The wrestler who read my diary

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This is for FemDante hope you love this little series you came up with!
Y/n P.O.V.
I was always a very organized person. I had slight OCD but mostly because as an assistant of Dolph Ziggler I had to keep my shit in track. My one problem was I was so damn clumsy. One day I was walking down the hallway writing down notes about what Dolph wanted from catering when it felt like I slammed into a brick wall. "Ooh babygirl are you ok?" I heard a familiar voice wince. I blinked a few times pushing my glasses up on my face seeing the one and only Roman Reigns. He was so hot. I wrote about him in my diary all the time. The things I wanted him to do to me were indescribably spicy and hot. I stood up quickly only to literally fall into his arms from being dizzy. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to run into you. I-I have to go." I said in a rushed tone standing out of his hold and walking in a rushed pace. I heard him faintly yell wait but I didn't have time. I soon was at catering making a plate for Dolph making sure that none of his food touched. Yes he was one of those people. I quickly finished up and walked back to his locker room. I knocked on the door hearing a high pitch giggle. He answered the door with a blonde bimbo hanging on his arm as usual. "Thanks. You can go now." He said with a cocky smirk slamming the door in my face. I sighed angrily walking to my damn office closing the door angrily. I sighed as I sat down behind my desk. I began to do some paperwork before there was a knock on the door. "Come in." I said softly and the door opened and Roman peaked his head in with a smile. "Is it ok if I come in?" He asked and I nodded softly. He walked in closing the door behind him. "I just wanted to check and see if you were ok you ran away kind of fast and I wasn't sure if you were seriously hurt." He said sitting down on the chair across from my desk. "Yeah I'm really ok. I'm sorry for running so fast I had to get Dolph his food and he was rushing me." I said and he sighed. "I don't understand why you put up with the way he treats you. It's disrespectful." He said shaking his head. "I know but I have to make money. I love being surrounded by all the wrestlers. I just got stuck with him." I said with a sigh. "You'd rather be an assistant for me right." He said with a smirk and I giggled. "Hmm someone's cocky." I said with a laugh. "I mean I think I am just speaking facts judging by this." He said and I looked up at him and he was holding my diary in his hand. "How did you." I looked at him in surprise. "You dropped it and I tried to call you but you walked away." He said and I sighed. "So you decided to read it?" I asked and he shook his head. "Not like what your thinking. I mean I did. But it wasn't because I wanted you to feel like I was invading your privacy. To be completely honest with you I really took interest in you a while ago and just haven't had the courage to talk to you. So I did it to learn a little more about you. I thought since when I look at you you look delicate and sweet that maybe you drew flowers that I could get you to surprise you. But then I read it and I was all about the things you wanted to do with me. Or more like what you wanted me to do to you." He said honestly and I put my head against the desk. "I'm so embarrassed." I sighed out and he laughed. "Don't be. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't want to do those things to you." He said with a slight chuckle and I looked up at him. "R-really." I said and he nodded with a small smile. "I don't just want to do these things with you though. I'm not a player. I don't want you to get the wrong idea of me. I'd definitely like to take you on however many dates it takes for you to trust that I won't hurt you. I don't want to think I like you because you have a beautiful body." He said with a smile and I could feel myself become turned on. I had a huge gentleman kink. He was turning something in me on. "Fuck me." I blurted our as I covered my mouth. I blushed heavily. "I'm sorry that was very.... unprofessional." I said shaking my head. "Is that what you want? Do me to just fuck you? Or do you want me to fuck you on this desk like you wrote about? I'll gladly do either." He said with a smirk. I looked at him shocked. "I-I." He stood up and I could see the outline of his dick and it made my mouth water. He walked to my side of the desk and stood in front of me. He reached for my hand and pulled me up. I looked up at him still in shock. "Can I kiss you?" He asked and I nodded softly. He leaned down connecting his warm lips with mine. He pulled me close rubbing my hips. My short black skirt scrunching up at my hips. My lace panties now on show. He let go my lips looking down at my ass biting his lip. He swiped all of the papers and stuff off my desk picking me up by the back of my legs and setting me on the desk. "Wait! L-Lock the door. Dolph had a tendency to barge in uninvited when he needs something." I said breathlessly. "Nah imma leave that door open. Let that motherfucker walk right on in while I'm all up in you. Let him see how a women like you deserves to be treated." He said and I blushed. "Just lay back and let me take care of my baby alright?" He said with a smiled and I nodded. I laid back as he slid my skirt off letting it fall to the ground. He kissed my bare thigh and I moaned softly. "Mmm." I moaned softly as he laid kisses to different parts of my legs. "Take your shirt and bra off for me." He spoke in a gravely tone. I sat up slightly taking off my shirt throwing it on the floor then taking off my bra. He looked at my chest and licked his lips bending down and sucking on my right nipple looking up at me. "Mmph daddy." I moaned out and he smirked against my skin. He rolled my other nipple with his hand pinching it lightly. I arched my back off the desk feeling his bulge right by my center. "You like me to be verbal to you right sweetheart? I think I read that." He grumbled out and I whimpered and nodded. "Don't worry baby I'm gonna make sure your whole body is pleased. Daddy's got you." He said lowly and I moaned. "Mm daddy please no teasing." I whimpered out and he looked up at me with lust filled eyes. "You want me to eat your pretty pussy hm? Is that what you want daddy to do?" He asked moving up to kiss me roughly and I moaned. "Yes daddy please." I moaned out and he hummed in content. He kissed down my stomach before getting to my panties and ripping them off. I gasped lightly looking down at him in surprise. "Oops." He said with a small chuckle making me laugh. He looked up at me as he slowly dragged his tongue up my center. I moaned softly arching into his warm tongue. He began to slurp and kick at my entrance all the while looking up at me sexily. "Oh daddy your tongue fucking me so good." I moaned out in a slight whimpered tone. He sucked my clit slowly before shoving his tongue deep in my entrance. "Daddy!" I moaned out as he skillfully ran his tongue in and out of my honey pot. "Mmm you like the was daddy eats this pussy?" He asked his mouth still attached to me. "Yes I love it daddy!" I moaned out gripping his hair in my hand. "Are you ready for daddy to fuck you?" He growled laying kisses to my entrance. "Yes daddy fuck me." I moaned out and he hummed. He took his shirt off and I stared at his ripped muscular chest biting my lip. Next was his pants. He pulled me to the edge of the desk so I was laying completely flat. He then took his boxers off and his huge member sprung free. "Oh my gosh." I whispered out and he smirked. "Don't be worried I'll be gentle at first." He said and I nodded. He lined himself up before pushing in. I gasped as he stretched me. "Fuck your so tight." He groaned out and I whimpered. He started to thrust into me and I automatically began to enjoying the pleasure he was giving me. "Oh daddy yes." I moaned out as he thrusted into me with my legs resting on his four arm. His dick hit my g-spot roughly yet pleasurably. "Ohh my god." I moaned out as he sped up bring my legs to his shoulders. He watched as my breasts bounced freely. I heard the door open and close and both Roman and I looked. "Y/n! What the hell is this?" Dolph asked and I moaned covering my breasts so he couldn't see. Something in Roman snapped as he began thrusting into me roughly the sound of the desk squeaking filling the room. "I'm treating her like she needs to be treated. She ain't worth all the fucking paper work you make her do she's worth more then that. She a real person Dolph. Next time you have an assistant treat them right." Roman said still thrusting into me roughly. "What do you mean?! She's still my assistant." Dolph said with a angry tone. Roman looked down at me with a smile. "Tell him baby." He panties out and I tilted my head back looking at Dolph upside down. "Ooh I-I quit! Mmm fuck daddy I'm gonna come!" I yelled out as as I covered my breasts with one arm bringing my hand to my clit rubbing harshly. Roman slapped my hand away and I yelled softly. "Not yet you wait for daddy. Now flip over." He growled out and I whined. He turned me over on my stomach never pulling out. "This Is Bullshit! What am I supposed to do without an assistant!?" Dolph yelled and I laughed. I'm clearly dick drunk. "Get your own fucking food. Do your own paper work. Fuck! And get the hell out!" I yelled at him and Roman chuckled as he stomped out slamming the door shut. Roman deep-stroked me my thighs slamming into the side of the desk each thrust. He pulled me up by my hair putting his arm around my chest and bring his other hand to my clit rubbing softly. "OH DADDY! I gotta come!" I moaned out and he kissed my neck. "Come for daddy." He whispered in my ear biting the lobe softly. My eyes rolled back as I exploded all over his cock. "Fuck baby I'm gonna come where do you want it?" He asked and I whined in content. "My mouth daddy!" I moaned out and he pulled out of me and I got on my knees taking his cock into my mouth. I bobbed my head around him swirling my tongue. "Oh fuck I'm coming oh god baby yes!" He moaned out thrusting into my mouth lightly before his warm salty seed filled my mouth. I looked up at him innocently and swirled my tongue around the tip. He legs shook softly as he let out low groans. "Let daddy see you swallow." He groaned out as I showed him my tongue and then swallowed it showing him my now empty mouth. He bent down helping me up and kissed me softly. I held his biceps as he invaded my mouth with his warm tongue. "You.Are.So.Amazing." He said in between kisses. "So are you." I said with a warm smile looking into his eyes. "You busy right now?" He asked with a chuckle. "No I just quit I'm a free women from now until I choose." I said with a bright smile. "Can I take you out for some dinner?" He asked and I nodded happily. "I need to change and take a shower but yes I'd be  more then happy to go out to eat with you." I said with a smile as he handed me my skirt, shirt and bra. I began getting dressed and he began getting dressed as well. Once we were done he pulled my to his side and he pulled to his side kissing my forehead. "Does my hair look ok?" I asked and he nodded. "I like it in a messy bun you look cute." He said with a smile as we walked out of my office. I can't believe Roman read my diary....

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