"So this is the type of stuff you want?"

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Y/n P.O.V.
I will admit... I was slightly a geek. I loved to read. Reading was something I did more than anything. Joe didn't know...but I read a lot about him. Writers were so talented when it came to writing about him. And all the fantasies I was to scared to admit I had to him were all written in different apps. And that's exactly what I was doing right now. I was laying in bed, swinging my feet softly fully entranced in the story I was reading. Joe was a whole different person in it...dominant and controlling and I felt slightly embarrassed that I enjoyed reading it that much. And don't get me wrong, Joe knew what to do in bed. He knew how to get me there and 10 times over, but I had trouble speaking my mind when it came to intimacy...see I couldn't just tell him I wanted him to fuck me into the mattress and call me dirty names...those word would not be able to form and exit my mouth. I didn't know why. Maybe because he's so hot every time I look at him I feel like I'm gonna melt. "What are you doing!" I heard and I jumped screaming. I looked back and Joe was standing there laughing at my expression. "Scared you Babygirl?" He asked and I nodded. He plopped down next to me on the bed looking over at me for a moment before he snatched my phone with a giggle. "Hey! Give it back!" I said and he stood up holding it high. "Whatcha reading on here anyway? You are always so immersed, I called your name 3 times and no response." He said and I whined jumping trying to reach up to get it. Unfortunately he was a fucking giant and was far too tall for me to reach. "Gimmie it back!" I whined and he laughed. "Not until you tell me what has you so entranced all the time." He said and I whined. "Nooooo....it's embarrassing." I said covering my face. "Then I guess I'll look myself." He said before running off into the bathroom closing and locking the door. I groaned and flopped onto the bed. Embarrassed as all hell. I could feel my heart beating outside of my chest. My ears were hot. Soon I heard the door unlock, and all I could feel was like I wanted to be sucked into a hole and never come back out. I slammed a pillow over my face not wanting to even look at him. I felt his large hand slide up my leg and I clamped them shut. He ripped the pillow away from my face making me whine. "So this is the type of stuff you want?" He asked and I rolled away. "Look at me when I talk to you Babygirl." He said sternly and I instantly felt myself flood with desire. I looked over at him and he smirked. "Am I not rough enough with you baby?" He asked and I whimpered. "Is my girl scared to ask for me to be more rough?" He asked and I nodded. "Why couldn't you tell me princess?" He asked and my body tingled at the sound of him calling me princess. "I dunno...it's hard for me to talk about that stuff." I said softly and he hummed. He laid down next to me before pulling me on top of him making me squeak. "It's hard for you to tell daddy how much of a slut you really are?" He asked lowly in my ear and I whimpered and nodded. "It's hard for you to tell daddy you want to be pounded until you can't think straight?" He asked and I nodded. His hand slapped my ass roughly, the sound echoed off the walls and I gasped. He had never smacked my ass that hard. But fuck was it hot. "Answer daddy with words." He growled out gripping my hair into a ponytail making me look at him. "Yes daddy." I whispered out and he bit his lip. "You want daddy to fuck your face with his big cock?" He asked and I bit my lip. "I'm not doing anything until you tell me what you want each time. So you better start using your mouth to reply back." He said sternly and I whined. "Yes daddy." I moaned out and he smiled. "Yes daddy what? What do you want?" He asked and I blushed hotly. "I want you to fuck my face." I whispered out before hiding my face in his neck. He chuckled lowly and rubbed my ass. "Good girl. That wasn't so hard was it?" He asked and I shook my head. "Now I want you to listen to me...go in the closet, grab out that real pretty white lingerie you have and put it on, and I want you to put on those big lashes you've got with it too. Do you understand?" He asked and I nodded. "Yes daddy." I whispered out and he smirked. "You've got twenty minutes. Don't make daddy wait." He said lowly and I quickly hurried into the closet. I searched around for the white lingerie pieces I had and I knew which one he was talking about, but I had a brand new one he hadn't seen yet. I bit my lip as I took the tag off and slipped it on. I quickly thought I should match it with heels and I had just the pair. I was an Angel for Halloween and bought these super blinged out high heels. I slid on a robe I had also had for the costume before quickly putting my fake lashes on. I looked in the mirror and couldn't help but blush.

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