"You can show me just how strong you are in the room."

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Y/n P.O.V.
My heels clicked on the hard floor as I walked through the arena. Being the manager of Roman was honestly incredibly difficult. Not because he was a difficult person, but because he was ungodly levels of hot. And being with him so much caused me to develop a huge crush on him. I played it off well. He had no clue. Well at least I think he had no clue. I walked to his dressing room and as soon as I got to the door I stopped. I could hear his grunts. I knocked on the door and he let out a 'yeah?' With another grunt. I clenched my legs together trying to fend off my arousal. "Umm are you dressed?" I asked softly making him chuckle. "Yeah come in." He said and I opened the door. My face instantly flushed as I looked down at him. He was doing push ups. Not what my brain thought at all. Not even close. He looked up at me with that gorgeous smile. "Why'd you ask me if I was dressed?" He said with a huff as he stood. "Uhm I don't know. I could here you grunting from outside the room soo I was just making sure you are decent." I said and he chuckled. "Mind outta the gutter babygirl mine outta the gutter." He said with a wink and I rolled my eyes. "You've got that party at that new club downtown tonight. You are supposed to make an appearance." I said and he groaned. "I don't want to." He said and I sighed. "I know the last thing you want to do is go to a party after a grueling match. But you know how it is when you are champ. You have to get out there and show it off." I said and he groaned. "I knowww but it's never anyone I like. Who is just normal and laid back." He said with a huff crossing his arms. "I know but it's good for business." I said shaking his head and he rolled his eyes. "Come with me and make the experience better." He said with that cute ass smile. He knew how to get his way. "I don't think that would be very appropriate I'm your manager." I said putting a hand on my hip. He stood up walking over to me with a smile. "Pleaaaase?" He asked with a pout, I sighed and smiled. "Besides, who says we have to go as a wrestler and his manager. Why not just Roman and Y/n. A friendly time at a club." He said with a smile. "Fine. You've convinced me Reigns. You are lucky you've got a nice smile." I said with a giggle rolling my eyes. "Great! I'll pick you up at your room around 10:30. Take the rest of the night off I got this. Why don't you get ready. I'm sure a bunch of celebrities are gonna be there. Nice guys. Not nicer than me but cute guys I'm sure that will be looking at you." He said and I rolled my eyes. "You are irratating." I said rolling my eyes making him laugh. "You know I'm right." He said with a wink and I rolled my eyes. "Go to your match before you are late." I said and he smiled. "See you later Babygirl." He said walking out with a wink. Good god he was going to drive me crazy.
Once I got back to my hotel room I took out all of my outfits looking at which one I wanted. Which one would I wear to be accompanied by the hottest man alive? I smirked as I found my cute black denim booty shorts. Slowly the outfit started to come together and I smiled as I laid it out on my bed. I did my makeup and hair and changed smiling to myself as I looked in the mirror. I looked good. Reeeall good.

I sat down on my bed take a few pictures

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I sat down on my bed take a few pictures. There was a knock on my door and I stood walking over. I looked through the peep hole and bit my lip, he looked really good. His hands in his pockets, his hair slicked back into low bun. I opened the door and his smile slowly faded as he looked down at my outfit. "Well shit I didn't know you were going to dress up like this." He said with a smirk and I put my hand on my hip raising a brow. "And what is that supposed to mean?" I asked and he smiled. "I just have never seen you look so... what's the word... bad. But in the best way possible. Like fine as shit." He said making me giggle. "I'll take that as a compliment and I guess you don't look to bad yourself Reigns now hurry up and let's go." I said locking my door and walking down the hall. He caught up with me pressing the button for the elevator. I looked up at him and he smiled making me smile and shake my head. At least he was a gentleman.
We entered the club and somehow his hand traveled to my hip holding me close. I looked up at him as we walked through the crowd. He kept his focus steady on finding us a place to sit down. We finally found a spot and he led me to the seat. I sat down and he sat on the other side. "Want something to drink?" He asked and I thought for a moment. "I'll take a sex on the beach." I said and he raised a brow. "Reigns. I didn't mean it in a sexual way, it's a drink." I said with a smile rolling my eyes. "Whatever you say babygirl. I wouldn't mind giving you that if I was offered the opportunity.  I'll be back with our drinks." He said with a wink. My jaw hung open as I watched him weave through the crowd. Did he just-. I couldn't even process it. He walked back with a smile drinks in hand. "Here you are." He said handing me the cocktail. "Thank you." I said with a soft smile and he nodded. A girl walked up to our table. I looked up at her and instantly felt self conscious. All her focus was on Roman. But I watched him to see how he'd react. I didn't want him to look at her body. Her assets I should say. My smile grew as I watched his eyes connect with the women. He tensed softly as she leaned forward. "Wanna come dance with me?" She asked leaning over to show off her breasts. My heart almost bursted as he shook his head. "No, as you can see I'm with someone. But thanks for the offer." He said and I blushed. She looked over at me rolling her eyes before walking away. We made small talk, joking and laughing with each other. I slowly began to move in my seat as my favorite song blasted over the speakers.

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