Don't Let That Bitch Touch You Ever Again.

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Y/n P.O.V.
I was excited for today. It was one of the biggest days all year. WWE Hall of Fame. I had picked out my dress to surprise Joe. I put my dress on in our hotel room as we both got ready.

 I put my dress on in our hotel room as we both got ready

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I was in love with my dress and every accessory. I waited for my husband before I heard the door to the bathroom open and out walked my hot ass man.

 I waited for my husband before I heard the door to the bathroom open and out walked my hot ass man

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I smiled standing up and his jaw dropped. He trailed his eyes down my body licking his pink lips before biting his lower one. "C'mere." He said in a low tone and I could feel my insides throb. I walked over to him slowly and he pulled me into him and kissed me roughly. I moaned as I held onto his muscular biceps. His warm tongue entered my mouth and I moaned. I pulled away slightly and Joe nipped at my bottom lip making me whimper. "Why the fuck do you have to look so sexy all the fucking time?" He growled out putting his forehead to mine. "I do it for you...daddy." I said with a smile. He growled grabbing my ass in his hands nipping at my neck. "I'll make you scream daddy later you can bet on that." He hummed out kissing my neck making me moan softly. "Is that a threat or a promise daddy?" I said smirking. "That's a promise baby. Now let's get going." He said with a wink grabbing the car keys and my hand. We walked out of our hotel room and into the elevator. Joe held me close by my hips as we took the short ride down to the first floor. We walked out to our car and hopped in. We drove to the arena and parked in the back. We walked into the back entrance seeing many superstars. Then I say her. The one person I despised the most. Mandy Rose. She walked over a big fake ass smile on her face. She instantly put her arms out showing her fake breasts to Joe. She hugged him and he looked at me with a confused face. "It's sooo good to see you Joe. You look amazing." She said with a big smile. "Uh, thanks I guess." Joe said scratching the back of his head. "Joe honey I've got to talk to you about something really important quickly." I said grabbing his hand and walking him speedily down an empty hallway. I pushed him against the walk and he grunted in shock. I kissed him roughly. I pulled away and looked up at him angrily. "Don't let that bitch ever touch you again. This is mine." I said gripping his dick and his eyes fluttered closed. "B-baby I don't think she meant anything by it." He grunted out. "Yes the fuck she did and that bitch did it because I was standing there. She's lucky I didn't take your dick out and suck it right in front of her." I said finally letting go of his now hard cock. "Babyyy now I'm hard." He whined and grumbled. "Well that's your fault that you get horny when I'm angry. Think about your grandma naked or something." I said crossing my arms and he gagged. "Ew! Babe!" He said looking at me with a shocked expression. "What?! You need to get your tent down." I said with a giggle and he rolled his eyes. "Well you waisted a perfectly good boner." He said with a pout and I giggled. "Well lucky for you, you can get it up fast."  I said with a wink grabbing his hand. "Let's go." I said as we walked down the hallway. We walked into the actual arena and walked in the carpet taking pictures as a couple. Once we were done we sat down next to Colby and Rebecca. We watched as everyone get inducted and clapped. "When we get back to the hotel Im going to fuck you so hard we get noise complaints." He whispered in my ear and I smiled chills running through my body. "I want whatever you'll give me." I whispered back nipping at his earlobe making him gasp. He looked around at the crowd and they were distracted by the person talking on stage. He grabbed my hand pulling me up and sneaking us out. "What are we doing?" I asked and he smirked. "We are going to the hotel so I can fuck your brains out duh." He said with a knowing smirk. We hurriedly walked to the car and hopped in driving to the hotel. Once we got there we walked into the elevator and as soon as the door closed Joe pushed me against the wall his hand on my neck as he kissed me roughly. Both tongue and teeth clashing. "You make me so fucking hard." He growled against my lips and I hummed with a smirk. The elevator dinged and we broke apart. He led me out first slapping my ass making me moan. "Been teasing me since this morning. Your gonna get it. Right. Now." He grumbled our as we made it to our room he opened it with one swipe and pushed me in slightly. He closed the door locking it before turning to me. "Strip and lay on the bed just how daddy likes it." He said in the low rough voice that turned me on so much. I bit my lip slowly unzipping my dress letting it fall, revealing that I had nothing on under it. I slowly climbed on the bed and arched my back until my chest was on the bed. "I'm ready for you daddy." I said with a giggle wiggling my ass slightly. I looked back at him and he was stroking himself. Biting his lip and walking back and forth looking at my body. "Bring that mouth here and please daddy like I know you can." He growled out moving to stand at the side of the bed. I crawled over to him sexily and looked up at his big brown eyes. God I love him. I put the cock I loved into my mouth with eyes his head falling back slightly as I began to suck just the tip. I looked up at him through my eyelashes and he groaned. "Come on Baby. Don't play with daddy." He grunted out and I smiled. "How about you make me daddy?" I said with a big smirk bagging my eyelashes. He looked at me with a shocked expression. Usually I wasn't bratty. But I wanted rough treatment tonight. "Open your god damn mouth." He growled and I smiled. I opened my mouth looking up at him before he picked his member deep into the back of my throat making me gag. "Yeah just like that." He moaned out softly his face beaming with a smile. He thrusted into my mouth slowly at first looking down at me. My eyebrows furrowed and my eyes rolled into the back of my head. He grabbed the sides of my head before thrusting into my throat roughly. Did it hurt? Yes. Was I turned on? Hell yes. Would I tell him to stop? No I want this. I let him fuck my face listening to his grunts. "You like me fucking your face huh baby?" He moaned out in an amused tone. "Mmmmmhmm." I moaned out fluttering my eyes closed. "God damnit! You know daddy loves it when you submit." He growled out pushing his cock as far down my throat as it could go. My whole body contracting from lack of air. I started to see tiny black dots in my vision before he let go and I took in a deep breath. I looked up at him with blurry tear filled eyes drool connecting from my tongue all the way to the tip of his cock. "Ohh fuck you look so pretty babygirl." He said with a chuckle and I smiled softly. "Thank you daddy." I said breathing heavily. "Your welcome baby. Now lay down how daddy likes and I give you a present." He said lowly and I whimpered turning around and arching once more. He rubbed the wet tip against my slick entrance and entered me slowly knowing that he is huge. I moaned softly into the comforter. He began to slowly fuck me. His cock automatically biting the right spot. "Ohhh Daddy." I moaned softly and he hummed. He began to roughly thrust into me pulling my hips back into him. "Oh my god!" I moaned out as he chuckled behind me. The sound of skin slapping filled the room. "You take daddy's cock so well princess." He hummed out and I whined. "Ohhhh daddy it's sooo big." I moaned into the sheets as he slapped my ass harshly. "Hands and knees." He grunted out and I moaned before getting up on my hands. Joe took one of his hands off my ass and wrapped my hair around his hand pulling my head back. He thrusted into me harder making me squeal bout. "Naw baby we don't hold back moans up in here I want to here them." He said gripping my hip tighter. "B-but Daddy." I whined out my eyes crossing. He slapped my ass roughly a few times making me whimper. "Don't question daddy. Now I can feel starting to tighten around me. Now I want you to do what daddy says and scream for me while you cum all over my cock." He growled out and I fluttered my eyes closed. He brought his hand down to my clit and I completely lost it around him. "OHHH DADDDYYYYYYY! FUUUCCCKKK!" I screamed out as I shook around him. My toes curled and my eyes rolled back into my head. I fell flat against the bed and Joe continued to thrust into me. "God babygirl I'm gonna cum." He groaned out and I finally came to the realization that I didn't want him to cum in me. "I want it in my mouth and on my face." I moaned out and he moaned back pulling out of me. "Get on your knees." He said panting. I did as I was told and opened my mouth sticking out my tongue for him. He put his hand on the back of my neck holding me steady and he let out a strangled groan. His cum shooting into my mouth and on my face just how I wanted. "Ughhh fuck babygirl." He groaned out as he tapped his dick against my cheek making me smile. Joe sighed letting his head fall back. His cock still resting against my face. I licked it and he jumped pulling away. "No no baby I'm too sensitive." He said shaking his head. I giggled and scooped the rest of his cum up with my finger and popped it in my mouth sucking it off. "God you are sexy." He groaned and I looked up at him innocently fluttering my eyelashes. "All cute and shit. You are going to make me loose my mind." He said running his hands over his hair. I reached my hand up to his and he helped me up my legs still shaking. "Surprised you didn't squirt." He said with a chuckle. That was something I did regularly in our sexual events. "If you would have kept fucking me after I had came I would've." I said with a giggled as he picked me up bringing me into the bathroom. He sat me on the counter and smirked. "Joe." I said worriedly his mischievous smirk meant trouble and I knew it. He bent down licking at my sensitive entrance and I whined. "Joe I can go another round I'm too sore." I whimpered out as he lapped at my entrance. "It's not another round babygirl I'm cleaning you up." He said with a wink and I groaned. He slurped and sucked loudly looking straight into my eyes. "Mm no more please." I whimpered out and gripped at his hair.  I licked me one last time before pulling away and kissing my clit making me shiver. I breathed heavily as he kissed up my naked body. He trailed his lips over mine softly and I fluttered my eyes close. "Taste yourself on my lips baby." He whispered gruffly and I kissed him. My tongue darting out running along his lips tasting myself. He pulled away with a smirk and walked over to the shower turning it on to the right temperature. He picked me up wrapping my legs around his waist. He held me under my legs as he walked us into the warm water. I laid my head against his shoulder as he washed us both. He gave me a scalp massage and I hummed softly kissing his neck. "I love you baby." He whispered in my ear and I smiled against his neck. "I love you to honey." I said softly. He smiled and shut the water off. He grabbed a towel wiping us dry before setting me back on the counter. He took out my lotion and rubbed me down. He picked me back up and brought us over to the bed. He opened the covers and helped me in. He slid in next to me. I cuddled up to him and kissed his neck. "Good night baby." I whispered with a yawn. "Night my queen." He said kissing my forehead. I guess my anger can lead to great things.

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