It's a Miracle

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This is for FemDante  I saw this picture in Pinterest and I was like OMG THE ONE I WAS SUPPOSED TO WRITE FOR YOUUUUU. This also ties into the doctor theme Joy_of_life88 😏😏 You
know what I'm talking about
It was a flash. And a screech and before I knew what was happening everything went black. I heard a constant beeping and people shouting before I couldn't hear anything anymore.
My vision blurred as I opened my eyes. There was a beeping monitor beside me. I was laying in a hospital bed. How'd I get here? I looked around as my vision became clear. A nurse walked in and sat a chart down as she began changing some out. "Glad to see you awake. Your doctor will be in in a moment." She said with a smile and I nodded. She walked out as I sat there trying to collect my thoughts. My doctor walked in with a soft smile. "I'm sure you have many questions that you need answered so I'll answer a few already. You were in a bad car accident. You severed multiple vertebrae in your back. Now I understand this is going to be difficult but you may never be able to walk again." He said and as he continued I couldn't hear him talk. All I could hear was a soft high pitch ringing. I snapped back into reality when my doctor moved. "Do you have anyone we can call?" My doctor asked and I nodded. "M-my best friend Naomi. I-I she's in my contacts." I said softly. My throat feeling like I had dropped a bag of chips down it without chewing. "I'm going to get you some water okay? And then I'll get you some jello and some soup. We don't want you eating too much. But you are surely hungry." He said and I nodded. He walked out and I took a deep breath. I was likely to never walk again. I was training to become a professional wrestler. I couldn't believe it. My dreams out the window. I didn't even know how to think. Or what to think. The doctor came back in with  a tray. It had water, soup and jello. He slid the tray in front of me. "We contacted Naomi and she is on her way. Would you like us to send her in as soon as she gets here?" He asked and I nodded. I drank some water before eating some jello. Soon I saw my best friend walk passed the large windows in the hospital before walking into my room. "Oh my god! I was so worried about you!" She said coming over and hugging me. I broke down in tears as she held me. "Are you okay?" She asked and I shook my head. "The doctor t-told me I was in a car accident and I may never be able to walk again." I cried and she hugged me tighter. "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. You don't deserve this." She whispered and I cried harder. "All my dreams are gone." I whispered out in disbelief.
Once I was released Naomi and Jimmy said that I could stay with them for a while. Because I lived alone and they didn't want me to harm myself which the doctor said was a strong possibility. I was starting physical therapy today and I was nervous as all hell. Naomi drove me to the clinic and I wheeled myself inside. I wheeled up to the desk. "Hi, how can I help you?" The lady at the desk asked. "Uhm I'm here for a physical therapy appointment with Dr.Reigns." I said and she nodded. She typed on the computer before telling me I could wait in the waiting area. I looked through some emails before the door opened. "Y/N?" A deep male voice asked and I looked up and my jaw almost dropped. He was fucking gorgeous. He walked up to me and he held his hand out for me to shake. "I'm doctor Reigns. I'll be working you through your recovery." He said and I grabbed his hand and shook it. This was the start of hopefully a good recovery.
I was 4 months in and it was getting harder and harder to keep going. I wasn't seeing change. And it was pissing me off. I was so frustrated. And Though I really liked Roman. We are on a first name basis now. He was hard on me. So so hard on me. Like right now. He was pushing me and pushing me. "I need a brake." I said with a pant and he shook his head. "Come on. You got this." He said and I shook my head. I've had enough! "NO I DON'T! AND NONE OF THIS IS WORKING!" I yelled with a huff. I wheeled out of the room down the hall and he followed me. "Y/n please. You are doing so good! I see progress everyday..." He said and I shook my head as I walked outside. "Roman I can't do this anymore! I'm dreaming of something that's not fucking possible. I can't do this! Please just please leave me alone. You are amazing. And you are a great guy. But I can't. I can't do this anymore." I said and he frowned. "Fine." He said with an angry huff before walking back inside. I called Naomi explaining everything and she quickly drove over and picked me up. We decided to stop for lunch so I could calm my nerves. "So what happened?" Naomi asked taking a sip of her wine. "I just can't do it anymore. I feel like I'm reaching for something that's not possible and I let myself down every day. I can't even feel my legs. How am I supposed to use them?" I said and she nodded. "Well maybe you just need a brake. You are overwhelmed now. But that doesn't mean you will be a few days from now. And I knowww you like to see that physical therapist." She said wiggling her eyebrows making me blush. "You know I'm right. He likes to see you too. I see how wide he smiled when he looks at you." She said and I giggled. "Well he's a really nice guy and he's damn hot." I said and she laughed. "Girl I know. I didn't tell you this but he's cousins with Jimmy." She said and my mouth dropped. "Seriously?" I said and she nodded. "Yes girl. He was going to be a wrestler but then the position right here in town opened up and he took that instead. He's a great guy. He really is. If you like him go for it." She said and I shook my head. "I don't know Omi. What if he doesn't like me. He's so handsome he deserves a girl that he doesn't have to take care of. I feel like I'd be a bourdon." I said and she shook her head. "GIRL! He is in love with youuuuuu! I'm telling you that man has never been so happy. He never has patients call him by his first name. He feels the same way you do. Why do you think he ran after you today?" Naomi said and I shrugged. "Because he likes you. Jimmy just texted me and asked if he can meet us here because he's hungry." She said and I nodded. Jimmy was a jokester. He always raised my spirits. Soon he arrived and sat down. "Hey giiirrrl I thought you had therapy right now." He said and I shook my head. "Aww shit what happened." He said making me giggle. "I'm sick of getting nowhere. No progress. No change. Nothing. I just need to accept the fact that I'm never going to walk again and be done with it." I said and he shook his head. "I don't know what the hell changed you but this ain't the Y/N I know. Maybe you're just having a bad day. But this isn't you. And I get that you are struggling. I get it. We all have injured ourselves. But this. This isn't how you go about things." He said and I rolled my eyes. "Jimmy I really thought that you were going to cheer me up like you usually do. But that isn't what you're doing. I don't need you criticizing me over the way I'm acting like I'm a fucking child. My entire career was just ripped away from me AND my ability to walk because some asshole wanted to run a red light. Don't you dare sit here and tell me that an injury that you can HEAL from is like what I'm going through. Because it's not. Now I you will excuse me I'm going to go take a breather outside to calm myself down from blowing up in your fucking face." I said grabbing my purse rolling out of the building. I parked myself next to a nearby bench looking around. Trying to clear my head. A familiar long hair Samoan came into my line of site and I looked away. "I'm sorry. Please let me apologize." Jimmy asked and I nodded with a sigh. "Look. I know that this is difficult. And I understand that it's not exactly the same as an injury but when I said that this wasn't you. I meant that you don't give up. When you get frustrated you don't stop. You push harder. So I am trying to understand why you gave up today..." He said and I looked over at him. "Because the doctor said I may never be able to walk again." I said and he cocked his head to the side. "May? May as in may or may not?" He asked and I nodded. "So if there's still a possibility why in the hell are you giving up? The woman that I know would take that possibility shove it up that doctors ass and show him that you WILL walk. That's all I'm tryna say girl. I know this is hard on you. But please don't give up." He said and I looked out into the distance sniffling softly. "As damn I didn't mean to make you cry. Give me a hug." He said as he bent over hugging me. I hugged him back tightly. "You are right. Thank you for being here Jimmy." I said and he nodded. "Now come back inside I know your ass is hungry." He said and I giggled as we went back into the restaurant. Once we ate we left and they brought me back to my house. We said our goodbyes before I went inside. I was sooo tired. I rolled into my bedroom and changed before rolling into my bathroom. I took off what little makeup I had on and then brushed my teeth. I got in bed before I fell asleep easily.
I woke up the next morning to the sun shining in. I stretched before sitting up and getting ready to stand. I stopped rubbing my eyes for a moment and I gasped. I COULD FEEL MY LEGS! And and move them! Holy shit! I bursted into tears as I smiled. I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed Naomi's number. "Hello?" She asked and I squealed. "I need you to come over right now and bring Jimmy along!" I said before hanging up. I couldn't believe it. I fell back against the bed happily. Soon I heard my door open and squealed happily. "Y/N! ARE YOU OKAY!?" Naomi yelled running into me room Jimmy not far behind and I nodded happily. They stood in the doorway confused as I set my feet on the ground. I pushed myself up. Steadying myself before standing up fully. I smiled as I looked up at them. Their jaws dropped. "I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!" Jimmy said clapping before I sat back down. "They are a still weak but I can move them!" I said with a big smile and the walked over and gave me hugs. This was a huge deal! "We are so happy for you!" They said and I smiled. "Thank you so much for being here for me." I said and they nodded. "Oh FYI you have a package outside." Naomi said and I nodded. "Okay I'm gonna try and walk up there can you follow me with the wheelchair just in case?" I said with a smile and she nodded. I stood slowly as I gained balance I took my first step. My legs felt weird. I almost felt like I was a baby again. I took slow steps down the hall holding the wall slightly. I smiled as I walked. I had a chance! My legs began to get sore and I wobbled. Naomi quickly slid the wheelchair behind and I sat down. "Thanks." I said and she nodded with a smile. I wheeled myself to the door seeing the package. I grabbed it and Naomi helped me back inside. I put the box on my table before opening it. I blushed and smiled as I took out the beautiful bouquet.

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