Just Panties Under My Coat

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Nicki minjaj once said "remember the time I showed up with just panties under my coat?" This is inspired by that! You are welcome😌

Y/N P.O.V.

I was excited. My plan was going to unfold perfectly. Roman and I had been in a relationship for a few months now. We hadn't had the chance to go all the way yet...with his hectic schedule it was hard for us to even spend time in person. But he finally had a few days off. And as soon as he told me I took off. I wanted to spend the whole weekend with him. And finally...I was going to see what he had hiding in those pants. I knew he was big. When we would spend time with each other there typically was at least one experience of him getting hard beneath me. Tonight, he had invited me over. He was cooking dinner for me and I felt like teasing him. I took a shower, and once I was finished I decided to curl my hair. Once I was done I picked put my outfit and did my makeup. Once I was finished I looked in the mirror and smirked.

 Once I was finished I looked in the mirror and smirked

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He was going to be so surprised. I texted him telling him I was on my way before grabbing the bag I had packed to stay at his house before I drove to his house. I walked up the stairs and knocked softly. I swayed on my heals waiting to see his gorgeous face. "Who is it?" He asked a smile clear in his voice. "Its your girlfriend. Open the door baby." I said sweetly and he opened the door quickly. He smiled widely at me before his eyes trailed down my body. I put my hand up on the side of door frame looking up at him. "Well hello to you." He grumbled out making me smile. He pulled me towards him and kissed me sweetly. His hands traveled down my hips to my ass gripping softly. "Can I take your coat Babygirl?" He asked and I shook my head. "I'm a little cold. I'll keep it on for now. Thank you though. It smells amazing in here. What did you make?" I asked walking in. His eyes focussed on my backside swaying back and forth as I walked in towards his kitchen. "Uhhh I made Uhm...shrimp scampi." He said finally looking up at me. I looked over at him with a smirk before sitting at his kitchen island. "Did you see? I'm wearing the heels you bought me." I said with a soft smile. He walked over and looked down. "Let me see." He said bending down in front of me. He picked one thigh up in his hands looking at the heel. His eyes ventured slowly up my thighs and before he could get any further I lifted his chin up with my fingers. "Naughty boy. You just wanted to try and peak." I said and he groaned. He kissed my ankle before standing up. "Want some wine?" He asked with a smile and I nodded. He walked over to his fridge pulling out a bottle. He popped it open and poured a glass for me. "Go sit. I'll make you a plate." He said nodding toward the kitchen table. I stood and looked over at the speaker he had sitting on his fireplace. "Mind if I play some music?" I asked and he shook his head with a smile. I walked over to his speaker and turned it on connecting my phone. I turned on a song before I danced a little over to the table. He smiled at me as I sat down. He brought me a plate and the glass of wine. He sat down across from me and I smirked. Everything was working perfectly. I grabbed my phone turning on this song.

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