My sick baby (fluff)

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Y/n P.O.V.
I knew he was gonna get sick. Being on tour overseas always seemed to make his immune  system weak. I was in our king sized bed. Cuddling with our German Shepherd Cupcake when I heard the door open. My baby was finally home. I heard him sniffle and I knew instantly he was sick. He walked in rolling his suitcase in with him as cupcake jumped off the bed and trotted over to him happily. He looked up at me his eyes glossy and his nose red. "Hey baby. It's freezing in here how are you not cold?" He asked shivering. I got out of bed and walked towards him with my hands planted firmly on my hips. "Rome hun. Let me feel your forehead." I said as I put my hand out and he nestled his forehead into my touch. He was burning. "Baby! Your sick. You need to get in bed. I'm taking care of you." I said and he sighed. "But-." He started. "Nope no buts about it you are laying in bed and letting me take care of my sick baby." I said stroking his goatee with my two fingers lightly. He nodded and went over to bed and letting himself fall down onto it. I giggled as I walked over to him and taking his shoes off for him. I walked to his dresser and grabbed a tank top and basketball shorts for him. I walked back to the bed and poked his side lightly. He groaned and looked up at me. "Turn over so I can help you get comfy." I said and he rolled over and groaned looking up at the ceiling. I unbuttoned his pants and he rolled his hips up. "Hey sassy you are in no shape to be getting intimate." I said and he whined. I pulled his shorts up and took off his shirt before putting the tank top on him. "Get under the covers baby." I said softly and he slowly covered himself up. I gave him the remote and kissed his cheek. I walked into the bathroom and got a washcloth wet with cold water and walked back into the room to try and get Roman's temperature down. I folded the cloth and laid it on his forehead and he smiled. "Does that feel good?" I asked and he nodded. "I'm gonna run to the store and get you some stuff ok? Cupcake come here and snuggle with your daddy." I said patting the bed and Cupcake instantly jumped up and laid right up to Roman. "Ok baby don't be gone to long I need my snuggles." He said before sneezing. He always got super lovey dovey when he was sick. He never wanted me to go anywhere and just stay with him. I grabbed his coat and  walked out the door. Making sure it was locked because I'm sure he'll fall fast asleep before I get home. First stop the grocery store.
As I parked the car I could hear Cupcake barking. I walked inside and she howled at me happily. I set all the stuff that I bought down on the table and took out a tray like this to get everything ready.

 I set all the stuff that I bought down on the table and took out a tray like this to get everything ready

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I went to the kitchen and started cooking soup. After I was done I put this stuff on the tray.

 After I was done I put this stuff on the tray

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And carried the blanket. I walked up our stairs and my poor honey was sleeping mouth wide open, his nose all red, and bags under his eyes. I brought the tray to his nightstand and sat it down. I kissed his warm forehead and he shivered. "It's just me baby. I brought you some stuff." I said and he opened his glassy eyes slightly. He sat up and I stacked some pillows behind him. I covered him up with the blanket and grabbed the NyQuil. I poured some and he groaned. "You need to take it baby. Your cold will stay if you don't take medicine." I told him and he grunted and took the medicine and gagged afterwards. I sat the tray on his lap and took my bowl of soup and got in bed. "Is this my favorite?" He asked with a smile. "Mhmm now eat up." I said and he smiled taking the bowl and drinking from it. He hummed softly and smiled. "Babbyyyy." He cooed softly looking up at me with his big brown puppy dog eyes. "Yes my love?" I asked with a smile. "Can you play with my hair?" He asked and I nodded. I sat my soup down on my nightstand. He held his tray up as he snuck in between my legs. He moved down so his back was against my stomach and I had easy access to his luscious locks. I played with his hair as I saw his eyes start to droop. He yawned and his head fell forward. He fell asleep so easy when I played with his hair. I slipped out from behind him and slowly lay his head down on his pillow and take his tray downstairs. I walk back to our bedroom and get in bed cuddling next to Roman and Cupcake. Then I slowly found myself drifting off to a peaceful slumber.

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