Roadside Assistance

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Y/n P.O.V.
Fucking great. Fan fucking tastic. This piece of shit car is breaking down in the middle of a snow storm and I don't even know where in the hell I am. I called literally every person I could think of. Not one could help. Tried to call the rental company and they said they couldn't help me either. So my life was just going sooooooo well. Like the best. My best friend Zelina finally answered my calls and I sighed. "Z I'm in the middle of god knows where and my rental broke down!" I said with a whine. "Girl I wish there was something I could do but I'm at the hotel and the snow is so bad they aren't letting us get back on the roads right now. But I do know someone you could call." She said back and I could hear the smirk in her voice. "Who?" I asked quizzically. "Your little crush. Mr. Tribal Cheif himself." She said with a squeal and I shook my head softly. "No I cannot do that. Z! I'm just a fucking newbie in NxT! I met him once. Good god woman who do I look like some fucking enchantress that can just make him save me? Are you telling me I should play the damsel in distress card? Because I feel like that is not going to be good. I'm going to end up talking to much and he's gonna think I'm a complete psycho." I said and she sighed. "Just shut up and call him. I'm giving you his number and I'm hanging up ok? Goodbye!" She said in a giddy tone and before I could even say wait she was gone. Her text came through and I rolled my eyes. It was his number. I contemplated just freezing to death in the car and then realized how dumb that was compared to calling the only help that I could try to have at this point so I clicked on the numbed and called him. "Hello?" He answered his deep voice making my eyes widen. Why could he have just not answered. "Hello?" He asked again which snapped me out of my thoughts. "Sorry um hi. Um I don't know if you remember me or not but um its Y/n... I Uhm am in a little bit of a pickle and I have exhausted all of my options. And I don't really want to ask for a favor from you because our are probably busy and I-." He cut me off with a soft laugh and I blushed. "Babygirl what do you need? Yes I remember you. No I'm not busy." He said and I sighed softly. "Uhm I'm stuck." I said stupidly. "Your stuck? Where?" He asked and I whined softly. "Uhm I don't know on the side of the road. The rental died and I called the stupid people at the rental place and they said there's nothing they can do and I'm freezing in this car and I don't know where I am and I'm just really freaking out now because I am starting to loose feeling in my fingers and I think my phones going to shut off because of how cold it is and." I was almost hyperventilating. It was a very bad feeling. Like I was loosing control. And just as I felt like that there was his soothing voice to calm me right back down. "Babygirl relax. I gotchu ok? Send me your location from your phone a f I'll come and pick you up. I'm still driving anyway. Try and stay warm. Get your blanket or a sweatshirt to cover up with for now ok?" He said softly and I sighed. "Ok. Thank you." I whispered softly. "You don't have to thank me. Anytime you need help I'm here. Remember that." He said and my heart fluttered. "Ok send me your location." He said and I stayed on the line as I sent him my location. "Perfect. I'm ten minutes out Babygirl I'll be there in a little while hang tight ok?" He said and I nodded dumbly like he could see me. "Ok. Can you stay on the phone with me?" I asked softly. "Of course I can." He said and his comforting nature made me feel safe. "So how about you tell me how you got into this predicament." He said with a chuckle and I blushed. "Well I was driving and the check engine light turned on and all the sudden it sputtered and I pulled over and it just stopped running." I said and he chuckled. "Well that sounds dumb. I can't believe they told you they couldn't help you out with anything." He said and I nodded with a shiver. "I know right. I was really polite about it too and they were really rude." I said with a scoff. "Alright Babygirl in pulling in front of you now." He said and I looked out the frosted window seeing that he was indeed in front of me. He parked and stepped out jogging over to my door as I opened it. "You get in the car Babygirl. Get yourself warm I got your bags ok?" He said and I nodded softly. I have him a hug and he stiffened before hugging back. "Thanks Ro." I said and he rubbed my back softly. "No problem now get your cold ass in the car you are freezing." He said and I giggled. I walked over to the car opening the door and getting in. I hummed softly as the warm air hit my body. My body shivered as the heat tried its hardest to enter my body. Roman opened the back door the rush of the cold air making my teeth chatter. He quickly lifted my suitcases up into the back shutting the door. He hopped into the drivers seat shutting the door quickly. I pulled my knees. Up to my chest trying to get myself warm. "Here babygirl." He said grabbing a blanket from the back wrapping it around me. "This is a really comfy blanket." I said with a smile. "Thanks my mom made of for me. She hates that I get on plans and use a blanket that's not big enough for me to cover up with." He said with a chuckle and I smiled. "Well that's very sweet." I said and he smiled. "Yeah she's amazing." He said with a smile and I smiled back. I yawned watching the snow in front of the car. "You can rest Babygirl. I'll wake you up when we get to the hotel." He said and I nodded. My eyes slowly shut and I was passed out in no time.
"Babygirl we are at the hotel." Roman whispered softly and I whined softly opening my eyes. The cold winder air blowing against my face again. "You just go to the desk and check in I'll grab your bags." He said and I nodded. I walked in and over to the desk. "Hi I have I room for Y/f/n Y/l/n." I said and she typed it into the computer and looked confused. "Umm is it under another name? We don't have a room for that name." She said and I shook my head. "Um maybe it's spelt wrong here." I said as I began to spell it out. "No I spelt it like that your just not in here." She said rudely. "Wwell I should be. I'm in WWE developmental. I am not the one who sets my hotel rooms up." I said back and she scoffed softly. Then the tall Samoan was next to me. "Babe did you forget that we are in the same room? It's under my name." He said with a soft chuckle kissing my forehead. "She's tired it's been a long night. It's under Roman Reigns." He said pulling me close. I had no clue what he was doing but my heart was beating out of my chest. "Oh okay. Here are your room keys Mr.Reigns." She said with a smile giving him both keys. I shook my head with an annoyed face as he gripped my waist walking us to the elevator. He pressed the button and once it opened he let me in. Then he stepped in. "Sorry if I overstepped. You did have a room. I saw it on the screen when I walked in. I'm pretty sure that she was trying to embarrass you." He said and I mouth dropped open. "What a bitch!" I said making him chuckle. "Well it's fine I was going to invite you up to my room anyway." He said and I blushed my throat closing up. "Oh! I meant just to hangout! Geez that came out really wrong I'm sorry. I just want to get to know you more if that's ok." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "Sure! I mean I've got nothing else to do since I'm staying in your room now anyway." I said with a giggle and he chuckled. "If you don't want to I can go back down later at tell her to give me your key to your room." He said and I shook my head. "There's no need to go through all that just to get a room key. I can just sleep on the couch of something." I said and he chuckled. "Babygirl I've got two beds." He said and I blushed. "Well aren't you just fancy." I said with a giggle as the elevator dinged. He let me walk out first before he exited behind me. We walked down the long hallway before stopping at his room. He opened the door letting me in and my jaw dropped.

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