My Bestfriends Brother

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Y/n P.o.V.
I was home from college for spring break and my best friend and I decided to have a sleepover at her parents house since her parents decided they were going to go on a vacation to the Bahamas for the week. We were going to have fun. Being 21 we both knew we were going to drink and order a lot of food and hang out by her pool alllllll day long. I pulled into my best friend Serena's house. I saw a black Range Rover which wasn't her's and it wasn't her parents which meant one thing... her brother was home. Her hot sexy so fuckable brother that I wanted since he was a senior and I was a freshman. If I get drunk tonight or any day of this break I'm going to slip up and let him rearrange my guts I'm telling you. I mean unless he think I'm completely fucking ugly or he has a girlfriend. He was a little chubby the last time I saw him about 4 years ago but he always had that cute face I absolutely adored. I grabbed my suitcase and my margarita mix from the car closing the door and locking it. I walked up to the three story home and rang the doorbell. Yeah my best friends parents are kind of rich. The door swung open and there was my best friend. "AHHH MY BEST FRIEND IS HEREEEEE WE BOUT TO TURN UP BITTCCHHHH!" She yelled twerking and I cheered her on. She helped me get my stuff inside. She helped me get to her room on the top floor. We sat my stuff down and she grabbed my margarita mix and pulled me back downstairs. "This weekend is going to be so fun AND we have our own butler." She said with a giggle. "Ohhhh butler!" She yelled out and I turned around and finally saw him. Leati. The sexy man I was waiting hoping and praying to be here. He lost like a lot of weight. His tribal tattoo finally was finished. His caramel skin looking delicious from the sun of the Florida weather. "What do you want?" Leati groaned. He looked over at me his eyes trailing up and down my body before he gave me a soft smile. "Make us this bucket of margarita while I go change into my swimsuit." She said and walked away. "Y/n just make sure he doesn't mess up the margarita ok?" She said and I laughed and nodded. Leati groaned loudly walking in the kitchen. "I'm sorry y/n where are my manners. It's good to see you. I feel like I haven't seen you in ages. You look amazing." Leati said giving me a big hug. "It's nice to see you too. You've really slimed down Leati. You look amazing. Your sleeve tattoo is so cool." I said holding his arm looking at his tattoo. "Well I gotta make this bucket of margarita for you ladies so how about you go upstairs and get yourself changed I got this." He said with a wink and I nodded smiling before walking up the stairs. I went into a bathroom and changed into this swimsuit.

I walked downstairs and Serena was eating some carrots and she looked at me and her eyes went wide

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I walked downstairs and Serena was eating some carrots and she looked at me and her eyes went wide. "DAMN! Look at this hottie! Girl you need to get some dick!" She said slapping my ass and I squealed. "We having a party." She said and wiggles her eyebrows. "When?" I asked so confused about anything that's happening. "We are having a party tonight. It's going to be a pool party." She said with a squeal. She sent out a mass invitation to what seemed like the whole world. "Can you and Leati go get stuff from the store and then I'll start preparing everything here?" She asked and I nodded. I got to spend time with his hot as all day. Of course I will. "LEATIIII GO TO THE STORE WITH Y/N AND GET STUFF FOR THE POOL PARTY IM THROWING. Don't forget lots of alcohol AND get some pool floaties too." She said as she started to clean. I grabbed my shorts and slipped a tank top on over my suit before I walked to the front door where Leati was waiting with the door opened for me. "Thank you." I said softly with a smile and he smiled back at me. We got into his car and he took off. "So why do you have to be our butler or whatever?" I asked looking over at him. He chuckled softly. "Because your best friend is a little evil thing who was going to rat me out to our parents that I was smoking weed the other day." He said with a growl. "Well why was she going to tell them?" I asked curiously. "Because I'm not supposed to be smoking because I want to get into WWE. But it was just that one day and I need a stress reliever because my girlfriend cheated on me. Then Serena walked in and didn't say anything just that I owed her one. This is the one." He said and I shook my head. "That's weird she was gonna tell your parent because she smokes with me too." I said and his mouth dropped open. "She does?!" He said loudly and I nodded. "Yeah I've got pictures too. You need ammo?" I asked with a giggle. "Hell yeah! She's probably gonna make me clean up tomorrow so I'm gonna bring it right back into her." He said smiling evilly. "What's your number?" I asked and he handed me his phone letting me unlock it and I put my number in his phone saving my contact as "YOUR BEST FRIEND❤️!" Before I sent the pictures of his sister and I's events from previous parties and hangouts. "Here you go." I said handing it to him. We drove mostly in silence or sometimes singing songs together before getting to the store. We walked around for what seemed like hours getting all the food essentials and then getting decorations and pool floats. Once we were done we walked out loading everything into his SUV. We were on our way once more in mostly silence until we pulled into the driveway and there was a dj van in Leati's spot. "What the fuck?!" He said honking the horn. I got out of the car jogging inside. There was a somewhat older man and he smiled at me. "Could you do me a favor and move your van? We are bringing the food and stuff in and the hosts brothers spot is the one your in." I asked with a smile. "Of course darling I'm sorry." He said hurrying out side to move his van out of the driveway and let Leati move in. We unloaded everything out of the car and I started to cook. "Leati what are you making again?" I asked looking over my shoulder at him. "Ribs and corn on the cob and I'll help you with anything else you need me too." He said with a smile and I nodded. I started making homemade guacamole and salsa. I got the food table ready as I watched Leati grill. His Samoan heritage always came into play when he cooks. I grabbed the food setting it all on the table and it all looked amazing.

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