The Beast Within

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I give you all a werewolf inspired imagine 😌😉
The men always had there rules of what not to talk about when doing promos when it comes to their alpha tendencies. The goal for most of the locker room is to not trigger the alpha or the beast within them. But sometimes that didn't happen. It always seemed to happen to Roman and I. Everyone always wanted to say something about me to Roman while they are in the ring. Though tonight was a different. It was a full moon tonight and everyone was on edge. Sure everyone would be mating tonight. That's just what was brought with the full moon, high sex drives. But the full moon also brought aggression. We walked into the arena hand in hand and you could feel the tense energy. We walked to Ro's locker room and he began to get ready for his match. He was unusually quite today but I knew he was just not trying to give in to the temptations of mating too fast. He always says that he needs to control it because he doesn't want to hurt me in any way. Which is completely and totally fine by me. Even though I like his aggressive side. "Ro? You ok?" I asked softly as he looked over at me. "I have a bad feeling about tonight. Feels like I'm gonna snap. It's not a nice feeling." He said with a shake of his head. "How about you sit down and let me give you a massage before your match to calm your nerves." I said with a smile and he grunted with a nod. He sat down in the chair and I walked around him and began to massage his tense shoulders. "Your so tense my love. Relax for me." I hummed kissing his neck. He turned his head nipping at my cheek lightly making me giggle a soft smile taking over his lips. "I just feel like there's going to be a problem out there and I feel like my anger is going to be next level." He said shaking his head. "Well whoever your facing knows what day it is and knows what boundaries not to cross. If they do that's their fault." I said and he nodded. "Now I've got to go change so I can look sexy for you while you win. I'll be right back." I said grabbing my bag and walking into the bathroom. "Babygirl?" I heard Roman rumble out and it sent chills up my spine. "Yes daddy." I said in an instant, it's all about Ro today. Making him know and feel confident and dominant. "Make sure you wear your necklace ok?" He said and I smiled. "Of course daddy I'll be right out." I said with a giggle. Once I was finished I did my makeup and looked in the mirror.

I walked out and Romans eyes trailing up and down my body as he licked his lips

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I walked out and Romans eyes trailing up and down my body as he licked his lips. His eyes though were still golden. Which is good. He was doing so well holding his alpha back. "You look sooo sexy." He said with a grin standing up and giving me a big hug. "Do you have your necklace on daddy?" I asked and he hummed pulling his dog tag necklace out that read "daddy". I hummed and kissed his lips. "Good are you ready?" I asked and he nodded smiling. We walked out of the room towards the Gorilla. We stoped by production and asked who Roman would be facing. Turns out it's Bobby Lashley. Great. He always seemed to push Ro's buttons. He talked a lot of shit. Roman hated him. I could feel him tense up as soon as the producer told him. "Baby relax." I whispered and he whipped around towards me his eyes a glowing orange color. His alpha was almost out. He breathed heavily as he backed me to the wall. Was it slightly scary? Yes. Was I highly turned on? FUCK YES! I completely submit to Roman while he's my alpha. One he is just as rough if I don't. But he will punish me so damn bad when he's full alpha. He doesn't show mercy. Which I don't hate but I've got important stuff to do tomorrow and I need to be able to walk and sit down. He put his large hand around my throat and bent down so he was face to face with. "My alpha is so fucking close to an outbreak baby. Don't push daddy ok!?" He said grittily and I nodded. "Yes daddy." I whispered sweetly and he smiled. "Good. Let's go kick some ass." He said grabbing my hand and walking to the curtain. The crowd was already cheering loudly as Romans music blared over the speakers. He let me walk out first before him. Everyone cheered loudly for me before he walked out. He panned over the crowd before lacing his hand around my hip pulling me close to him laying a kiss on my lips. We walked down the ramp and Roman walked me over to commentary. He kissed my forehead before I sat down next to Renee. "How are you doing tonight Y/n?" Renee asked me as Bobby's music played over the speakers. "I'm good. I hope for Bobby's sake he doesn't say something to trigger my husband." I said and Renee nodded. "Why's that?" Corey piped up with a smirk. Asshole. "Because COREY. My husband has a beast within him and no man is capable of beating my husband when he is in that manor. He will not stop until his opponent is demolished." I said sitting back in my chair as the bell rang. The match started out great. Untiiiilllll Bobby called me a whore. "What the fuck did you just call my wife?" Roman growled out viciously. "You heard me Reigns. I'm sure she'd be ready and willing to get down on her knees for me." Bobby said with a smirk and I put a hand on my face. You fucked up Bobby. I could see Romans body change. He growled loudly jumping on Bobby wrestling him to the ground. Roman began completely pummeling Bobby. "It seems like Bobby said something that triggered Roman!" Renee said and I nodded. "Only god can save Bobby now." I said with a smirk. Roman picked Bobby up flinging him so hard into the turn buckle that it broke off flinging Bobby forward into a viscous spear. Roman instantly got on top of him and began punching him. No. No. This is bad. He's going to actually hurt him. I quickly stood up and jogged to the apron. I slammed my hand down on it a few times. "Alpha!" I yelled and Roman whipped his head back. His normally doe brown eyes now a bright gold color. "No. Please." I said seriously. He would kill him. Not a doubt in my mind. He looked like he was contemplating my words. He looked at me before looking back at Bobby. His eyes traveled back to me as he looked at me he pinned Bobby for the three count. He stood up and rolled out of the ring. He grabbed my hand pulling me with him. We walked up the ramp at a fast pace. Once we got to his locker room he pulled me in with a grunt. He let me go and kissed my forehead softly. "Shower?" I asked him and he nodded with a grunt. He didn't talk much while he was an Alpha. He walked away in the direction of the shower. I sat down on the couch and looked at Twitter. All the tweets were about how amazing Ro was tonight. I heard the shower turn off and I stood up. My handsome husband walked out in just a towel and I bit my lip. "Feel better?" I asked and he smiled at me his eyes back to brown. "Yeah for a little bit. I'm holding it back. I can feel it. We better go now. I mmm I gotta get in you." He said pulling some sweatpants on. I could tell he was holding it back. He always twitched a lot when he would hold it back. I sometimes wish he wouldn't but then I remember that he makes me scream his name and I would rather not be embarrassed any time I walk passed someone I work with. "Want me to drive?" I asked as we walked out of the locker room. "No. Mm. Need to stay distracted." He said itching at his arm. We walked out to the car and packed up before getting in and driving off. We rode in silence and I was thinking about what I should do to make him the most dominant and happy alpha when we get into the hotel room. We pulled into the hotel parking lot and hopped out. Ro grabbed our bags before we walked in going up to our room. Once we were in he set our bags down. "I gotta piss. Be ready when I come out." He growled slamming the bathroom door closed. I grabbed this out of my bag setting everything out nicely.

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