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I want to know what y'all's kinkiest kinks are... cuz I have some that I just feel are Uhm you know a little TOO crazy but I'm into it. These answers will not be judged by my readers not I because we accept everyone no matter how weird they are because we were all weird. And weirdos must accept weirdos! This also gives me more ideas to write! Sooooo get to it in the comments will ya!? Sorry I don't know where that came from. Please comment. That's better!😃 Anyway I've got a LOT in the works right now! A lot of ones I haven't updated in a while! Some Jon ones. A secret one for the wwe smut book😝🤐. I've got some in mind for Aleister. Don't know maybe some for Seth as well. Y'all just are gonna find out! And of course I've always got ones in the works for Roman. He's my husband!! 😍🤩 I swear the things I'd let that man do! I mean it probably would be easier to say the things I wouldn't let him do because there's not many😂 anywayyyyyyy COMMENT FOR ME PLEASE! I WILL BE POSTING SOMETHING SOON!

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