stuff. Hopefully he'd invite me in. I'd cook him some food. Hangout a little. And see if I can finally get what I had wished for. I took a quick shower making sure to shave everywhere. Once I was done I walked to my closet looking for the right outfit. I grabbed a set of lingerie slipping it on before putting the clothes I picked out on. I did my makeup and put my slides on before looking at myself in the mirror.

 I did my makeup and put my slides on before looking at myself in the mirror

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I looked great. I grabbed my purse and slipped out of my room. "Mom! I'm going out! I'm gonna stay at a friends house." I said as I walked down the stairs. I grabbed my keys walking out the door and getting into my car. My first stop was the grocery store. Joe loves seafood. And I happened to make the best seafood Mac n' cheese. I grabbed all the ingredients, grabbed a bottle of wine and a pack of Joe's favorite beer. And as dessert I bought a banana cream pie. Next I went to bed bath and beyond. I bought him a diffuser with some of my favorite essential oils, a huge fluffy blanket fit for a man like him, a salt lamp, a few manly scented candles, some chocolate, and all seasons of Game of Thrones on DVD. He loved Game of Thrones. I made my way to his huge house and parked in the driveway. Thankfully his car was there. I grabbed all the stuff from my back seat and hurried up to his door. I rang the doorbell and I heard him get up and walk to the door. He opened it slightly and I could see his eyes were red from crying. He cleared his throat and looked around outside a little checking to see if my mom was with me I assumed. "Y/n...what are you doing here?" He asked softly and I bit at my lip. "Uhm I just wanted to see if you were okay. I heard your argument this morning and I could tell you were upset. So I figured...maybe I could come and cook dinner for you to maybe make you feel a little better. I got you a few things for you to help." I said holding my arms full of the gifts and groceries up a little so he could see it. He opened his door farther and grabbed a few bags from my hands. I took in his appearance. He was shirtless with a pair of flannel pajama pants on. I bit my lip looking at his muscular back. He set the bags down on his kitchen island and then turned looking back at me. I pouted looking at his sulking features. "I'm so sorry Joe." I said as I walked over and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back tightly as I rubbed his back. "Thanks for checking on me Y/n. It means a lot." He said with a sniffle making me look up at him. "Don't cryyy." I said with a pout wiping away the tears from his handsome face. "I'm sorry it's just...I really thought your mom was the one." He said and I sighed. "Ro...I'll let you in on a little secret. My mother has a bit of an issue holding on and pushing through when the going gets tuff. You guys had been arguing lately and she gave up. That just means she's not right for you." I said and he nodded with a sniffle. "Now. Open your gifts while I cook us some dinner." I said and he smiled. He sat down at the kitchen island and I handed him the bag of stuff I had bought for him. "What's this contraption?" He asked pulling them diffuser from the box. "It's a diffuser for essential oils. Helps with relaxation." I said and he hummed. "These are good essential oils?" He asked looking at the ones that I bought for him. "They are calming ones. I figured you need those right now." I said with a soft smile and he nodded. "Oh my gosh this blanket is huge." He said as he pulled the fluffy blanket out. "Yep! It's super long for a giant like you." I said with a giggle. "A salt lamp?" He asked and I nodded. "They help with relaxation. I use them when I don't want a bright light on but just need a little light." I said and he hummed. "Ohhhh chocolate." He groaned opening the box and trying one. "Damn. So good." He hummed making me giggle. "Don't eat too much. I'm making seafood Mac n' cheese and I bought a banana cream pie." I said and he groaned. "My two favorites." He said and I nodded. "Mmm I love candles." He said as he smelled the two candles I had bought for him. "Game of thrones! How'd you know I love it?" He asked and I smiled. "Because I pay attention when you talk to me." I said and he smiled. He stood up walking over to me and giving me a big hug. "Thanks. I loved everything you got me and I really appreciate it." He said and I nodded with a smile. "No problem. You deserve it after what she did." I said and he sighed nodding. "Don't be sad. If I've learned anything from the breakups I've went through, if you just stay sad it takes forever to get better. You are too good to be sitting here in sorrow." I said rubbing his back. "The right girl is out there for you." I said with a soft smile. He looked up at me and looked like he wanted to say something. "What?" I asked with a smile and he shrugged shyly. "Need any help with anything?" He asked and I thought for a moment. "Could you possibly keep an eye on these noodles while I peel and cook all this seafood?" I asked and he nodded.
He had walked upstairs to take a shower. I got everything all ready. I made him a plate. Cracked open a beer for him and set it next to his plate. He walked down the stairs with just a pair of loose basketball shorts on and I smiled. "I made you a plate. And grabbed you a beer." I said and he smiled. "Thank you." He said and I nodded. "Want to watch Game of thrones with me?" He asked and I nodded. We moved into the living room and he grabbed a CD and popped it into the DVD player. He began playing a season. "Mmm Y/n this is amazing." He said taking a big bite of the mac n' cheese. "I'm glad you like it!" I said with a smile. We continued to watch it while we ate. He stood up and held his hand out. "Are you finished eating?" He asked and I nodded handing him my plate. He walked into the kitchen and I heard the water turn on. I quickly got up and walked into the kitchen. "I can help." I said with a smile beginning to clean up the left over food. "You didn't have too. You cooked for me." He said and I shrugged. "That doesn't mean I can't help clean up." I said with a soft smile. " are so much more different than your mom." He said with a laugh. "How so?" I asked and he looked over. "Your mom would've sat on the couch and not even spoken a word to me while I grabbed the dishes." He said and I shrugged. "You know Joe...I have a question but I'm not particularly sure how you'll react." I said and he looked over. "Go ahead shoot. I'm an open book." He said with a soft smile and I nodded. "I never understood why you went for a woman my moms age versus one my age....didn't it feel awkward to you that if you would've married my mom we would be almost the same age?" I asked and he nodded. "Uhm yeah it was a bit of a shock, your mom didn't tell me about you until far into our was a little awkward to think that I would technically have a daughter...the same age as me. But I really liked your mom and at the time I needed a change. I had been dating women my age and it just wasn't working...I don't know what it I figured maybe if go for someone older that might change...but it didn't." He said with a sigh. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to pry." I said softly and he shook his head. "It's actually making me feel better to talk about it with you." He said and I smiled. "Well go ahead and vent if you need too." I said and he sighed. "If I'm being honest, I feel like your mother...tried to compete with you." He said and I raised a brow. "What do you mean?" I asked and he sighed. "Can we sit down in the living room and talk? I feel like this would be more comfortable there." He said and I nodded. We walked back to the living room and sat down next to each other. "So what were you saying?" I asked and he took a swig of his beer. "I felt like sometimes...your mom only had me around to make herself seem younger. Like she would see you with your male friends and I always felt like she was rubbing me in your face..." He said and I laughed. "I'm going to be completely honest with you Joe. She knew for a fact the moment that she brought you are someone that I typically would be interested in. And early a few weeks prior to meeting you we had an argument because she recently had just began to take interest in people my age. I told her it's awkward for me to think of someone being my potential step parent and them being the same age as me. She got pissed off and told me to stop trying to dictate her life. And then surprise she brings you home a few days later." I said and he nodded. "And not to be rude...but y'all fuck LOUD." I said and he laughed. "That wasn't me...that was your mom. I told her she needed to be quiet...but every time you came home I swear she was louder...I tried to think of you I swear." He said and I raised a brow looking at him. "Oh shit! I mean- I mean like trying to think of you as I'm trying to keep her quiet so you didn't need to hear." He said with a nervous laugh making giggle. "I know...I was just teasing you." I said making him sigh. "Thanks for letting me vent. And doing all this for me." He said and I smiled. "It's no problem Joe. I care about you." I said softly and he smiled. "Stay and watch some more Game of Thrones with me?" He asked and I nodded. "Of course! I love game of thrones!" I said and he smiled. He turned it back on and dimmed the lights before we began watching it. Midway through an episode I began to get chilled. I shivered softly and he looked over at me. "Cold?" He asked and I nodded. He held his arm up on the top of the couch. "I'm really warm." He said with a soft smile and I smiled back. I slid over and laid close to him as I watched the show again. Soon a heated scene began to take place. I'm talking full blown sex. I bit my lip as Joe shifted slightly. I looked down and saw the bulge growing in his pants. He cleared his throat and I smirked. He must be embarrassed. "Joe?" I asked softly and he coughed softly again. "Y-yeah?" He asked softly. "Do you need me to take care of this?" I asked looking up at him. "T-Take care of what?" He asked and I smiled sitting up slightly. I looked into his eyes and my hand rested on his hard cock through his shorts. His breath hitched as he looked at me. "W-we can't do this Y/'s wrong." He said softly his hand gripped my wrist but didn't move it away. "Why? You're single, I'm single, what's so bad about two single people having fun?" I asked with a smile. "I see the way you look at me. I know what you really meant before. You thought of me while you fucked her didn't you?" I asked he inhaled sharply looking at me. "Fuck Y/n." He whispered looking away. I slowly leaned in and kissed his neck. "You thought of me. I know you did. You wanted to be deep inside me. The whole time you were with her. Why do you think I'd wear such short shorts around you Joe? Why do you think I'd wear low shirts...showing off exactly what I know you were looking for. You needed a little bit of...a teaser of keep you going. Mmm I was so close to moaning your name while you were over...god Joe, the amount of times I came to the thought of you railing me on every surface possible." I whispered in his ear gripping him through his shorts. He groaned letting his head fall back slightly. "I know you said you don't have great luck with women my age...but I promise you I'm different. Just give me a chance to show you." I whispered and his hand slowly fell from my wrist. "Okay." He whispered and I smiled. I leaned forward kissing his soft lips making him groan. I straddled him and kissed down his face. "I'm gonna make you feel so good." I hummed out making him groan. I kissed down his naked chest slowly sliding off of his lap. I sat on my knees in front of him biting my lip. I grabbed the waistband of his shorts. He sat up slightly letting me slide his shorts off. His large cock bounced free and I looked up at him. "Damn wonder she was screaming." I said with a giggle and he laughed breathlessly as my hand wrapped around him. I slowly licked up to his tip sucking softly around him before beginning to bob my head around him. I hummed around him as I listened to his moans. "Fuck...just like that." He whispered out his hand slowly sliding to the back of my head. I looked up at him through my lashes making him groan. "God you are fucking good at this." He groaned out making me smirk. "I've been practicing...just for you." I said with a wink making him throw his head back with a groan. "Fuck just like that Babygirl." He groaned out making me moan around him. I slowly sucked my way to the tip before smiling up at him. "How about we move this to your room?" I said and he nodded. I squealed as he hoisted me up onto his waist. I bit my lip looking down at him. He walked us up the stairs into his bedroom shutting the door with his foot. He laid wet kisses against my neck as he laid me down on the bed. I slid my shirt off throwing it on the floor. He unbuttoned my pants sliding them down my legs. He kissed down my calf before coming back up to my face. I moaned gripping at his hair. I pulled at his hair tie pulling it out making him growl. "You like when I pull your hair?" I whispered and he smirked nodding. "Mmm I bet you like it rough don't you?" I asked him gripping at his hair tightly making him growl. "Yeah. I'm sure you do too don't you Babygirl?" He asked entangling his hands in my hair gripping it. I moaned letting my eyes close with a nod. "Yes daddy I love it rough." I moaned out making him groan. "Of course you do. Of course you are the opposite of your mother." He growled out making me smirk. "You mean to tell me...she was in the room screaming over this cock while you had some boring slow lame ass missionary?" I asked and he nodded. "You poor thing. How'd you even keep it up?" I asked with a giggle and he growled. He slid back up to me and kissed me slowly. "I thought of you. That's how I stayed hard. I thought of that fat ass you've got. You know how many times I've sat in your kitchen and just watched as you've sunbathed in the backyard. That perfect ass glowing in the sun. drive me fucking crazy." He growled nipping at my neck. "You don't think you drive me crazy? You walk around with that handsome smile, you walk out of the bathroom in just a towel, your perfect hair dripping water down your abs. That dick resting just right under the towel letting me see the imprint of it." I said with a growl and he smirked. "I'm gonna fuck you hard and rough and I expect you to scream my name." He growled deeply making me moan. "I wouldn't want it any other way daddy." I said smirking making him grunt. "Don't waste time. I need you inside me." I said softly and he smirked. He pulled me to the edge of the bed resting my thighs on his shoulders. "This orange against you skin baby. It's fucking gorgeous." He grumbled out making me blush. "Thank you daddy." I moaned out watching as he slid my panties to the side lining up with my entrance before pushing in. I moaned loudly closing my eyes as he slowly began to push in. "Fuck dadddyyy. S-So big." I moaned making him groan. "I know baby...let me know if it's too much." He whispered out lowly and I nodded. He gripped my hips tightly as he began to pound into me wasting no time. I gasped and moaned as he fucked me into oblivion. "Oh my god daddy!!" I moaned loudly making him smirk. "That's it. Be loud for me Babygirl." He growled making me whimper. I felt like my head was in the clouds. I could barely keep my eyes open with the amount of pleasure he was giving me. His large thumb ran down my stomach to my clit rubbing soft circles making me scream. "Daddy! Oh my god yes!" I yelled out smiling in pure ecstasy. He pulled out of me with no warning and flipped me over onto my stomach. My feet touched the floor slightly as he lined up with my entrance again pushing in roughly. I moaned loudly as my back arched. His hand came down leaving a harsh slap to my ass making me scream. "Who fucks you good huh baby?" He growled out slapping my ass again making me grip the comforter beneath me. "You do daddy! Fuck!" I moaned out as pleasure filled tears streamed down my face. "Fuck you are so tight. All for me right baby?" He asked and I nodded with a whimper. "All for youu." I moaned out making him groan. He grabbed my hair pulling my body up to him as he drove into me harder. He wrapped his hand around my neck and the other around my waist making me moan. "God
you are so fucking beautiful." He growled out making me moan. I looked up at him with lust filled eyes as I could feel my high begin to approach. He kissed my temple bending down close to my ear. "I feel you tightening up baby. You close?" He asked lowly and I nodded. "Yes I'm so close please make me cum." I whispered out softly and he hummed. "I want you to cum hard all over this cock do you hear me?" He growled out lowly against my ear making me whine and nod. His hand traveled from my neck down to my clit as he rubbed more harshly this time. My eyes rolled back as I slowly fell over the edge. "Oh my fucking god Daddyyyy!" I moaned out loudly making him groan. "Fuck baby I'm gonna cum." He groaned out loudly making me moan. "Cum inside me." I whispered and he groaned as his hips stuttered. His warm seed filling me to the brim. "Mmmmm." I moaned softly closing my eyes. "Fuck that was amazing." He panted out making me smile. "You are good at that." I moaned out with a giggle making him chuckle. "Yeah you too." He said making me smile. "Let's go wash off quick." He said slowly pulling out of me. He helped me into the shower and we washed off. He gave me a t-shirt to wear before we slid into his bed. "So..." he said moving some of my hair out of my face. "So?" I asked looking up at him. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked and I blushed. "Are you sure you are okay with this?" I asked and he nodded. "We are both adults. What is she going to do about it?" He asked and I nodded. "That's very true." I said and he smiled. He leaned in kissing me softly making me smile. "Yes I'll be your girlfriend." I said and he smiled happily. He pulled me into his chest before turning the light off. "Goodnight my girlfriend." He said softly making me giggle. "Goodnight my boyfriend." I said with a smile. I cuddled into his chest as we slowly fell asleep.

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