"Why cant this work?"

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Y/n P.O.V.
Tears fell from my eyes as I grabbed the last box of my belongings. Roman watched with puffy eyes from the kitchen island of our apartment. "That's the last of it." I said with a sniffle looking over at him. I saw his lip quiver before he covered his eyes bursting out with a sob. He walked over and I held my arms out. He pulled me in for a hug as we cried together. Roman and I had been together since college. 4 long years of building a relationship with him. I knew how much he loved me. And he knew how much I loved him. As we've grown we of course had our own dreams when it came to careers. Which led us to this...we had to break up. Because he was going to be on the road with WWE full time soon. And I got a job offer for photography and makeup in New York. I didn't want to leave him. But he'll we both knew it wasn't going to work. With the amount of days he'll be on the road...and the amount of time I would be able to spend with him if he did come to New York. It just wouldn't work. It was heartbreaking. I loved him with everything in me. "Why Y/n? Why can't this work?" He asked with a sob. I sighed hiccuping as I did. "You are gonna be a huge star Ro. And I don't want you worrying about me while I'm trying to make a name for myself. I know how your schedule is gonna be." I said wiping his tears away. "I can't live without you." He whispered holding me tightly. "You will find the one someday Roman...I know you will." I said rubbing his cheek. He shook his head as tears fell. "I don't want anyone else but you." He said softly and I hugged him again. "I don't want anyone else ever. I want you. Forever. I'll get down on my knees and beg you to stay if I have too. Just please please don't leave." He said looking at me and I sighed. "God damnit Ro." I said with a stuffy laugh. "I'm so serious." He said with a sob. He literally began getting on his knees. "Please. I love you. We can figure this out." He said crying making my crying begin again. "How are we gonna get this to work?" I asked and he pushed his face against my legs. I bent down getting on my knees with him. "Fuck I don't know. But I can't loose you." He said and I sobbed. "I really don't want to loose you either." I said with a soft laugh. "Hell look at us...neither of us want to leave each other. I've bawled more in the past few days then I ever have in my life." He said making me laugh and nod. "We tried to figure this out though Ro." I said and he sighed. "What if I make a call?" He asked his eyes lighting up with hope. My heart felt like it skipped three beats. "Make a call to who?" I asked rubbing his cheek. "Hunter...see if they've got any photography or makeup positions open...come on the road with me." He said and I felt like my breath hitched. "Please...don't leave. At least not yet. Until I get in touch with him...one last chance." He pleaded and I sighed and nodded. "But Ro if..." I said and he nodded. "If there's nothing open...this is it for us...I get it." He said with a nod and a sniffle. "Okay." I whispered and he sighed kissing my cheek softly. "I'll call him right now." He said with an excited smile. We stood and he grabbed his phone before dialing his number. I sat down on the couch as he paced back and forth. "Hey Hunter...it's me Roman." He said into the phone and I was instantly nervous. "Yeah Uhm look...my girlfriend is a photographer and a makeup artist...she she does great work...I was wondering if..." He stopped talking and I bit my lip. "Yeah...yeah...I...Uhm of course j-just give me one second she just will have to send it to me quick." He said and I perked up. He muted the phone with a big smile. "There's two positions open. He wants to see your work. He might merge positions if your work is good enough." He said excitedly and I nodded. "I'll send you both of my portfolios now." I said grabbing my phone. I sent him both of my portfolio and he typed on his phone for a moment before putting it back up to his ear. "Okay I sent them too you... okay. Thank you so much. Okay sounds good." He said before hanging up. "So?" I asked softly and he sighed. "He said he'd call back with a decision in an hour. He just has to talk it over with some people." He said and I sighed. "So...what should we do in the meantime?" He asked sitting down next to me. "I can think of something..." I said with a soft smile. I straddled his lap kissing his lips softly. "You want to do this?" He asked with a smile and I nodded. "Make love to me Ro...let this be the last time...or a celebration of whats yet to come. We don't know yet...but hell if I have one last time with the person who knows exactly what I need then I'm going to take it." I said kissing his lips roughly. He moaned picking me up making me smile. "God I hope this isn't the last time." He said as he walked us to the bedroom. "I hope it isn't either." I whispered against his lips as he laid me down on the bed. "But just in case it is...I better taste you one last time." He said with a smirk making me whimper. He pulled my shorts and panties down my legs before sliding my shirt over my head. He undressed in front of me making me bite my lip. I really hoped this wouldn't be the last time I get to see that cock...it was perfect I couldn't deny. "I have an idea..." I said with a smirk making him look up at me. "Oh yeah?" He asked and I nodded. "How about we pleasure each other...one last time...at the same time." I said and he groaned. "That sounds like heaven Babygirl." He said with a smile as he laid down on the bed. I kissed him softly before turning around straddling myself over his face. He pulled me down with force making me moan as he began devouring me. I quickly took him into mouth making him groan. His tongue worked around and inside of me perfectly. His hips bucked up against my mouth making me smile. "Fuck baby...I don't want to finish like this. I want to finish inside you." He groaned out making me hum as I continued to suck him for a moment. I slowly sucked my way off of him and he growled. "Lay down." He whispered out hoarsely and I did. He smiled softly before slowly sliding in between my legs. I looked down and but my lip as he slowly entered me making me moan. "Fuck baby." I moaned out softly making him groan. He slowly began to thrust into me as he closed his eyes. He bent down kissing me softly as he rocked his hips against me. "You feel so good." I whispered out  wrapping my hands around his neck. He kissed down my neck towards my ear. "I love you so much Babygirl." He whispered out softly making the emotions stir back up. "I-I love you too." I whispered out. He looked at me for a moment closing his eyes, putting his forehead against mine. "I love you so much. More than anything in this world." He whispered out picking up the pace making me whimper. I could feel tears begin to stream down my face as I held onto him for dear life. Surely the tears were a mix of pleasure and heartbreak. But at this moment I didn't have a care in the world. He was making this so special. Normally, we had pretty rough sex. Which was always fun and great. But this, he was showing me exactly how much he would miss me. And exactly how much he loved me at the same time. He began to continuously hit my spit making my eyes roll. The sound of his grunts and groans were enough to make me finish right now. He gripped my neck tightly, the sudden tightened jolted me from my fever dream as I opened my eyes. "Look at me when you cum Babygirl." He panted out his other hand trailed down to my clit rubbing in slow circles making me whine. "Fuck I'm gonna cum Ro." I moaned out as I began to shake around him. "Cum for me and I'll cum for you baby." He whispered out and as tears filled my eyes again, I fell over the edge with a sob. "I love you." I sobbed out making him sniffle and falter slightly. "I love you too baby. Fuck I'm cumming." He groaned out closing his eyes as he thrusted into me a few more times before stilling inside me. I moaned softly as I felt him fill me. I held him close taking in the feeling of his body on top of mine. Just in case this was the last time. "I love you." I whispered out running my finger through his now messy hair. "I love you so much." He whispered against my shoulder making me blush. He slowly pulled out of me but stayed wrapped in my arms. The loud ringing of his phone jolted him up and out of my grasp. "SHIT! That must be Hunter." He said getting up running to get his phone from the living room. "Hey Hunter!" I heard him say and I slowly hid myself under the blankets. I didn't even want to hear what was going on. I could hear his footsteps before the blanket was snatched off of me. I looked at him with a worried expression and he put his phone on speaker. "Is she listening?" Hunter asked and I internally squealed. "Yes I'm listening sir." I said back and Roman sat down next to me. "After reviewing your portfolio's and seeing your experience we here at WWE would love to offer you the new position of merged photographer and makeup artist. We are open to offering you an annual salary of $105,600 for a 5 year contract...now this doesn't mean after 5 years you won't be assigned a new contract but this is our starting wage for you for the next 5 years with us here at WWE." He said and my jaw was dropped fully open. "Still there?" He asked and I shook my head. "Uh yes! Sir I'm sorry I'm just surprised that deal is..amazing I..I don't even know how to thank you." I said as tears streamed down my face. Roman pulled me close kissing the top of my head. "No need to thank us, we'll be glad to have you on the team, you can start whenever Roman comes in. We'll make it easy since I'm sure you two love birds will travel together." He said making us laugh. "Thank you so much Hunter." I said with a sniffle. "No problem kid, welcome to WWE. See you soon. The both of you." He said and I smiled looking over at Roman and he had the biggest smile. He hung up and I quickly kissed him with a happy squeal. "You know what this means Ro?" I asked between kisses and he nodded. "That I'm gonna love you forever and ever and not let you go." He said and I smiled. "I was gonna say that was not the last time we have sex but the most romantic time we have had sex but that works too." I said with a giggle making him laugh. "We are gonna go clean up, then I'm going to run to the store and grab stuff for dinner, and THEN we are going to cuddle all night and all day tomorrow." He said and I nodded with a smile. Once we finished getting cleaned up he ran to the store as I began to unpack all of my stuff. Luckily I only had a few boxes and was all done by the time he got back. "Feels like home again." He said walking around making me smile. I walked over to him wrapping my arms around his neck. He bent down kissing me softly as he rustled through a plastic bag. I looked over confused and he let out a shaky breath. "This isn't what I wanted to give you...but it will have to work until I can make enough money to buy you one you actually deserve." He said and I cocked my head to the side as he slowly began down on one knee making me gasp. "Y/n today sealed our fate...and I want to forever cement you in my life by asking if you would please marry me?" He asked opening the box as tears rolled down my face again. I nodded softly letting out a sob. He smiled standing up spinning me around in his arms. He slowly slid the ring on my finger and I smiled up at him giving him a big kiss. "Do you like the ring my fiancé?" He asked and I looked down.

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