Game Of Thrones

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Y/n P.O.V.
It was a long and stressful day at work and all I wanted to do was eat takeout and cuddle with my husband. I walked up to the door opening it setting my coat and purse down at the door with a sigh. "Honey?! Where are you?" I asked as I looked around. The lights were off and the only thing that was on was the fireplace and some candles lit around the room. "Babyyyy. I'm serious. I just want takeout and cuddles with you it's been a long—day." I stopped in my tracks as our bedroom door opened. No.fucking.way. He was dressed just like Khal Drago. Just for a reference this is what Kahl Drago looks like.

 Just for a reference this is what Kahl Drago looks like

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Yeah. Fucking hot. And now my husband looked even hotter. If that was even possible. I stood in silence as he walked up to me slowly. "Baby." I whispered and he covered my mouth with a grunt. Holy fuck. I was wet. Undeniably wet. He hoisted me up over his shoulder making me squeal. He walked us into the living room and I saw that he had moved our bed into the living room. Right in front of the fireplace. He laid me down on the bed and I looked up at him. Something in his eyes told me this was going to be a very fun. Rough night. And it was just the stress reliever I needed. "What are you doing?" I asked playing along. He grunted again as he ripped my shirt in half. I gasped looking up at him. He just stared into my eyes. He slowly moved down my body. His mouth latched onto my nipple roughly and I moaned. My back arched up and he held me there. His rough calloused hands gripping at my sides. Fuck this was beyond hot. He growled and grunted as he nipped and sucked at my body making me moan. He stared up at me. His deep brown eyes fluttering shut and he finally made it down to my entrance. Licking and suck up my juices making my eyes close tightly and my brows furrow. "Oh my god! Baby!" I moaned as I gripped at his hair in my hands. I rolled my hips against his tongue and he quickly held them down to the bed making me whine. He shoved his tongue further inside me making me scream out. I panted as I began to feel myself getting close to the edge. His one hand slid back to my entrance and he pushed two of his thick long fingers inside of me curling them  up into my spot making me moan loudly. "I'm so close please don't stop!" I said with a whine and he hummed against me. My legs shook as I finally fell over the edge with a long loud moan. Screaming at the feeling of his tongue slurping at my juices. "Please baby. I need you inside me." I panted out breathless and I squealed as he grabbed me up and flipped me over onto my hands and knees. He took off his pants throwing them on the couch before I felt the large thick tip of his cock rub against my entrance. I wiggled my hips trying to push back causing him to slap my ass roughly making me moan. He pushed into me roughly causing me to groan out as he set a gruesome pace. His hips slapped against mine roughly making me moan out and whine at the biting pleasure of him hitting my spot over and over again. Tears filled my eyes as I moaned loudly. It was beginning to become to much pleasure so I brought my hand back to his lower stomach trying to push him away or slow him down. He growled loudly as he grabbed both of my arms in his hand pushing them against my back. I turned my face to the side as it was pushed down to the bed. Pleasure filled sobs filled the room as my legs shook. And if that wasn't enough he began to slap my ass. But then quickly he changed his pace. He slowed down now rolling his hips causing me to sigh. My break was short lived as he began again. I screamed out as my second orgasm began to build. "I'm gonna cum! Please!!" I moaned out making him growl. His other hand reached around and rubbed my clit in circles. I screamed out as I began to see black dots in my vision. Liquid running down my legs as I heard him grunt and slow to a stop inside of me. His warm seed filling my room the bring making me smile. I sighed in relief as I felt my body relax. That's what I really needed. He let my wrists go kissing up my back making me hum. "Was that everything you had dreamed of my love?" He asked and I hummed. "It was more than that." I said making him laugh. "I don't think I've ever seen you cum that fast or that hard." He said and I groaned. "Well I couldn't help it. You weren't making it easy to stop myself from cumming." I said with a giggle and he hummed. "I know. I could see you needed it as soon as you set your keys down. And by your texts all day. They were short. And I had been planning this little surprise for a while." He said as he flipped me over and I looked up at him. "Let's go take a shower. I'll meet you in there I'm gonna change the sheets." He said and I smiled and nodded. He helped me up and I stood on shaky legs walking into the bathroom. I turned the water on getting it to the perfect temperature before stepping in. I began to wash up before I felt my husbands large hands wrap around my body. I moaned softly and smiled. I turned around and smiled up at him. I began washing the paint he had on his chest and bit my lip loving the feeling of his strong chest. "Can I repay you? For releasing all my stress?" I asked and he smirked. "Go ahead Babygirl." He said with a wink. I dropped down to my knees taking his already hard cock into my hand. He pushed the shower head so the water splashed against the wall instead of running down my face. He was always thinking of my well being. I slowly took him into my mouth making him groan as his head fell back. "You made me feel so good daddy. Gave me the best stress reliever. You made me cum so hard. I wanna make you cum hard to daddy." I moaned out to him making him groan. He panted as he began to bob my head along his member. "Just like that Babygirl fuck." I moaned around him as he began to fuck my face. I dug my fingernails into his thighs knowing he liked it rough. He growled out as I swallowed him down my throat. "Oh my fucking god I'm close. Just like that baby!" He growled as I gagged against his cock. My eyes rolling back as I began to see black dots before he pulled himself out of my mouth slightly. I gasped looking up at him and he moaned making me smile and giggle. "Such a good girl." He groaned as I took him back into my mouth. Bobbing my head at a fast pace. I felt him twitch in my mouth before his warm cum seeped into my mouths he groaned and smiled as I swallowed every last drop.  I hummed as I slowly took him out of my mouth with a loud pop. He pulled me up kissing me softly making me smile. "You my love are amazing." He said making me hum and giggle. "And so are you." I said booping his nose making him smile. We soon stepped out of the shower and walked back into the living room. "Guess what I got for dinner?" He said and I gasped sitting up. "No." I said looking at him with a big smile and he nodded. He opened the fridge pulling my favorite takeout food from it. I squealed in delight shuffling over to him and hugging him tightly. "Thank you soo much baby." I said with a pout and he nodded. "You're welcome now go sit your hot ass down on the bed we are having a movie night." He said kissing my forehead. "Awww a movie night with my favorite food and in front of the fireplace. You are so romantic." I said rubbing his chest and he smirked. "You make me want to be romantic." He said kissing my lips softly making me smile. "Now go sit." He said and I smiled shuffling back over to the bed and laying down. In this moment I could tell that he had planned this out perfectly. The bed was positioned not only right in front of the fire place but in front of our tv. Giving us perfect access to watch it from a comfy position. I cuddled up in our blanket as he walked over with our plates. We turned the tv on cuddling into each other as we found a funny movie. This was the life. Watching a great movie, eating my favorite food, while being completely naked and cuddling my husband. Could life get any better? No. No it could not!

I know this is really short... I just wanted to get something out for you guys🙂 I've been kind of over whelmed with life as of late so I've hardly had time to write which is not causing me to feel any better. Because it relaxes me to write. But anyway enough of me blabbing. I hope you enjoyed🙂❤️

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