Attitude Pt.3

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I think LHC2234   gave me this idea so here you go. I changed it up a little bit but still kept the original idea.
Y/N P.O.V.
I couldn't describe how incredibly happy I was. Married to the hottest man alive. Living my life to the fullest. Topping the charts with new music. It was all amazing. Today we were going out to celebrate. I had woke up around 12. I had been working late the night before so I was tired. I walked downstairs seeing my husband laying on the couch watching some sports game. I smiled softly walking over to him. He smiled opening his arms. I crawled on the couch laying down on his chest putting each leg on the outer edge of his. "Morning my sleeping beauty." He said with a hum. I inhaled deeply smelling his scent. He smelt so good. And I think the hair products he used always doubled his delicious scent. He rubbed my butt with his large hands making me smile and hum. He knew just how I liked to wake up in the morning. "I made some breakfast. Hungry?" He asked and I nodded. He sat us up and I groaned not wanting him to get up yet. "I'm getting you some food baby." He said with a chuckle making me huff and roll off of him. I laid on my elbows looking up at him. "You look hot with morning hair." He said with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes and I bit my lip as he raised a brow. I slowly opened my legs showing him my naked entrance. "How about you eat me for breakfast and I get to taste you?" I asked and he groaned. "Sounds like a plan babygirl." He said sliding back onto the couch this time in between my legs.
We decided to take a shower together. There wasn't much showering going on for the most of it. But we did get clean. I walked into the bedroom and Roman came up to me slapping my ass. I looked back with a smile. "What should I wear?" I asked with a sigh. "Mmmm I don't know anything and everything looks good on you." He said rubbing my hips kissing on my neck making me moan softly. "Stooopp." I moaned and he smirked. "Whyyyy?" He asked and I giggled. "Because I don't wanna be late. And Cardi and Offset are always on time for us. You always make me late." I said with a whine and he groaned. "Well if you weren't so sexy I wouldn't be making you late but you are so delectable baby. That perfume you always wear. Just drives me crazy." He groaned into my neck making me giggle. "Seriously we need to get ready. What do you think I should wear?" I asked and he shrugged. "Lemme pick one out. I know what I'm wearing so I'll match you to what I'm wearing how about that?" He asked and I nodded. He walked into my closet looking around. "We are going to a club right baby?" He asked and I hummed. "Yep. It's one that's new. Cardi loves it. But you better behave. They have strippers there." I said sternly he walked out with a black dress in hand. "Baby I don't need a stripper when I've got a personal one that I'm married too." He said with a wink as he handed the dress. "That's right baby. I'll be your personal stripper all night." I said standing up and kissing him. "Aye! You cause this see? You are a little tease. I can't help myself and you know it." He said with a pout. "Ohhhh baby I'm so sorrrryyyy I guess I won't tease you anymore." I said beginning to walk away and he pulled me back. "Now I didn't say that I didn't want you to tease me." He said and I smirked. "Mm that's what I thought." I said with a smirk. I walked into my closet closing the door. I changed into the dress and smiled. I knew he picked the dress because he would like it. I walked out and he was laying on the bed. "Ohhh shit." He said looking up with a groan. "Looks good?" I asked with a smile and he growled. "Come on come help me pick out accessories." I said holding my hand out as I walked over to the bed. He grabbed my hand sitting up. He walked into the closet with me. "Mmm shoes first." I said and he nodded. He walked over and looked at them. "I like them ones that tie. Not the boots. Them little heals you wear." He said pointing and I grabbed them off the shelf. "You just like these cuz you like to pull on them when you're fucking me." I said with an eye roll. "Hell yeah I do. But I really love the way they make your legs look. So sexy." He groaned and I smirked. "Okay. Jewelry next." I said pulling him over. He walked over to my jewelry looking around. "Mmmmm I like this. It'll match with the accent of my shirt. And I want you to wear the Rolex too. So we match." He said and I nodded. "Handbag." I said pointing and he walked over. "Mmm the purple Birkin." He said and I smiled and nodded. He grabbed the necklace from me and put it around my neck clasping it. "Thank you. Now go get dressed." I said and he nodded walking over to his closet. I sat on the chair I had in the middle of my closet putting my heals on. I slipped my watch on before standing up grabbing my bag. I walked over to my mirror and smiled.

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