"Watch him."

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Y/n P.O.V.
Oh did I have a plan for my boyfriend. Well ex-boyfriend but he doesn't know that yet. He has been cheating on me for three months and I just found out two days ago. As soon as I had found out I texted my best friend Roman and he picked me up for drinks. That's when we devised a plan. I was gonna let Roman fuck me. In front of my cheater ex boyfriend. And David was really vanilla with sex never went outside of missionary so I was going to let Roman destroy me. I had everything all planned out. I picked out a beautiful set of lingerie. I put it on and my black red bottoms. I then did my makeup just how I wanted it. I made sure that I wore non-waterproof mascara. I knew Roman was gonna make me cry. In a good pleasure filled way. Roman and I had fucked once back in college. He was still hands down the best I've ever had. So I knew nothing would be different. If anything he's probably gotten better. I looked at myself in the mirror smirking evilly. I looked as sexy and slutty as I had planned.

I walked into the bedroom setting the chair up that David was going to watch from

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I walked into the bedroom setting the chair up that David was going to watch from. I sat 5 bandanas down on the chair. I took out lube and my favorite vibrator on the bed. Then I put my silk black robe on and walked down the steps. Soon the door opened and I smirked. There he was. The whore of the house. He sat his briefcase down as his eyes went wide. "Woah baby. Is that outfit for me? Or are you just wearing it for fun?" David asked and I smiled a fake smile. "Come on babe. Let's try something new." I said walking up the stairs and he followed behind like a little lap dog. Perfect fall into my plan you like mole rat. He followed behind me as we got into the bedroom. "Come sit down. I want to tease you a little." I said and he smiled walking over and sitting in the chair. He looked so excited the little bitch. I bet this is what he likes at the strip clubs he goes to on business trips. I picked a bandanna and tied his wrist to it tightly. Then I tied his other one. I then moved to his ankles and then his mouth. "Now you just hush up. I've got a really nice surprise planned." I said with a smirk and he nodded. I picked my phone up dialing Romans number. "Hey baby." He muttered in a deep voice and I smiled. "Hey. You can come in he's ready." I said with a smirk. I looked over at David and he was smiling his eyes gleaming happily. He probably was thinking that it was one of my friends. My girl friends. Idiot. I walked downstairs as I heard the knock on the door. I saw Roman and I smiled. I walked over to him with my arms wide open and squealed. He smirked picked me up and spinning me around. "Missed you Babygirl." He said and I sighed inhaling his manly sent. "Missed you more daddy." I said smiling up at him. He leaned down connecting his soft lips to mine making me moan. He pecked my lips a few times and I smiled. "You ready bro put this plan in motion?" He said taking my hand in his. "I'm so ready." I said leaning up to him kissing him softly. He held me against him for a few seconds before letting go. We walked upstairs into my room and David's smile dropped. "Ohhhh you thought that I was going to invite a girl over didn't you? You thought this was gonna be a fun surprise well you are just shit outta luck. You know why? Because you are a cheating bastard. So you are going to sit there and watch Roman fuck me. Like you never have or never will." I said with a smile and David's nostrils flared. "Lay down for me daddy." I said seductively and he nodded. He took his shoes off and walked over to the bed. Once he sat down I walked to him smiling at him. "Lemme see what you got going on sexy woman." Roman said rubbing my hips and I giggled. I untied my  robe letting it fall. Roman bit his lip and I smirked. "You look so sexy." He groaned out and I smiled. "Thank you daddy. It's all for you." I said with a big smile. "Come lay down. I know how much you love to watch me undress." He said with a wink and I nodded. I sat down as he stood up. He pulled his shirt off in one slick motion and I bit me lip. He went to take his gold chain off and I reached out stoping him. "Leave it on for me please?" I asked with big eyes and he smirked. "You want this on to?" He said pointing to his watch and I nodded. "You got a little kink for jewelry?" He asked and I smiled. "Well I have this vision of you above me fucking me deep and rough. You chain swinging with every thrust. And you hand wrapped around my neck as the diamond in your watch reflect off the wall. And I'd really like that to become a reality." I said and he groaned. "Shit. I'll make that a dream come true. Any other visions you got in that pretty head of yours?" He asked and I smiled. "Well you knowwwww back in college and we fucked all night long I had thoughts about you fucking me in my other hole and we prepped me and it felt amazing, but I was to scared to let you fuck me because you're ginormous?" I said and he nodded. "Yeah that was hot as fuck even if you didn't let me fuck you there. The way you rode my fingers and moaned is a video I could never get out of my head." He said with a moan. "Well I've been doing my own experimenting and I want it." I said and I smirked. He leaned towards me staring into my eyes. "I want to hear you say it. Tell me exactly what you want." He said his hand trailing up to my neck making me bite my lip. "I want you to fuck me in my ass daddy." I said and he groaned. "Now or later?" He asked and I giggle. "I was thinking like round 4 or 5." I said and he hummed. "Sounds Good now lemme get you prepped. I know his ass ain't half the size as me." Roman said and I giggled nodding. He pushed me to lay down. And I did. At this angle David would see Romans tongue and finger in me and I just smiled at the fact. Roman slid his jeans off before he spread my legs. "Does David know how to eat you out like I do?" Roman asked and I shook my head. "No I haven't gotten eat out since you daddy." I said and he groaned. "Well that ain't gonna do princess. David why weren't you doing your job? Or is it that you don't know how? Maybe I'll teach you. Even though you don't deserve to learn how to make woman have the best orgasms they've ever gotten." Roman said and I smiled. He was right. He had given me the best orgasms I had ever had in my entire life. "Daddy please. I need you." I whined out softly and he smirked. "I know princess. You are glistening through those panties and I haven't even touched you yet." He said with a smirk. He leaned down hovering above me and his chocolate eyes trailed down my body. He leaned in and sucked on my neck making me moan. "Fuck Ro." I moaned out gripping his silky hair pulling his hair tie out. His soft locks fall forward over his shoulders. He kissed down my body as I arched into his warm lips. His hands trailed to my lingerie ripping it apart making me gasp. Finally he made fit down to my panties and ripped them off making me moan. "Fuck. Look at you. All wet for me and shit. Who made you this wet?" He asked kissing my clit making me whimper as David squirmed in his chair. "Mmm you did daddy." I moaned out and he hummed in approval. "Good girl you ready for your first orgasm of the night?" He asked with a big smirk. "So ready daddy please." I asked softly and he nodded. As soon as I felt his warm tongue connect to my entrance I moaned. "F-fuck." I moaned out and his tongue traced patterns along my entrance. "Ohhh god Roman yes!" I moaned as I turned my head looking at David. "Tell him how I'd feels princess." Roman growled against me making my eyes flutter. "FUCK. David it feels so good. Ahhh he's hitting my spot already. Mmmm you could never do this to me." I moaned out with a vicious smile. Roman hummed sending vibrations through me making me shake in pleasure. Suddenly two thick fingers were shoved inside of me and I squealed. "Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.Fuck. Daddyyyyy." I moaned out as I began to shake. "Please let me cum." I moaned out and he smirked against me. "Cum. Hard." He growled and I screamed out as I exploded around his fingers. He pushed his fingers hard into my spot keeping me at the wonderful high I'm at. "R-Ro please." I whined out and he grumbled disconnecting from my entrance. "What do you need sweetheart?" He asked and I whined. "Daddy I need you inside me." I whined and he hummed out before pulling away from my core. "Hands and knees face towards the jackass." He said and I whimpered doing what he said. He rubbed his tip against my entrance before slowly pushing in. I winced as he stretched me. "Ahhh." I whined out as he began to slowly thrust into me. "Fuck so tight. He didn't stretch you out at all did he?" Roman groaned out as the sound of his hips clapped against my thighs and ass. "No daddy noooo he didn't!" I moaned as I grabbed at the bed sheets. "Fuckkkk! He's fucking me so good! Please don't stop daddy! Harder fuck mmm! F-faster!!" I moaned out and he smiled picking up the pace making me moan louder. He slapped my ass making me jump. "Ughh again. Please!" I moaned and he grunted. Slapping my ass a few times as my eyes rolled back. "Please can I cum!? Please!" I moaned out loudly pushing back against him. "Go ahead baby. You know we aren't done though." He growled out with a chuckle making me whimper as the knot inside me exploded and I came around his thick cock. His hand tracked down to my clit and I screamed as my juices shit out squirting all over his torso as I shook violently. Every nerve ending in my body feeling like it was lighting up with electricity. My body felt like jelly as I slumped against the bed. "Fuck baby. Come here and suck." Roman groaned out and I turned around his member touching my lips. I opened my mouth and he guided his member into it. He gripped my hair in his hand slowly beginning to thrust. "Fuck your mouth is a gift from god." He groaned out at the ceiling. He began thrusting into my mouth at a rapid pace as I stared up at him with innocent eyes. "Fuck look at you. Pretty eyes. So beautiful. How bought I make them pretty eyes tear up huh?" He said with a big smile. I nodded as he shoved himself farther down my throat make making me gag. He held my head there as tears streamed down my face. "Uggghhhhh fuck yes!" He groaned out pulling off for a moment before thrusting back in. It was just how I liked it. Nice and rough. "Fuck are you ready baby?" He groaned out and I looked up at him his cock shoved in my mouth. I smiled and nodded and he chuckled. "Alright baby. Hands and knees again." He sighed as he pulled out of my mouth. I turned back around facing David. "Where's your lube babe?" Roman asked tapping my ass softly. "Under my pillow." I whimpered out and he slid his hand under it grabbing the lube and my vibrator. "Ohhh so you want me to use this on you too huh?" He chuckled out and I whined. "Well princess I'm not sure you will be able to cum from anal your first time. So I guess your little toy will come in handy huh?" He said with a smile. He kneel back behind me as he held my hip with one hand. I heard the cap open then the cold liquid trailed down my ass. I gasped softly as Romans hand cupped my pussy grabbing the lube that had trailed down and lathering his cock with it. He kissed my spine softly as his hand trailed down to my ass his index finger circling the hole softly. "Are you ready?" He whispered out and I nodded. "Yes." I whispered out and he groaned. Slowly he pushed his finger inside and I whimpered. "Just relax baby. Relax and it'll feel good." He whispered and I sighed relaxing into the bed. He slowly began thrusting his finger into me and I moaned. The new sensation made me feel light and bubbly. I smiled happily with a moan. "Ohhhh you like that?" Roman asked with a smirk and I nodded. "Yessss more please mmm" I moaned circling my hips as he chuckled. Soon I felt a second finger fill me and I moaned loudly. "FUCK OH GOD DAVIF IT FEELS SO GOOD." I moaned out looking up at him with a smile. "How does it feel to know that he's going to be ball deep in my ass like you always wanted to be? HUH! Answer me you cheating bitch!" I yelled at him with a smile. "Please stop. Don't do this." David said with tears in his eyes. "You should have thought about that before you cheated on me with that skank from your work. This is your punishment. To watch me get fucked like you never fucked me. I am letting this man who really loves me, fuck me senseless." I said smirking as Ro slowly pulled his fingers out. "Come on Ro. I'm inpatient." I said wiggling my ass back at him making him growl and slap it roughly. He lined up with my hole before pushing into me making me whine in discomfort. He slowly began thrusting inside of me and the discomfort faded. "DADDY FUCK!" I moaned out arching all the way down my breasts on the sheets as I gripped the with my hands. "WATCH HIM! FUCKING WATCH HIM DAVID!" I yelled out and David looked up at me tears trailing down his face. "Fuck it's soooooo goood ohhh my goooodd." I moaned out pleasure filled tears ran down my face. "Please Roman!" I whined out and he groaned. "So fucking tight baby. What do you need?" He against in a gravely tone making me shiver. "Please make me cum." I whimpered as I turned to face him. He smirked grabbing my vibrator and turned it to the highest setting. His hand reached around and pressed the vibrator to my clit making me scream out. "Fuck! Come on babygirl cum with me come on." Roman encouraged and I screamed out as I came. Roman groaned loudly as he pulled out of me quickly. "Come on baby finish me off." He panted out and I quickly turned around and  wrapped my hand around him. I pulled him softly as I opened my mouth. "Oh fuck I-!" He couldn't even get his sentence out before his cum shot onto my tongue. I hummed softly letting him finish his entire orgasm all over my tongue before swallowing it. He groaned up at the ceiling with a big sigh running his hands through his hair. I plopped down on the bed catching my breath. Roman leaned down kissing my lips softly making me smile. "I'll start the shower and come and get you when it's ready ok?" Ro said and I nodded with a smile. He walked off to the bathroom as I stared at his toned ass. I lifted my head from the bed looking at David who was staring out the window bawling like a baby. "I'm leaving you here until after the shower and then I'll let Roman deal with you." I said and his eyes shot over to me and he looked at me scared. "He's not going to hurt you, you idiot. He's just making sure you don't do any stupid shit on the way out." I said rolling my eyes and Ro walked back in. "Come on babe. It's ready." He said and I rolled over and stood up. I sauntered over to him and gave him a kiss. He picked up bringing me into my bathroom. He pulled the door of my shower opened bring me inside then closing it. He let me stand and brought me under the water and I smiled as it trailed over my body. Romans finger rested under my chin as he lifted it making me look up at him. "You want me to bring him outside when we are done in here?" He asked and I nodded. "Yeah just make sure he's out of the house. I'll put his stuff out there at some point." I said with a sigh. "Hey, you know how much I love you right?" He said connecting his forehead to mine. I smiled and nodded as my face flushed. "I promise to god I'm going to treat you like a queen. I'll never ever do what he did. You are worth so much more. I promise you I'm gonna marry you soon do you hear me?" He said as tears ran down my face. "Shhh don't cry. Come here." He whispered and I leaned into him. His arms wrapped around me and I sniffled softly. "I love you so much Ro." I whispered out and he stroked my hair. "I love you too. I have since college. You know when we first had sex I was already head over heals for you but I knew you weren't ready for a serious relationship. And then David scooped you up and I cried. Literally cried babe. I thought I lost you forever and then he fucked up. And I was so happy even though that sounds selfish and mean. I wasn't happy because he hurt you. I was happy because I knew it was my chance to make you happier than you've ever been." He said rocking me back and forth and I smiled. "I loved you then. I was just scared that if it didn't work we could never be friends again." I said and he stroked my cheek. "Don't ever think that us breaking up would end our friendship. I love you no matter if we are in a relationship or not. That will never change. Now... if you aren't ready to be a couple than that's totally ok. I just want you to know I love you and I'm ready whenever you are." He said and I smiled. "Ro I could never make you wait any longer. And I don't want to wait. I want to be happy with you." I said and his smiled grew. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked and I nodded. He bent down kissing me softly. "God you are amazing." He muttered out and I giggled. "I really really enjoyed you in my ass." I said and he laughed. "I could tell. Moaning up a storm for me." He said with a wink making me giggle. "How much of the mining was over played to make him jealous?" He asked and I looked up at him easing my brows. "What are you talking about? None of that was fake. You know you are the best I've ever had. Even since college." I said and he smirked proudly. "Damn right! That's all I wanted to hear." He said and I giggled. "Come on. I'm hungry and I want to cuddle." I said and he nodded turning the water off. He grabbed two towels handing one to me. I dried off walking back into my room and grabbing Romans t-shirt off the floor. "Can I wear your shirt?" I asked him as he walked in and he nodded. "I got a bag in my car. I can go get it." He said as he put his boxer on. He walked over to David untying him and David instantly pushed him. "I don't want to do this the hard way. So don't try slick shit. Now get the fuck out." He growled at David and I bit my lip. David sighed as he walked out angrily. Roman followed him and I soon heard the door slam shut. Roman walked up the stairs and smiled as he walked over to the bed and slid in. "What do you want to eat?" He asked pick up his phone from the side table. "Pizza. By the way how'd the video turn out?" I asked with a grin and he smirked. "Great. I got the perfect angle." He said making me smile. "You always hit the perfect angle." I said and he chuckle. Him and his perfect angle hitting will drive me up a wall.

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