You're always so jealous

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This is for milldavis06 I hope you like it!
My husband has been very stressed because of his storyline with Baron. Baron has been stooping so low lately when it comes to the shit he talks. Like last we he talked about Romans dad. Then his mother. Now me. But he's not disrespecting me. He's trying to convince me to date him instead of my hot husband. I listened to him. "Y/n baby, you know that I can treat you so much better than that little lap dog can." He said as the crowd boo'd him. I scoffed as I looked at myself in the mirror. He's getting a piece of my mind.

I walked to the curtain instructing the sound guy to play my music

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I walked to the curtain instructing the sound guy to play my music.

I walked out my facial expression showing I'm fed up with his bullshit. I walked down to the ring and grabbed a mic getting in the ring as my music died down. "Listen here Corbin. My HUSBAND doesn't play when it comes to what's his. I got married to him not only because he's hot, but because he knows what I need even when I don't know it. I live my husband with all that I have and YOU can't change that." I said pointing at him. "But does he love you like that darling?" He asked with a smirk and I laughed. "One my name isn't darling. To you my name is Y/n. So address me as such. Two, yes my husband loves me he tells me and shows me everyday. Besides it's not your business how much my husband loves me. You don't have to see it as long as him and I do that's all that matters. I'm pretty sure the WWE universe sees it." I said point to the crowd and the cheered loudly. "You've got to think about the future though doll? Who's kids are gonna look cuter? Mine and yours? Or that mutt and yours?" He said with a menacing smirk. I heard my mans music blare over the speakers and I knew Baron had went to far. I smiled looking at my very angry looking husband.

 I smiled looking at my very angry looking husband

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He walked down and he smiled at me. He slid in the ring walking passed and grabbing a mic and walking to me. He slid his hand around my waist pulling me to his side looking over at Baron. "Baron for someone who likes to bash on a perfect relationship you sure don't have much experience in one. How long have you been single Baron? Six going on seven years? And the last girl you were with left you because you cheated on her. How can someone like that come out here and talk shit about me when I'm perfectly happy with the woman that I'm incredibly lucky to have?" He said with a laugh and the crowd cheered. Baron looked at Roman angrily and I giggled. "Baron answering your question about kids, I don't need to think about it. My man is perfectly capable of putting a baby in me. I mean he did bust his zipper a while back. I have no doubt that our babies will be beautiful and be just as successful if not more successful as us." I said and Roman smirked down at me. Baron scoffed and walked closer to me. Don't touch me Baron your gonna get the ass whooping of your life. I thought but you know Baron is not smart. He reached for my hand and I pulled it back as Roman sucker punched him across the face. I stepped out of the ring and watched my husband beat the hell out of Baron. I laughed as I watched. He was completely dominating and it was definitely a turn on. He picked Barons head up by his hair and turned it towards me. "YOU SEE THAT BARON! THATS ALL MINE! I OWN HER! SHE OWNS ME! THATS HOW THIS GOES!" Roman yelled out and I smiled. He stood up and hopped out of the ring snatching me up and putting me over his shoulder. He walked us backstage and into his locker room locking the door. He finally put me down grabbing my face and kissing me. I moaned into his mouth as he backed us up onto the couch making me fall back with a squeak. He picked me up under my thighs and sat down on the couch with me on his lap. "You're always so jealous." I giggle and he grunted stripping me of my shirt. "Not jealous I want people to know what's mine and not touch it. That means you. No one touches my wife." He growled out pulling me up and literally ripping my pants off of me. I gasped as he too both sides of my pants off my legs. That was the hottest thing I can't even. He sucked on my neck rubbing from my hips to my ass back and forth. "Oh god." I moaned out letting my head fall back. "Fuck this I need to be in you." He growled out pick me up off the couch and pulling his pants and boxers down. I looked down at his hard thick member licking my lips. I looked up at him, he was biting his lip looking down at my core. "Come here." He growled out pulling me over his member and I slowly sat down on top of it letting his hard member penetrate me deeply. "Fuck babygirl your so tight." He moaned out as I began to bounce in his member. "Oh fuck Ro!" I moaned out as he gripped my hips. "That's it. Ride me just like that baby." He hummed and I moaned grabbing at his shoulders roughly. He grunted bouncing me up and down with more force. I gasped letting him take control watching him. He watched my breast bounce in front of him as he thrusted into me roughly. "Oh yess!" I moaned out and he smirked picking me up under my thighs. He gripped my ass in his hands as he stood up bouncing me on his thick member making my eyes roll back. "Baby!" I whined out as he groaned. "That's what I'm about to put in you if you keep tightening around me like that." He growled out roughly making me whimper. "Please!" I moaned out loudly and he smirked. "You want a baby? Hmm?" He asked and I whined nodding fast. "Come on baby cum for me. Let's make a baby." He hummed and I screamed exploding all over his member. "Oh fuck baby I'm cumming." He groaned out thrusting into me sloppily before he filled me warmly. I shivered and smiled laying my head on his shoulder. He breathed heavily pulling his member out from my core and bringing me to the couch. He laid me down and I giggled happily looking at him bare naked walking to my bag. "Your butt is so toned." I said with a giggled and he turned around raising an eyebrow. "Your dick drunk baby you need to sleep." He chuckled making me giggle. "Noooooooo. I'm just a lil sleepy." I said with a yawn before completely passing out. When I woke up I was in a hotel bed. My hair wet and my body feeling clean. I sat up slightly and Roman walked out from the bathroom. "Let's go to sleep baby we've had a long day." He said with a smile and I hummed. "Baby why's my hair wet?" I asked as he slid into bed pulling me close. "I cleaned you up in the shower so you didn't feel grimy when you woke up." He said kissing my cheek and I hummed happily. "Thank you baby." I smiled rubbing his cheek. "No problem baby." He said back pulling me to his chest as we slowly drifted off to sleep.

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