Cloud Ecstacy

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Y/n P.O.V.
Being married to a man who makes bank is amazing. Granted that I loved him far before we were rich. Roman smiled more these days, maybe because we are financially stable and very well could be for the rest of our lives. Or because he's close to wining the heavyweight championship. Tonight I'm surprising him. I'm getting ready in my hotel room right now. I put on this outfit.

I sprayed some perfume on myself looking in the mirror and smiling

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I sprayed some perfume on myself looking in the mirror and smiling. I can't wait to see his sexy ass. I walked out of my hotel room with my suitcase. I walked down to the elevator going down to the lobby. My Uber was waiting so I put my bags in and got in. The driver drove me to the arena. I walked into the back of the arena with my pass. I walked down the hall and saw one of my bestfriends Naomi taking you my other best friend Sasha. I squealed running up to them and hugging them both. "You guys were amazing out there as usual!" I said and the laughed. "Thanks boo!" Naomi said and I nodded. "You here to see your hubby win the title?" Sasha asked and I nodded. "Mhmm I've got to congratulate him and we are taking the jet so I'm excited. I've never been on one before so I'm definitely getting some up in the clouds." I said doing a little dance as the girls giggled. "Aye get you that cloud ecstasy baby!" Sasha said and I danced around a little as the girls cheered me on. "Get you that baby, girl!" Naomi clapped and I nodded. "Im ready to have his kids." I whined and they laughed. "Yes! We want to be Aunties!" They clapped happily. "Ok girls. I'm going to his locker room to surprise him and you know." I said with a wink and they giggled. I walked down the hall looking at all the locker rooms name plates. I saw a familiar tall brown haired male. "SETH!" I yelled and he whipped around and smiled at me widely. "Y/N!" He yelled back and ran to me hugging me. "What are you doing here?" He asked with a smile. "Surprising my hubby. Speaking of which can you lead me to his locker room?" I asked and he nodded leading me to his locker room. I thanked him and he smiled nodding before walking away. I walked in and he wasn't in here which means he's out there right now. I turned on the small tv and turned it to the channel. There he was, looking sexier than ever. He was completely destroying Brock and I was so happy. He worked so hard for this spot and Brock doesn't do shit for the company anyway. I sat in a chair watching his every movement. I knew my baby just as well as he knows himself and he had to get his mind prepared for the mental games Brock loved to play. Then the moment he and I had dreamed for forever happened. He pinned Brock for the three count. I got up and screamed happily. He looked so happy. I smiled as the ref handed him the belt. I was so happy for him. I waited impatiently for him. Soon I could here his voice. Saying thank you to someone but I didn't care I just wanted to hug him. I hid behind the door and soon he walked in before closing the door walking forward. He looked at my bag and I could tell he was confused. "BOO!" I yelled and he jumped turning around. His eyes went wide and he smiled widely. "BABY!" He yelled pulling me into a hug. He kissed my cheek holding onto me tightly and I giggled. "Well hello to you to." I said with a smile. "I missed you... so much." He muttered into my neck. "Me too handsome." I said rubbing his sweaty back. "How did you even- when did you get here!!?" He asked still with the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face. "I flew in last night, this morning I got ready and came here. Visited the girls and then waited for you in here." I said and he laughed. "I'm so proud of you baby! You did so good out there." I said kissing his lips. "Thanks Baby. It really means a lot to me that your here, I missed you so much." He said giving me a big hug again. "Ok now go take a shower your all sweaty and oily." I said pushing him away lightly. "Oh my god wait baby I didn't ask Vince if there was an extra seat on the jet!" He said worriedly and I giggled. "Already handled. It's gonna be just me and you." I said putting my hand on his chest and kissing his lips. He smiled into the kiss and wrapped his hand around my waist. "I think some celebratory drinks are in order." He said as he let go of me walking towards his bag. "Mmm more than just some drinks." I muttered softly thinking about all the things I was going to do for him later. "What did you say?" He said turning around. "Oh nothing I said yeah." I said with a smile. He hummed and waking into his bathroom to take a shower. I grabbed the title wrapping it around me and I sat down on the small couch in the corner. I took my phone out taking a picture of me with the title on. It's time to go on Twitter. I put the picture up with this caption: "Wow he did so great tonight. Good job bringing the title home for us daddy. Now it's time for the celebration.😈😫😉"
My phone was blowing up after I posted it. Roman walked out a few minutes late a towel wrapped around his head and his waist. He grabbed some black jogging pants and a black shirt and literally just got dressed in front of me. Why is he so damn sexy?! "Baby?" He asked and I snapped out of my trance. "Yes love?" I asked back with a smile. "You ready to go?" He asked and I nodded getting up. He looked down at me and smiled. "What?" I asked. "I haven't had my title for one day and you've already decided to take it?" He asked with a smirk and I looked down and giggled. "Yup it's mine now." I said smiling up at him. "You do look good in it anyway." He said grabbing my hand as we walked out of the room. We walked out of the arena and our Uber was waiting for us. Roman grabbed my bags putting them in the trunk. He helped me in getting in next to me. "I missed you so much." He muttered kissing my neck lightly. I hummed rubbing my thighs together to relive the dull ache between my legs. "Me too." I said rubbing the side of his face. I knew he wouldn't see tweet until we were on the plane. Thats specifically why I posted it when I did. "When we get home. Tomorrow I want to bring you out for dinner. Actually celebrate with my wife OUR way. Not that a private jet is bad but I'd preferably like to be in the comfort of our favorite restaurant." He said and I hummed and smiled. "Of course." I said kissing his cheek. I laid my head on his shoulder for the whole ride until we pulled up next to the jet. I gawked at the site of how large it truly was. "Come on babe we gotta go." Roman said rubbing my leg before opening the car door and stepping out. He held his hand out to me helping me out. We grabbed our bags before walking over to the steps leading up into the jet. Roman grabbed my suitcase from me and led me to walk up the stairs we walked up them and met the pilot before he instructed for the stair door to close. He explained to us how the flight would be and what we would need to do to have a safe trip. Once we were settled the jet took off and we were in the sky peacefully. I stood up walking to the fridge and grabbing the champagne. I popped it open and poured it for us. I walked to him and sat down on his lap. He smiled and happily took it. "You looked so good out there. Your energy was ecstatic." I said rubbing his shoulders and he smiled. "Thanks baby. Why the hell is my phone blowing up so much?" He asked more of a question to himself. He pulled his phone out and I giggled to myself. He opened his phone and unlocked twitter seeing he was tagged in my post. I could see my picture in the reflection of his eyes. He bit his lip and looked up at me then back down to the screen. "I'm daddy now?" He said looking at me with a smirk. "Your always daddy." I said with a smirk. "What is your idea of celebrating?" He asked rubbing my hips. "Well my idea of a celebration is me sucking the champs cock. Then I was thinking of letting the champ fuck me however his pretty little heart desires." I said with a smile. He bit his lip and leaned to the side and looked to see if the pilots room was closed and it was. I smirked sliding off his lap and standing up pulling my shirt off and his jaw dropped. "Please tell me this is a matching set?" He said with a big smile. I nodded humming and he moaned letting his eyes flutter. "What did I do to deserve this? A Beautiful sexy ass woman I get to call my wife forever?" He asked rubbing my hips as I unbuttoned my jeans and he pulled them down softly letting them fall to the ground around my heals. "You made me fall in love you thats how and you're a good person. You treat me like a queen. No one has ever done that for me. So now I'm going to thank you and congratulate you at the same time." I said bending down getting down on my knees. "Take your cock out daddy. Your Babygirl is hungry." I said looking up at him innocently. He groaned throwing his head back. He pulled his pants and boxers down and the beautiful cock that I had fell in love with the first time I saw it popped out of its confinement's. I smiled and wrapped my hand around it pumping slowly. I slowly wrapped my mouth around the tip licking around it. He groaned gripping the seats arms tightly. "Come on babygirl don't tease daddy you know how I get." He growled and I looked up at him and hurriedly bobbed my head. I knew exactly how he can get. Not that I don't like rough Roman but I have a tendency to scream so loud that I loose my voice and I can't very well scream on the jet. He groaned his hand inter locking with my hair as he moved some to the side. He watched me as I ran my tongue over the the thick vein on the underside of his cock. "Good fucking girl sucking daddies cock just how he likes it." He grumbled out thrusting into my mouth. I relaxed my throat and let him dominate my mouth. He grunted softly as he shoved his cock farther down my throat. "Shit baby girl I'm gonna come." He groaned out coming down my throat with a moan. "Mmm swallow it." He said roughly and I immediately did. He smirked pulling me up and kissed my lips roughly. "You want me to fuck you huh?" He growled roughly and I nodded. "Yes daddy please." I whimpered out against his sweet lips. "Anything for my baby." He smirked as he took his member in one hand. The other pulled my panties to the side. He slowly lowered me onto his member and I moaned softly my eyebrows furrowing. He moaned looking up into my eyes biting his lip. "Come on baby girl rock on it." He whispered softly. I slowly began rock back and forth feeling him fill me just how I craved. "God yes." I whimpered as I moaned softly. He slowly took ahold of my hips and rocked me faster. "God you're so fucking tight, so wet mmm. Who's pussy is this? Tell me." He growled out slapping my ass roughly. "Yours daddy it's yours." I moaned as my eyes rolled back. He groaned biting his lip watching my chest bounce. "Come here." He growled out pulling me forward by the back of my neck. I moaned loudly as he thrusted into me roughly. His cock hitting my g-spot just right. I bit his shoulder as I started to feel myself coming to my peak. "Daddy. I-I'm gonna come." I whimpered out as he picked up the pace leaving me completely breathless. "Come for daddy like a good girl." He grunted in my ear nibbling on it lightly. That was it for me. I came screaming around his shoulder. He slowed down slightly deep stroking me before cumming inside me. "That was the best celebration gift I've ever gotten." He mumbled into my neck. "Mmm you might have a better one in nine months." I said with a giggle. "You're off birth control?" He asked with a wide grin. "Yes. I know I was contemplating feeding I should and if I wanted kids but I realized that I would never not want to have kids with you. So I stopped taking it." I said with a smile. "I love you more than anything. I can't wait to have kids with you. Oh FYI strong genes run in my family so twins is definitely a possibility." He said with a chuckle. "Roman I swear to god if you just got me pregnant with twins." I said with a giggle and he chuckled. "If it happens it happens babygirl." He said kissing my forehead softly.
We soon found out I was indeed pregnant.... with twins. To say Roman and I were excited would be an understatement. Though I was scared I was so excited to be a mom. Time was going by so fast and I was getting bigger and bigger. Roman was so ready to be a dad. He red books and always was taking care of me and the two little ones. He was never not asking if I felt ok or if he needed me to do something. He didn't let me pick up hardly anything but I didn't mind. Soon it was time! My water broke while I was in our bedroom. I yelled for Roman and he was up the stairs in a matter of seconds. "It's time Ro." I said and he nodded helping me get cleaned up and ready to go.
I bawled as soon as our girls were laid on my chest. "They are so beautiful you did such an amazing job." Roman said kissing my forehead. They were soon taken away to be weighed and measured. We told everyone that I needed to rest and we wanted to spend some alone time with our new girls. So we asked that everyone can visit the next day. "What should we name them?" Roman asked. "I like the thought of the name Jaide." I said looking up at him and he smiled nodding. "Do you like the name Areilla? If you don't that's fine we can pick another one I just think that it's kinda pretty." He said rubbing the back of his neck and blushing. "I love it Ro." I said with a smile and he smiled widely. "Really!?" He asked and I nodded. "Our girls Jaide and Areilla Anoa'i." I said kissed their soft foreheads. "Middle names?" He asked and I hummed softly. "Saige and Rose?" I asked and he nodded with a smile. "So Jaide Rose Anoa'i and Areilla Saige Anoa'i." I said and he smiled happily. "Perfect." He whispered and I hummed. "I can't believe we have to baby girls." I said resting my head on Ro's shoulder. "I know you did such a fantastic job. They are beautiful too." He said kissing their cheeks. Soon the exhaustion set in and I handed the girls to Roman before falling asleep peacefully.
The next morning I woke up and got to eat some actual food. I admired my cute little girls before I dressed them up cute for guests to arrive. Both girls had brown eyes but Jaides were slightly lighter and Ariellas had a slight green tint to them. The first to arrive were our parents. They gawked over how cute they were and how much they looked like both of us. Soon Naomi and Sasha walked in with balloons in hand and flowers. "Omg they are adorable what are their names?" Naomi asked. "That's Jaide Rose Anoa'i and this is Ariella Saige Anoa'i." I said with a smile and they bother teared up. "Omg they are so beautiful let me hold my neices!" They both said and Roman and I laughed. Roman slowly and carefully brought Jaide over to Sasha. Naomi took Ariella from me and sat next to Sasha. "Oh my hot they are a perfect mix of you both." Sasha said wide eyed and Naomi nodded. They are perfect. So damn perfect.

Jaide Rose Anoa'i and Ariella Saige Anoa'i

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Jaide Rose Anoa'i and Ariella Saige Anoa'i.

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