Birthday Wishes

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This is for Joy_of_life88 It was supposed be done on Wednesday buuuuutttt I keep adding stuff so it took me a longer... ANYWAY! This is her belated birthday gift!
Y/n P.O.V.
I woke up to the smell of cooking. I sat up in panic. No one but me was home. Or so I thought. I threw my robe on running down the stairs before turning the corner into my kitchen. My tall Samoan boyfriend standing there shirtless completely stopped my train of thought. He turned his head and smiled at me softly. "Jesus Babygirl you look like you just woke up from a bad nights sleep. You alright?" He asked setting the spatula down and walking over to me. He wrapped his arms around my body and I sighed. "I didn't know you were surprising me and I smelt cooking so I was scared." I said as I looked up at him. He smiled bending down kissing my lips. "Well I wasn't going to miss your special day. Happy birthday my love." He said rocking me back and forth making me smile. "Thank you baby." I said with a happy sigh. "Now sit down. I made you breakfast. And I've got a few presents for you to open." He said and I smiled and nodded. I sat down at the table as he brought me over a big plate full of all my favorite breakfast foods. "This looks delicious." I said with a big smile as he sat down next to me with a plate of his own. "Eat up birthday girl." He said kissing my cheek making me smile. We began eating and it was delicious. "Mmmm tastes like heaven." I moaned out and he smirked. "Just like you." He said and I gasped. "Naughty!" I said with a giggle as my face flushed. We continued to eat and make small talk before he stood up. "I'm getting your presents." He said kissing my forehead walking away as I continued finishing up eating. He brought a bunch of bags in and my eyes widened. "Oh my god Roman!" I said and he smiled. "What? You deserve it." He said with a chuckle. I looked up at him scolding his with my eyes. "Don't give me that face baby. Open your gifts." He said and I couldn't help the smile that made its way on my face. He handed me the first two gifts and I looked up at him before opening them. I gasped as I looked at the necklaces. I read the first one and pouted. I didn't want to cry but it was so cute. "Awww baby." I said and he smiled sitting down next to me. "This one is the coordinates of where we met." He said rubbing his finger of there numbers in the other necklace and tears rolled down my face. "Ro thats, that's so sweet." I said with a sniffle and he smiled. "So you like them?" He asked and I nodded. I kissed his cheek making him smile. He slid the next gift to me and I opened it. It was a basket filled with wine and chocolate. "You sure know me well." I said with a giggle and he laughed. "My baby likes wine and chocolate." He said kissing my cheek. "Okay this one next." He said sliding it towards me. I opened it and gasped again. "RO! Makeup!" I squealed happily and he nodded. "And you see that pallet in the middle. That's how I want to see you tonight." He said with a wink and I looked at the pallet that read 'Naked'. I giggled shaking my head. "You are such a naughty thing you are." I said with a smirk and he winked. "You know it baby." He said with a smile. "I love it thank you." I said with a smile and he nodded. "Nowwwww. This one." He said with a smile and he seemed slightly more excited for this one. I opened it and my jaw dropped. "R-Ro." I whispered as I took each bag out. Fucking GUCCI! He bought me GUCCI BAGS! Tears flowed from my eyes and he smiled. "Don't cry baby you are worth every single penny." He said kissing my tears off my cheek. I slid off my chair onto his lap hugging him tightly.

 I slid off my chair onto his lap hugging him tightly

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