Sound Sensitive Lights

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Y/n P.O.V.
I sighed as I walked out of the hospital to my car. It was a long shift today. All I wanted to do was sleep. I drove home and smiled as I saw another car in the driveway. My husband was home. I walked inside and I looked around not seeing him in the living room or kitchen. "Baby I'm home!" I shouted and I heard a door in the basement open. "I'm down in the room babe."  He shouted and I smirked with a sigh. I knew exactly what room he was in. Our own naughty secret room. It was hidden behind a bookshelf that only him and I could move. I took my shoes off quickly hoping that he would give me a much needed relief from my stressful day. I walked downstairs and towards our secret room pulling the correct book letting the door open. I let out a happy sigh as I looked around the room.

This room might as well be called my stress reliever

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This room might as well be called my stress reliever. Because that's exactly what happened in this room. And having a husband who I could give complete control too made it twice the fun. "Baby? Where are you?" I asked with a slight whine. He opened the bathroom door we had connected to the room and I bit my lip looking at him. He was wearing just a pair of jeans with his hair slicked back in a low bun. "I'm right here baby." He said and I sighed. He walked towards me pulling into a big hug. "How was your day at work?" He asked and I groaned. "That bad?" He asked with a laugh and I nodded. "Wanna see something cool?" He asked and I looked up at him and nodded. He slapped my ass roughly making me gasp. As he did the lights changed to a low shade of blue. "What did you do?" I asked with a slight moan. "Sound sensitive lights. I put them in just for us..." He said with a big smirk making me moan. "Daddy I need you to take all control." I said looking up at him with big eyes. "Yeah?" He asked and I nodded with a pout. "I'm so tired daddy. Everyone was making me so crabby. I need to cry." I said and he smiled. "I got you baby." He said and I smiled happily. "Thank you daddy." I said leaning up and kissing his cheek and he smiled. "You are welcome Babygirl. Now undress for daddy." He said and I nodded happily. I slid my top off and my pants throwing them into the corner of the room. "Get on your knees." He instructed and I dropped down almost instantly. Looking up at him. "Tonight Babygirl is gonna be lots of fun. Lots of teasing. For you. But you like that don't you buttercup?" He asked rubbing his thumb over my bottom lip. He gripped my chin roughly making me whimper as he bent down. "I said you like that don't you princess?" He asked me and I nodded. I was pushing his buttons. I wanted to get this started. He slapped my cheek lightly and I bit my lip. "You know better Babygirl. Now answer daddy with words." He said and I smiled. "Yes daddy...I like to be teased." I said softly and he smirked. "Good girllll. How about you suck daddy off to get started. I know you like that." He said rubbing my cheek and I nodded. I smiled up at him as I unbuttoned his pants. Pulling them down his legs, he stepped out of them and kicked them off to the side. I bit my lip rubbing his hard cock through his red boxers. He groaned lightly as I grabbed at the waistband and slid them down. His long thick cock springing free at my attention in front of me. I looked up at him before slowly licking around his tip. "Mmmm come on Babygirl. Don't tease me." He growled and I smirked. "Daddy you are gonna tease me why can't I tease you?" I asked and he laughed. "Because daddy doesn't like to be teased. He likes to do the teasing." He said with a wink making me pout. "Don't pout sassy girl. Be good for daddy and he'll give you what you need. You know that." He said and I nodded. I slowly took him into my mouth moaning at his taste. He groaned entangling his fingers in my hair as I began to bob my head around his thick length. The best part about him was his reactions. He made me feel so powerful when I sucked him off. Like I was the only women who could ever make him feel this good and it drove me crazy. I sucked and licked sloppily on his member knowing exactly how he wanted it. "Fuck hold still." He groaned and I looked up at him. He took a firm hold of my face and began to thrust into my mouth. I watched him through tear filled eyes as he used my mouth. He growled and groaned causing my entrance to flood with wetness. He pushed my head down as far as my throat would allow and I looked up at him. I gagged around him as he pinched my nose closed. "There you go pretty girrrrrllll." He said with a groan making me gag. I looked up at him as black dots began to cloud my vision. He pulled me off quickly and I took in a big deep breath before coughing. "Mmm daddy loves that you let him push you to the limits Babygirl...stuck that pretty tongue out." He said and I nodded still trying to catch my breath. I stuck my tongue out looking up at him. He grabbed his member tapping it against my tongue a few times before tapping my cheek making me smile. "You ready for some fun Babygirl?" He asked and I nodded excitedly. "Get up, lay down on the end of the bed, ass up." He said and I nodded. I stood up walking over to the bed laying down how he told me too. He walked over standing in between my legs. He rubbed his big hands across my ass gripping the soft skin with a grown. I watched him walked over to our toy chest and open it. He grabbed handcuffs, a crop , and a flogger. I bit my lip thinking of all the good stuff he was gonna do to me. "Mmm baby I'm gonna let you choose. You want thirty spanks with the crop or the flogger? The other you get ten." He smirked darkly and I whimpered. He really was going to test my limits. But I was excited. I needed a good cry. "Flogger daddy." I said and he hummed. "You sure baby? You know daddy gets to pick how hard I spank you..." He said with a smirk and I nodded. "I trust you daddy. You know my limits." I said and he smiled. "Such a sweet trusting girl you are...let's get these cuffs on you." He hummed with a smile and I watched as he pulled my leg out slightly. He hooked one cuff onto my ankle and then the other cuff to one of the metal poles of the bed frame. He did the same think with my other ankle and silence filled the room. Causing a slight knot to form in my belly. It was always the time in between hits that was the worst. Or waiting for him to start. It made me nervous. And he knew it. "Babygirl I'm about to start okay?" He asked rubbing my butt softly making me smile. I looked up at him with a soft smile nodding. The first whip came as a surprise making me jump and yelp. My heart thudded loudly waiting for the next hit. This time on the opposite cheek. "Babygirl...I'm going to give you one warning. You know what you are supposed to say." He said lowly and I whimpered with a nod. "A-are you gonna start over daddy?" I whispered out and he hummed. "No. Count from three." He said and I nodded with a sigh. Wack! "Three..thank you daddy." I whispered lowly. Wack! Wack! "Four.F-five thank you daddy!" I moaned out feeling my eyes already starting to tear up. It was different as the lights switched colors with each it, it felt like I was in a rave or something. This continued. Hit after hit until finally it was the last one. But he made me wait. My legs were shaking as I whimpered and cried softly. I loved it. It was a great stress relief. But damn did it hurt after a while. As the last whip hit me I sobbed out letting my head fall to the bed. I closed my eyes trying to control my sobs. "It's alright Babygirl. You did so good. Such a good princess for daddy." He groaned out making me smile softly. "Can you say that for me baby? Tell daddy you are such a good girl." He whispered to me. "I-I'm s-uch a good girl for daddy." I whispered out grittily and he hummed. "That's right good girrrrl." He said rubbing my back softly making me smile. "Does my princess want her last 10 hits from the crop on her butt or her thighs?" He asked and I whimpered. "Thighs please daddy." I whimpered and he hummed. "Alright Babygirl. Daddy isn't gonna push you to far with these." He said and I nodded into the sheets. "Thank you daddy." I whispered and he hummed. "You are very welcome my sweet girl." He said making me blush. The ten hits with the crop weren't nearly as hard which allowed me to relax. "Alright Babygirl. Now for your reward for being such a good girl." He said as he unlocked my ankles and pulled me up. My legs were slightly shaky causing him to hold me tightly making sure I didn't fall. I looked up at him and he smiled wiping my tears away from my face. "Let me hold you while I set up the swing." He said and I bit my lip. The swing. So many different positions but so much pleasure. He lifted me into his hold and I wrapped my legs around his thick waist. He walked me over to the chest grabbing the swing. He walked over the the hooks in the ceiling reaching up and hooking each side of the swing in. "Now Babygirl. For your reward." He said with a smirk. He pulled me off of him and sat me on the main band of the swing. I whimpered as the band touch the hot skin of my ass. "Hold onto the top band." He said and I nodded reaching my hands up. I was basically in a typical swing position with my legs off the ground. He smirked bending down onto his knees and I knew what he was giving me. "Mmmm you are so wet for daddy Babygirl. That spanking made you wet huh?" He asked with a smirk and I whimpered and nodded. I looked down at him as he grabbed one of my ankles over his shoulder before doing the same to the other. He looked up at me with a smirk before attacking my entrance with his devilish tongue. "Oh! Oh daddy yes!" I moaned a out letting my head lull back as he hummed against me. His tongue swirled and slurped at my entrance as he held me firmly against his face. "You like this baby? You like my tongue?" He asked grittily and I whined. "Yes! I-I love it daddy! Please don't stop." I gasped out and he smirked against me pushing two of his thick fingers into me making me whine. the changing lights had almost a rose colored glasses type of feeling. Each time the lights changed it had a different feeling. Red felt like rough heavy sex, blue felt sensual, green felt light, yellow felt warm. It felt like I was floating. His tongue swirled around in heavenly patterns bringing me close to my climax fast. I breathed heavily as I looked down at him. "D-daddy please!" I whined out and he grumbled against my entrance. "Cum for me Babygirl let me taste you." He growled out against me and I gasped as I finally fell over the edge with a loud long moan. "Ohhhh dadddyyyyy." I whined gripping at his hair with one hand. He slurped at my entrance making sure to taste all of my essence. He hummed against me making my eyes roll as he finally pulled away. "God Babygirl. You taste like heaven." He groaned as he stood up. I looked up at him with lust hooded eyes and he smiled. "I'm gonna fuck you so hard are you ready baby?" He asked and I nodded with a soft moan. "Can I ride you daddy?" I asked as he picked me up again making me wrap my arms around his neck. "Of course you can. You've been such a good girl for me. Following all the rules." He said with a smirk making me groan. I leaned forward connecting my lips to his making him grunt. He walked us over to the bed and laid down. Scooting up the bed so his head was against the pillows. I bit my lip as I positioned myself over his long thick cock. I held it up as I slowly slid down on it with a soft moan. "Mmm you look so sexy when you moan baby....keep going." He groaned out and I began to slowly circle my hips. "Ohh daddy." I whispered softly as I positioned my hands on his torso starting a slow pace. He always reached so deep. Effortlessly too. Just one small jerk of his hips and I was gasping for breath. "Damn baby." He groaned as he trailed his hand up to my throat squeezing just right making me whimper. I placed my hand over his letting him know not to stop. He pulled me down to his face and kissed me roughly while slamming into me roughly. I gasped and moaned into his mouth as I could see the lights change colors through my eyelids. This orgasm would be different. Longer, more drawn out, that knot in my stomach would go so tight it would feel slightly painful for a moment before he would let me fall over the edge but I was ready for it. He nipped at my jawline as I whined in content. He worked his hips in motions and it was driving me absolutely crazy. "Oh my goddd don't stop daddy pleeease." I whined out as my eyes clenched shut tightly. "I won't baby. I won't. I can feel you clenching already. Are you close?" He asked and I moaned loudly. "Yes! Yes I'm so close daddy pleeeeaaase." I moaned out and he groaned. "You like when I talk to you like this don't you baby?" He asked in my ear and I whimpered. "Yes daddy. I love when you talk to me like this." I said softly making him grunt. He began to thrust harder and deeper into me making me moan louder. "Daddy knows exactly how to get you where you want to be baby." He said with a soft chuckle making me whine. He applied a little more pressure on my neck and as he pulled closer to him. My chest pressing against his. "You are such a good girl for daddy." He growled in my ear making me whine. He knew dirty talk was my weakness. Especially when his voice was low and gravely. "Mmm princess. You are so tight for daddy. You know how hot you look right now? Taking my cock so good...fuck you drive me crazy." He growled making me moan as I began to shake.  I was so close. "You gonna cum for me huh? You gonna cover my cock with your cum Babygirl? Do it. Daddy wants you to cum hard. Daddy NEEDS you to cum hard. You like this big fat cock pounding into you baby. I know you do. I don't even have to ask. I can feel how fucking tight you are." He growled making me moan loudly as my toes curled, my eyes rolled back, and I finally fell over the edge with a loud scream. His groans pushed me through my orgasm and he gripped my ass in his hands slamming me roughly down onto his member before he came deep inside me, biting my neck softly letting out a deep growl. I went limp against him and he made a few lazy thrusts before stopping. "Fuck Babygirl....that was something else with the lights wasn't it?" He said and I nodded tiredly. "You okay? Did I push you too hard princess?" He asked and I shook my head with a low hum. "Tired?" He asked and I nodded lazily. "I'll get you cleaned up and we'll order some food how does that sound?" He said and I held up my thumb and he chuckled softly. "I hear you loud and clear baby." He said with a hum. He pulled out of me slowly causing me to whimper. He lifted me up before holding me in his strong arms bringing me into the bathroom. "Mmm new shower curtain?" I asked and he nodded setting me down on the counter.

 "Mmm new shower curtain?" I asked and he nodded setting me down on the counter

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I giggled softly reading it. "Like it?" He asked and I nodded with a tired laugh. Suddenly I couldn't control my laughter... it was because I was exhausted but hell I could stop. Tears were running down my face that's how funny I thought it was. And this made Roman bust out laughing. "Stop your gonna make me pee I can't breeeath." I snorted out making him laugh. "I'm sorry Babygirl your laugh is just making me laugh." He said back with a snort. Finally I took in a deep breath controlling my breathing. I wiped the tears from my eyes with a sigh. "Come on Babygirl let's get washed up." He said helping me stand. We stepped into the shower and he helped me wash my body. I sighed closing my eyes letting him completely take control. He massaged my scalp making me groan. He knew exactly how I needed to be treated. He could calm me down in an instant. Once we were finished he helped me out of the shower and he grabbed some body oil and lotion. "Go lay down on the bed." He said and I nodded. I walked over falling onto the bed with a sigh. He rubbed some oil on my butt rubbing it in. I hummed as the cool oil soothed my sore butt. He then took lotion and rubbed it into my skin. He continued down my legs getting to my feet messaging them both for a few minutes making me moan. "I know your feet get sore at at work." He said and I nodded. Once he was done he went back into the bathroom and washed the lotion off his hands. He walked back in picking me up over his shoulder. He walked me up the stairs and I smacked his butt making me laugh watching it jiggle. "Keep your hands off my butt woman." He said making me giggle. "Nope. That's my butt!" I said smacking it again and he turned his hands and bit my butt making me squeal. "Don't bite sassy!" I said as he laughed walking us into the living room sitting me on the couch. "Imma grab a pair of shorts to put on quick. You want one of my t-shirts?" He asked and I nodded. He jogged up the steps coming down moments later with shorts on and a t-shirt in his hand. He tossed it to me and I caught it and slid it on. "What do you want to eat?" He asked and I thought for a moment. "Pizzzaaaaaa!" I said and he laughed with a nod. He grabbed his phone and placed the order before sitting next to me and pulling me into his lap. "Wanna talk about your day?" He asked and I laughed. "I don't need to know. I can't even remember what happened or what I was mad about." I said and he laughed. "Well I guess I did my job right." He said and I nodded. "You do the job better than anyone babe." I said rubbing his chest and he winked. "Damn right I do." He said making me laugh. "I love you so much." I said with a sigh snuggling into him. He kissed the top of my head holding me close. "I love you more baby. I love you more." He said and I smiled closing my eyes in content.

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