"Show Me Just How Much You Love Me."

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I was pissed. Beyond belief. And I knew it was a storyline. But when it came to Roman he always had some control in what he could say. His new storyline made him a conceded prick. He was all about that he was the greatest. The tribal chief. Granted I know that he worked for everything he had accomplished. But now. He is acting as if he got there all by himself. Like our seven years together didn't help him. Like I didn't fucking keep him grounded. I don't even think we've had dinner together in a month. Because he's always busy with fucking interviews and shit. Which wouldn't be a big deal IF I didn't know my boyfriend would MAKE time for me regardless of how many interviews or tv appearances. I walked into the arena walked down the long corridor my mind clouded with thoughts. I walked into my locker room locking the door. I sighed leaning my head against the door. I hadn't talked to him in days. We roomed together but as soon as I was done for the night I headed to the hotel and fell asleep in a separate bed before he was even started for the night. Roman was a smart man. So I didn't understand how he couldn't tell that I was upset. Usually he was faster than I was to know that I was upset before I did. But I can't focus on that. I've got a match I need to win. I changed into my gear before walking into makeup and hair. The ladies finished making me all pretty and I stood up looking in the mirror with a smile.

 The ladies finished making me all pretty and I stood up looking in the mirror with a smile

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I walked up to the gorilla and began stretching before I walked out. Tonight I was facing Sasha. We were really good friends. Even better in ring opponents. Our match was heated and we both were putting on one of the best performances. I hit her with my finisher before pinning her for the three count. I stood before rolling out of the ring walking backstage. I grabbed a water bottle from a cooler nearby and drank it. Sasha walked through the gorilla walking over to me. "Hey. I'm sorry for being that aggressive. I've just got a lot of shit clouding my head right now. I didn't mean to push it that far." I said shaking my head. "It's ok girl. That was the best damn match we've had. Maybe whatever that inner anger is you got building up needs to be used more. You really worked that ring tonight. There's no need to apologize." She said and I smiled nodding. "Now go let loose girl you just won." She said with a big smile before I gave her a hug and I was off to my dressing room. I showered off and decided I was going to get dressed and go out for a little while. I changed into this dress.

 I changed into this dress

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