Taught a Lesson

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Y/N P.O.V.
I had always been snappy. I was a quick witted women with every comeback you could think of. Men often times hated that. I stood up for myself some would even say I'm bitchy. One that I loved to get on his nerves was Roman. I could always get him riled up. I walked passed him in the hallway my heals clicking with each step. I could feel his eyes on my ass. "It's impolite to stare Reigns. Get a better hobby for your free time." I said looking at him and he rolled his eyes. I walked into my locker room and began planning out what gear I was gonna wear. I groaned as a knock on my door interrupted my thoughts. I walked over and opened it being met by the Samoan who had been staring at my ass just minutes ago. "What do you want? Need another look at my ass?" I said and he rolled his eyes. "No. I came here to apologize. I'm sorry. It wasn't right if me to be staring at you in that way. I apologize." He said and I crossed my arms. "So what's the real reason you are here?" I asked and he scratched the back of his neck. So predictable. "Ummmm so creative pitched this idea for a tag team. And I have to find a female partner. And I was wondering if maybe you would be my partner." He said blushing. "Mmm what's in it for me?" I asked and he grumbled. "Look. I have all the details about it in a folder at the hotel. Just come up to my room after the show and I can show you if you are actually interested. And if you aren't just...don't bother." He said waving me off making me roll my eyes and shut the door. Did he think I was that stupid? Like I was going to fall for his little ploy. He couldn't hide the hard on in his pants, and with as much as I pissed him off I just knew what he wanted. He wanted to fuck me. He wanted to show me what he was capable of. Other than just walking around like a lost puppy dog all the time looking for ways to get to me. Don't get me wrong, he's gorgeous and can be super nice. But he has a hard time remembering he needs to work for things, and that he won't be handed everything. Was I going to let him fuck? Absolutely. I knew he was packing. And I knew he was going to be able to satisfy my every need. He was just that good. BUT he will work for it every step of the way. I changed and walked to the curtain waiting for my music to play over the arena.
I had won my match and walked back to my locker room. I showered and changed into a dress. A nice tight form fitting dress.

I laughed as I looked at myself in the mirror evilly

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I laughed as I looked at myself in the mirror evilly. He wasn't ready for this. And I wasn't going to make this easy on him either. I made my way to the hotel and my phone buzzed.

Roman: My room number is 369.

I smirked to myself as I walked into the elevator and hit the third floor button. My red bottom heals clicked against the marble floors as I walked down the hallway. I slowed down stopping in front of his room. 369. I knocked a few times and the door was open in seconds. He blinked at me a few times before I raised a brow. "Oh! I didn't think you were actually going to show up. Uhm come in." He said with a nervous smile and I slowly walked in. I made my way slowly over to the small dining area he had in his room. I sat down on the a chair and he cleared his throat. "Uhm, would you like some wine?" He asked and I nodded silently only looking up at him. I wanted to keep him nervous for a while. "Red or white?" He asked and I squinted looking at him. "Red." I said simply and he nodded. He poured me a glass and I smiled. "Thank you." I said and he nodded. "So Uhm the storyline." He said with a nervous sigh. He pulled a folder out handing me some papers as he began talking. I wasn't listening to a word he was saying. I was waiting for the right moment. I finished my glass and set it down with a clank on the counter top. It caught his attention and he cleared his throat. "So what do you think?" He asked and I stared at him. Making him nervous. His leg began to bounce with anxiety. "Cut the shit Joe." I said leaning back crossing my legs and his brows furrowed in confusion. "W-what?" He said and I smirked. "I know why you wanted me to come to your room." I said and he shook his head with a laugh. "To go over this-." I cut him off quickly with a loud laugh. "I think you and I both know that this little meeting in your hotel room isn't because you want me to be your tag partner. Is it Joe?" I said standing up. And he looked down at his hands. "It's because you are tired of my shit. My attitude, the way I make you feel like a lost puppy. And you want to show me that you are the big dog. The tribal Cheif. Isn't that right Joseph?" I said leaning down in front of him as he finally connected eyes with me. His eyes were nearly black, filled with lust and anger. "Show me then. Show me!" I snapped at him and before I knew it his hand was wrapped around my throat and he pushed me against the nearest wall. "Why? Why do you have to push me so much kitten? All I want to do is love you! And you fucking push me." He gritted out through clenched teeth as he pushed his forehead against mine. "Because, you need someone to show you that you still need to work for things. You've gotten lazy. And bratty. All you do is walk around and act as if you are the best. You have to PROVE that you are worthy." I grumbled out and he shook his head. "You need to be taught a lesson in respect baby." He said with an evil chuckle making me smirk. "You've been in this business far longer than I have and yet somehow I shot to the top faster than you ever could have. You know why that is Joe?! Because I MAKE people respect me." I said and his lip twitched in anger as he threw me over his shoulder and slapped my ass hard. "I'm sick of your fucking smart ass mouth." He growled throwing me on the large king size bed that was in the middle of his suite. "Then make me respect you. Or you will continue to hear my slick ass mouth." I said and he smirked. "By the end of tonight you will be calling me daddy. Or tribal chief, it's your choice really." He said with a cocky smirk making me laugh. "Whatever you say Joe." I said with a sigh and he grumbled. He flipped me over unzipping my dress and I wiggled making it more difficult. He slapped my ass roughly making me moan. "That all you got?" I asked with a smirk looking up at him making his lip twitch. He flipped me over roughly getting on top of me. He grabbed my arms slamming them above my head holding the with one hand. I wiggled and trying to get out of his grip but it wasn't working. He held my hands down harder, he trailed his other hand down my dress. His hand traced over the fabric right by my breasts. He gripped onto it tightly before pulling harshly at it making my entire body jerk. Both straps snapped off making him smile. "Thought you were gonna make this hard." He said smugly make me narrow my eyes at him. "Doll if you think this is hard you haven't seen anything yet." I said with a sadistic laugh. He bent down biting at my neck making me laugh. He kissed down my neck slowly removing my mangled dress until I was completely naked. His eyes trailed my body drinking it in. "God your body is something out of a movie. This is all mine." He growled out making me roll my eyes. "I don't belong to anyone." I said in a gritted tone making him chuckle. "You'll learn babygirl." He said with a smirk. He slowly kissed and sucked down my body and he finally let go of my hands. I immediately started to try and move away but he gripped my legs slamming them down on the bed. He bit at my thigh making me hiss. He looked up at me before blowing directly on my clit making me roll my eyes. "You want me to eat you baby? Lemme hear you say it." He said lowly and I chuckled. "If you think you are gonna make me say it you are dead wrong." I said smirking making him grumble. His long tongue slowly licked a long line up my entrance. It took everything in me not to moan. He began moving his tongue in ways I had never even heard of before. He hummed against me looking up with dark eyes. I looked away not wanting to give in. But I was so close. He knew exactly how to get me there and I was folding under his intense pressure. My toes curled as my back began to arch. I bit my lip harshly as I began to feel myself getting close. My breathing became shallow and uneven as I closed my eyes tightly. I was so close. And then that asshole pulled away. "What the hell!" I yelled out looking at him. "Shut up. You think you get to play this game with me and I'm not playing them back?" He asked with a laugh as he pulled his shirt off. I admired his smooth muscled body for a moment before looking at him and rolling my eyes. "Yeah imma make you roll them eyes back for me in just a second." He said with a smirk as he slid his jogging pants off. As I looked down I almost gasped. He was huge. Bigger than I've ever seen. I was slightly worried to be honest. "Now sit back and enjoy me giving you the best you've ever had." He said in a cocky tone as he lifted both of my legs onto his shoulders. He lined up and slowly pushed in. My mouth opened and my eyes widened. He felt even bigger inside of me. "S-slow." I said putting my hand on his chest making him smirk. "Nah you can take it. You were talking all that shit before about me needing to learn a lesson. But it's you baby. You need to learn that sometimes people are just gift with things you aren't." He said as he began to thrust into me deeply. I couldn't hold it back any more. I moaned loudly before covering my mouth as he began to pick up the pace. He grabbed my wrists putting them on the bed as he slowly leaned forward pounding into me from a completely different angle. "Scream for me baby. I earned it." He said lowly as the moans fell from my mouth without hesitation. "Oh FUCK! Fuck Joe!" I screamed out making him growl. "Talked all that shit and now look at you falling apart beneath me. My name ain't Joe. You know what it is baby." He said as my eyes rolled back into my head. I whimpered as he hit all the right spots. "Say my fucking name baby." He said roughly. "C-Cheif?" I whimpered out making him moan. "You got it baby." He slowing down, sinking into me deeply with each thrust. "F-fuuuccck." I whined out scratching at his wrists as he held me down. "God you feel better than amazing." He groaned out making me moan. I looked up at him making him smile. He pulled out quickly making me laugh. "Hands and knees." He said and I slowly rolled over arching back he entered me again and I moaned loudly as if felt even deeper now. "OH OH CHEIF FUCK ME." I moaned loudly making him grunt. He leaned forward pushing my face in the pillows before he began thrusting into me deeply. I screamed into the pillows as he fucked me like I had never been fucked before. The slight pain of his deep thrusts made me love it even more. I was so close to the edge. I wanted nothing more than to unravel beneath him. "You wanna cum? You better ask politely." He growled out making me whine as I clenched around him. "Please Cheif, can I cum. Pretty please?" I moaned out as my toes began to curl. "Mmmm good girl. You can cum." He said with slight humor in his tone. My eyes rolled back as I finally fell over the edge. I screamed into the pillows as my body shook. "Fuck baby." He moaned out before pulling out spilling his contents onto my back. We both tried to catch our breath as we sat in the same position. "I'll grab something to clean up." He said hopping off the bed getting a towel and a wet washcloth. He wiped down my body and my back before drying me off. I slowly rolled over and wiggled my sore body under the covers. He slid into the bed next to me and pulled me close. "Well I guess you taught me a lesson." I said rolling my eyes before laughing. "Oh no I learned mine. And you were right, I've gotten lazy, I haven't had to work for a win in a while. This was actually an amazing feeling that I didn't realized I missed until now. So thank you for that." He said kissing my forehead. "You're welcome." I said with a tired smile. "Oh and by the way, I'll be your partner." I said making him smile. "I knew you'd say yes." He said with a wink beofre turning the lamp off. I laughed slightly as I snuggled into his chest. Sometimes men do need to be taught a lesson or two.

I also feel like this could have a pt.2 what do y'all think?

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