Birthday Present

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Since it was daddy's birthday three days ago 🤤😉
Y/n P.O.V.
Today was Joe's birthday. I was so excited. Though he didn't want me to do anything for his birthday I still chose to do what I wanted to celebrate his big day. I went to the grocery store early in the morning to get stuff for a seafood broil. My baby likes his seafood. I decided I'd make him a cake too. I also bought him a few gifts. Once I was done shopping I went home and began to cook. Once I got everything started I went upstairs taking a shower. Once I was done shaving everything. I hopped out and put this on.

I smirked looking at my reflection before walking downstairs

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I smirked looking at my reflection before walking downstairs. I took the food out and the cake out before setting the table. The food looked delicious.

I heard the door open and I smiled happily

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I heard the door open and I smiled happily. "Baby?! I'm home!" He yelled from the front door. I walked over to him as he was a bent down untying his shoe. His eyes trailed up my long legs as he bit his lip. "God damn." He groaned as he stood up taking in my full appearance. I hummed wrapping my arms around his neck smiling up at him. "Happy birthday daddy." I said kissing his soft lips and he nipped at mine softly. "Come on. I made you your favorite." I said grabbing his hand. "No way you made me a seafood broil." He said throwing his head back as we walked to the dining room. I looked back at him with a giggle and nodded. I lead him to his chair. "Take you jacket off baby. Get comfortable." I said sliding his leather jacket off his shoulders kissing his neck softly. I laid his jacket on the back of his chair. He sat down smelling the food and humming. I kissed his neck trailing my tongue up to his ear. "I hope it taste good." I said before sitting down across from him. "Do I get you for dessert?" He asked and I blushed. "Mm if your lucky." I said smirking. "So how was the tour?" I asked as I pulled my hair back looking at him the whole time. "Um it was good. I would've enjoyed it more if you were there." He said and I smiled as I broke open a crab leg sucking the meat out seductively. He licked his lips as he began to do the same. "Is it good?" I asked and he hummed and nodded. "Fuck yeah." He said making me giggle. Once we were finished I took our plates and put them in the dishwasher. I walked back into the dining room and smirked. "I guess I'll give you one present early." I said walking over to him slowly. He smirked as I kneeled down to my knees in front of him. "So what is this gift I'm getting?" He asked and I smiled up at him trailing my hand up his thigh to his member. "Well I was thinking that daddy would really enjoy a nice sloppy blowjob. And then have some chocolate cake after." I said looking at him through my eyelashes and he groaned. "That sounds amazing." He said and I smiled happily. I unzipped his pants and he lifted his hips so I could pull the all the way down. Along with his underwear. His big thick cock springing free. I smiled as I gripped it at the base sighing. "I love how big you are daddy." I said innocently as I licked the tip making him groan. "You make me so fucking horny. You gonna let me fuck your face?" He asked and I smiled up at him. "It is your present after all." I said innocently as he hummed in satisfaction. "Good. You ready to let daddy use your mouth?" He asked and I nodded. He stood up shoving his cock in my mouth making me hum. He slowly began to thrust into my mouth moaning out. "God baby your mouth is fucking amazing." He groaned throwing his head back. He thrusted deep into my throat making me gag around him. My husband was a sucker for me gagging around him. I looked up at him through my eyelashes. As he thrusted into my mouth roughly. "You ready to take it as far as you can?" He asked breathless and I nodded. "Good open as wide as you can." He said and I did as he said. He shoved his cock back in my mouth before he began to thrust again. Soon he looked down at me with a smirk before shoving his cock as far as it could go do my throat. My whole body contracting with lack of air flow. I looked up at him my eyebrows furrowed tears streaming down my face. To make it even better he reached his other hand down and pinched my nose closed. I looked up at him my eyes fluttering. Little black dots began to cloud my vision but the sound of his long loud moans made it all worth it. I scratched at his thighs softly letting him know that I was close to passing out. He quickly pulled out of my mouth  and I gasped. Getting all the air I possibly could into my burning lungs. He bent down looking at my face. "That's it baby deep breaths." He cooed and I looked into his eye innocently. "You like when I choke you with my cock huh?" He said and I smiled and nodded. He wiped my tears away and kissed my lips softly. "Make daddy cum." He said standing back up and I nodded. I took him back into my mouth sucking and bobbing my head around him. I moaned around his thick member and looked up at him through my eyelashes knowing that he loved it. "God baby I'm gonna cum." He moaned thrusting into my mouth as he tensed up. I sucked on him hard as his cock throbbed before his warm seed was shot into the back of my throat. I hummed still running my tongue on the underside of his cock, getting all that I could get. "Fuck baby no more." He groaned out and I pulled off his cock with a pop. I swirled his cum around in my mouth before swallowing it. "Mmm so good." I moaned as I stood back up. He pulled me close kissing me roughly. "Daddy you have to wait. You need to eat your cake." I said with a giggle and he groaned. "Sit down and I'll get it for you." I said walking into the kitchen cutting two pieces of cake.

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