The Joker to My Harley

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This is based off of the whole Joker and Harley Quinn love story. But with my twist because some of the things they do I don't like. I think someone asked me to write this. But I literally have like no brain function at the moment sooooo I hope you like it whoever you are!
I screamed out as he laughed. His chuckle was so... intoxicating. He had me tied to a chair. Shocking me with a cattle prod when he felt like it. Did it hurt? Hell yes. But deep down did it feel good? Yes. "Why? Why do you keep coming back to me. After I treat you like this? Hmm? ANSWER ME!" He yelled out as he turned to me and quickly pushed against my face. Our foreheads together as I looked up into his deep dark eyes. "Because, no matter how many times you tell me you don't love me. I can see it in your eyes. Stop denying it. Embrace it. We are both crazy. Together. We can be even stronger." I said with a smirk my voice hoarse from screaming. "Surrender. Surrender becomes desire. Desire becomes power." He grumbled out and I smirked. "So in that case. I'm winning. Ain't I?" I said and he growled untying me from the chair. He hauled me over his shoulder causing me to giggle. "You know you love me." I whispered in his ear and he growled slamming me down on the bed. I smiled as I watched him. He slid his shirt off revealing his gorgeous abs making me smile. I reached out but he slapped my hands away making me pout. "That ain't very nice daddy." I said crossing my arms and he grumbled. "No touching tonight." He growled and I rolled my eyes. "I'll touch when I want to." I said slapping his chest. He quickly flipped me over slapping my ass hard making me whimper. "And I will punish when I want to. This isn't a negotiation." He growled loudly making me smirk. "Who gave you power over me?" I asked snappily as I wiggled against his strong hands. "You. You gave your power over to me a long time ago." He growled in my ear sending shivers up my spine. "No. No I didn't." I whispered out. "Yes you did. You are mine. That's all you will ever be. My toy. My property." He growled gripping my hair in his hand. "I'm no ones property you asshole." I growled out making him chuckle. "Well since you seem to not know your place. Let me fuck you into submission. You are begging for it." He seethed out and I growled. Without warning he pushed as deep as he could get inside me. I screamed in pain and pleasure as he began thrusting roughly into me. "Fuck!" I screamed out laughing making him growl. "Who do you belong to?!" He growled out and I laughed. "Me! I belong to me!" I laughed out as my eyes rolled back and I bit my lip with a moan. "Faster! Harder! Is that all you've got?" I said with a laugh and he growled. Though he was fucking me like I had never been fucked before, he wasn't hitting what needed to drive me over the edge. Was I going to end up submitting? Absolutely. But I wasn't going to give up so easily. "You just feel the need to test me don't you? You little slut." He growled as pulled me up on my hands and knees. He slapped my ass. "Arch." He growled making me smile. "Awww am I making daddy all maaaad?" I asked and he growled pushing my face into the bed. "Shut up! The only words I want to hear out of your mouth are when you submit to me fully. Otherwise shut the fuck up! I'm sick of your god damn mouth!" He yelled and I could tell I really got under his skin. So I decided to be nice and stop talking. His grunts filled the room making me bite my lip. "Fuck. Fuck you feel so good."  He groaned out making me moan. He flipped me over and I stared at him looking as if I was fed up with him. I wasn't I was just playing my game. "Awww princess are you not happy? Not satisfied? Is that why you aren't submitting like you usually do? Daddy having to much fun?" He asked with a smirk. I growled looking up before slapping him hard right on his cheek. I watched as his jaw clenched and unclenched. "I'm going to ignore that and pretend like you didn't just do that." He said and I smirked. "I'm gonna make you scream for me. I'm gonna make you cum so hard. You'll know exactly who you belong to." He growled making me moan. "Well you aren't doing a very good job so make it snappy." I said with an eye roll. He growled as he forced my body down onto the bed. He grabbed my hands slamming them above my head holding them down with one forearm. He pushed back into me with a loud groan staring up a wicked pace again. "You think I don't know this body? You think I don't know how I can get you where you want to be?" He asked with a growl making me smirk. "I'll fuckin show you." He growled as he put his unoccupied hand on my lower stomach making me gasp out. I could now feel him in my stomach. I moaned Louise making him smirk. "Who the fuck do you belong to?" He asked keeping up with his deep strokes. "Me." I whimpered out and he groaned. "Such a stubborn little thing." He gritted out his other hand left my arms before he wrapped it around my throat. I gasped gripping onto the hand he had snug against my throat. My nails digging into his arm. He repositioned himself so he was sitting up more. He slowly put pressure on my neck. "I'm gonna ask you one more fucking time. Who the fuck does this body belong too!?" He yelled at me making me whimper. I could feel my high building as I slowly began to see black spots cloud my vision. He let up slightly letting me take a deep breath in before resuming the same pressure. He picked up the pace and I whimpered as tears filled my eyes. "Y-OU! I BELONG TO YOU." I yelled out gruffly as I fell over the edge. Gasping and writhing as he continued the blissful torture of his thrusts. "That's what I fucking thought." He growled slapping my cheek lightly. "Fucking hell. Take my cum." He yelled out thrusting into me one last time before filling me with his warm seed. I whimpered closing my eyes. He sighed puking out of me. I tried my best to slow down my breathing but damn he was ruthless. "Sit up Babygirl. Take a drink." He said grittily. I sat up as best as I could opening my eyes. He opened a cold bottle of water for me and held it to my lips. I took small sips and he kissed my  forehead. "I'm gonna go get the bath ready." He said kissing my forehead and I nodded silently. I wasn't ready to talk yet. He came back a short time later picking me up bridal style. I rested my head against his chest as he and I slid into the bath. "That wasn't too much?" He asked and I shook my head. "Just enough." I said my voice slightly sore from screaming. "The cattle prod was something new." He said and I nodded. "It's not too bad. I'll let you do that again." I said and he smiled. "Was that the stress reliever you needed?" He asked and I nodded. "That was amazing. Thank you baby." I said and he nodded. Once we were finished in the bath we stepped out. He dried me off, being sure to be careful around my sores and sensitive areas. He put some antibacterial ointment on the small wounds from the prod before picking me up and lying me down in bed. "Cartoons?" He asked and I nodded with a smile. He turned on some Scooby Doo before he began picking up. Once he was done he slid into bed next to me. "I'm ordering your favorite. You just rest. I'll wake you up when it gets here." He said and I nodded. I cuddled into his soft chest closing my eyes. "Love you Mista J." I said with a soft smile making him hum. "Love you too Harley." He said kissing my forehead before I fell asleep.

This is mad short but like you'll enjoy it anyway so it doesn't matter. 🤣

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