Stand Up For Me!

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Y/n P.O.V.
I walked fiercely down the sidewalk as tears rushed from my eyes. I heard him calling my name but I refused to give him a chance. Before he grabbed my arm turning me around. "Y/n please! Just let me talk!" Roman slurred and I shook my head. "No. Not when you are like this. And quite frankly I don't want to talk to you at all." I said and he sighed. "Baby please?" He said and I shook my head. "Don't baby please me. You didn't treat me like your girlfriend in there that's for sure so I don't think you really get to call me baby." I said angrily and he groaned. "Babe what did you want me to do? I didn't hear him make a comment at all." He said putting his hands up in defense. "That's the fucking problem! Stop justifying his side over mine! If I told you he made a comment to my face that was disrespectful what makes you think that I'M the one lying. Just stand up for me! For gods sake just stand up for me! Instead of putting me below everything else in your fucking life! I'm done! Don't call me. Don't text me. Until you are sober and have come to a realization of how much of a dick you really are." I said before walking away. Luckily the hotel was only a few buildings down from the club. I tried as best as I could to hold back the tears of frustration and sadness that wanted to spill so badly. I finally got up to our room and opened it shutting it quickly and locking it. He could find somewhere else to stay for the night. Because he didn't earn the chance to even be in the same room as me with how he acted tonight. You are probably wondering what happened well here's the story. I was at the club just having a fun time dancing with my girls while Roman was busy getting drunk at the bar with his buddies. And a certain buddy that I hated. Because he was a rude asshole named Randy. Decided he was going to walk up to me and whisper in my ear ALL UP IN MY PERSONAL SPACE. That he could rock my world tonight because I looked like I needed a real man. Disgusted and uncomfortable I told Roman just for him to laugh in my face right in front of Randy. Making Randy smirk. So that has led me here. Crying my eyes out in an uncomfortable bed. I tried to fall asleep and it wasn't working. That also could've been because Roman was knocking at my door for the past hour straight. "Y/nnnnnnn please." He groaned and I shook my head. I put my headphones on to help me sleep and I turned on some thunder storms so I could block out his annoying ass. I soon fell asleep sighing deeply as my body relaxed.
I woke up with a sigh. I sat up and there was a knock on my door. I growled stomping over to the door and opened it angrily. There my boyfriend was. Standing there with coffee in his hands and a soft smile. He knew I was pissed. "Please can I come in and apologize?" He asked and I crossed my arms. I raised a brow before sighing and shaking my head. I stepped to the side and he walked in and I shut the door behind him. I walked in and leaned against the dresser as he sat. "Please sit." He said and I shook my head. "I'm good standing." I said and he sighed. "Listen I know I fucked up, I know I'm an asshole, and I'm going to be completely honest I cannot remember a god damn thing. And I knew when I woke up on the floor outside the room that I fucked up bad." He said and I nodded. "Yeah you were a complete asshole last night." I said with a nod of my head and he sighed. "Please. Just tell me what happened." He said and I sighed. "I was dancing with the girls when your buddy Randy decided to come up to me, invade my personal space and get way to close to me and then proceed to whisper in my ear and ask me if I needed my world rocked tonight and said that it looks I need a real man. And I told you and you laughed in my face right in front of that cocky bastard." I said and his fists clenched. He stood up swinging the door open walking out. I barely had time to think before I was racing after him. "Roman!" I said as he banged on Randy's door. He was clearly in his own world and was not listening to me. I quickly knocked on Seth's door and he opened it. "Help!" I squeaked out pointing as I heard yelling and crashing. He quickly ran in the room. I followed as I saw Roman on top of Randy beating him up. "Roman! Roman stop!" I said trying to get his attention but I could see it in his eyes. "Don't you EVER talk to my girl again do you understand me!? YOU FUCKING GET CLOSE TO MY GIRL AGAIN AND ILL KILL YOU!" He growled loudly as Randy began fighting back. I knocked on the only man I knew that could hold back both of them at the same time. Braun. Braun opened the door and I quickly grabbed his hand running to the room. "Hey! Hey!" Braun said pulling Roman off Randy. "Come on!" I said grabbing Romans hand dragging him out of the room. He breathed heavily as I pushed him into or room locking the door. "Oh my god. I can't believe you just did that. Oh my god. You could get fired. Oh my god." I said as I began breathing heavily. He pulled me to him kissing me roughly. I slowly relaxed into the kiss. The one thing he always did was give me the best kisses. His soft tender lips were like a spell. He slowly kissed down my neck making me whimper and grip his biceps. "I'm going to make you feel so good baby. Just relax." He growled and I whimpered again. "Ro. After-." I began to say being cut off by a moan bubbling up. "After what?" He asked kissing me down my chest making me whimper. "We n-need to talk after." I whispered out breathlessly and he smiled. "After baby after." He said as he pulled me over to the bed pushing me down on it softly. He kissed down my body and it was then that I realized I had only had a long t-shirt and some shorts on. No panties or bra. His hands trailed up my body to my breasts and he grumbled. "Your walking around just showing off this beautiful body without me? You think I didn't notice your nipples peaking out through this thin little shirt? You think I didn't notice your cat through them lil shorts baby? Hmm?" He grumbled making me whine. "Yes." I whispered out and he groaned. "What's my name baby? Wanna hear you say it. Lemme see them pretty lips say my name." He grumbled making me whine. "Ddadddyy." I whimpered out making him smirk. "I'm gonna make sure you know who you belong to." He said growling making me whimper. He striped me of my shirt throwing it across the room before doing the same with my shorts. He kissed down my stomach. He moved to my thighs sucking and licking at the skin making me jerk softly. He gripped my thighs tightly. Making me stop moving. He looked up at me with those dark brown eyes as he sucked on my clit. I threw my head back in pleasure and he hummed against me causing me to shake softly. "You taste so fucking good baby. My pussy tastes so fuckin good. Am I making you feel good baby?" He growled against me making me moan. "Yes daddy so good! Don't stop!" I moaned making him smirk against me. He pushed two long fingers inside me making me gasp and arch up off the bed. I moaned as he began curling his fingers into me just right. "That your spot baby?" He asked with a smirk and I nodded breathlessly. "Yeah? You like when I curl my fingers against your spot like that baby? Hmm? You like it?" He asked and I moaned and nodded. "Yeah you do." He groaned making me whine.  I began to feel my high building. "You wanna cum baby?" He asked and I moaned. "Yes! Yes please. Please can I cum?" I asked and he growled. "Cum for me baby." He grumbled out and I moaned. I shook around his fingers and against his tongue as he growled against me causing my eyes to roll back as I tipped over the edge. I moaned loudly as shook around him. He hummed against me causing me to whine and whimper. "So sweet baby." He moaned making me whimper. "Daddy please." I whispered hoarsely and he smirked pulling away finally. "What does my Babygirl need?" He asked and I whined. "I need you in me. Please daddyyy?" I whined and he smirked. "Okay baby I got you." He said with a smile. I watched impatiently as he slowly slid his shirt off. "Daddyyy hurry up." I whined and he raised a brow. He bent down his hand trailing to my throat softly squeezing. "Daddy will take his time if he so pleases. You need to learn how to be patient." He said and I pouted and crossed my arms. "But daddyyyy." I whined making him chuckle. "You need to learn how to be patient. Does daddy need to make this process longer and make you not cum for a long time? Do I need to punish you?" He asked and I shook my head with a pout. "Good. Daddy doesn't really want to wait anyway." He said with a smirk before pushing into me. "Ohh." I moaned softly as he slowly pushed all the way into me. I gasped as he rolled his hips. My mouth opened as my eyes rolled. "So gorgeous baby. Love when you make that face. Pure pleasure rolling through you is a good look on you." He groaned making me moan. "Please." I whispered opening my eyes looking up at him. "You need it baby?"  I asked and I nodded. "Tell daddy what you need." He said with a smirk. "Please daddy. I need it hard please. Hit my spot. Please. I wanna cum around you." I moaned and he smirked. "Let daddy hit it deep. Get on all fours." He said and I whined. I flipped over arched down to the bed. He moaned softly rubbing my arched back. He loved admiring how much I could stretch. He pushed back into me making me moan. "God damn baby." He groaned making me whine as he began deep stroking my spot perfectly. "Oh! Daddy! Mmmm!" I moaned as he gripped my hips tightly keeping his slow deep rhythm making me take him inch by inch. I began to get impatient and bounced back against him. "Oh is someone impatient?" He asked and I whined nodding. "Yes daddy." I whined looking back at him and he groaned slapping my ass. "Throw it back then baby. Take what you need." He growled making me whimper. In an instant I began slamming back on his dick. "Fuck. God damn baby." He groaned making me pant. I rocked back my ass slamming against his torso making a slapping sound fill the room. "You look so good bouncing on my dick Babygirl." He growled making me whine. "Dadddyyyyyy." I whined rolling my hips in circular motions causing him to growl and grip my hips. That was his weakness. "Oh so that's what you need? You want it hard?" He growled gripping my hips fucking into me at a fast rough pace. I moaned loudly gripping the bedsheets so hard I thought I was gonna break through them. "Yeah you like that don't you?" He growled and I nodded with a whine. "I love it daddy." I moaned out and he growled in satisfaction. "Who do you belong to baby. Who gives you this good dick?" He growled out picking up the pace making me scream into the sheets. I was so close. "You! Daddy! You. I belong to you! You fuck me soo good! I love your cock! Please daddy make me cum!" I
moaned out and he growled. He slammed into me bringing his hand down to my clit rubbing it in circles. I shook as my eyes rolled back and I tipped over the edge. "FUCKKKK!" I screamed into the sheets as he continued to thrust drawing out my orgasm as long as possible. "God damn it." He growled as his warm cum shot inside of me filling me up. I whimpered as he pulled out. He flipped me over swooping me up into his arms, bringing me into the bathroom. He sat me on the counter as he started the water. "Not super hot. My skin has been...sensitive lately." I said and he nodded. Once it was ready he picked me up and brought us into the tub. "I'm sorry." He whispered in my ear as I laid against him. "I really am. I know words don't mean as much as actions but I'm going to show you that I'm sorry." He said and I nodded. "I think you should limit the drinking." I said looking up at him seriously. "You get really really insensitive and tend to not care about other peoples feelings. I'm not asking you to give up drinking all together. But please. Just try to limit it to a tolerable amount." I said and he nodded. "I'll do anything for you. I'm trusting you to let me know when I've had enough. Because I don't know what my limit is. It's just like it switches and all the sudden I'm drunk." He said and I nodded. "I'll help you baby. I'm not going to just make you do this yourself. I'm not going to be drinking at all." I said and he nodded. He completely missed what I said. To caught up in thought making me smile. We got out of the tube and I put one of his shirts back on as we slipped into bed. "You didn't get what I said earlier did you?" I said with a giggle and he looked at me confused. "Mmm no." He said with a smile making me laugh. "I'm not going to be drinking for the next few months. As in 9 months." I said with a smile and I could see him processing it and his eyes went wide. He stood up jumping up and down making me smile. "No. No way! You-we you!" He couldn't even get the words out. "I'm pregnant." I said standing up and he hugged me tightly making me squeal. "We are gonna have our own little baby running around." He said excitedly and I nodded. "I don't want you to miss out being drunk and pissing me off." I said and he nodded. "I promise baby. I won't fuck this up. I love you and our baby more than life itself and I'll do anything to keep you too happy." He said with a soft smile making me smile back.
—9 months Later—
After 9 long hours of labor, our baby boy was finally birthed into the world. Jasper Roman Reigns. We were finally released from the hospital and made our way home. Ro wouldn't let me do anything. "I got it baby." He said getting out of the car and jogging around getting my car door for me. He opened the back door taking jasper in her carrier out of the car. He helped me out, since I still very sore and in pain. He helped me up to the door opening for us. "So tired." I groaned with a yawn. I soft whimper came from the carrier. "He's probably hungry." I said sitting down slowly on the couch being careful as possible to not hurt myself. "I'll make a bottle you rest." He said hurrying into the kitchen. He made a bottle bringing it into the living room. He sat it on the end table taking jasper out carefully. "Make sure to unswaddle him first." I said looking over as he looked at our son with so much love. He slowly unwrapped him and I smiled as I watched the interaction. He carefully put the bottle into his mouth letting Jasper drink some of the milk before carefully burping him. He let Jasper finish the rest of the formula before burping him again. "Do you know how to swaddle him?" I asked and he nodded proudly. I watched in content. I was honestly so proud. He had read so many books about parenting, had dinners with his mother asking about tips and tricks. It was a relief. That he would be able to take care of our son. I need rest. As every mother does. And he was there. I had no worries. I watched as he rocked Jasper. The soft noises slowly died down and he smiled. "You did so good. He's so perfect." He whispered looking at me and I smiled. He set him in the bassinet we had set up in the living room and I smiled. "Help me up so I can look at him for a little bit?" I asked softly and he helped me up and over to the bassinet. I smiled looking at how beautiful he was.

 I smiled looking at how beautiful he was

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He really was a perfect baby. I rested my head against his chest smiling up at him. "Come on let's nap while we can. My mom said we need all the sleep we can get." He said and I nodded. He helped me over to the couch and he laid down. I sat down and he pulled me into him softly making me sigh in content. I fell asleep quickly dreaming of what our new life has to offer with a gorgeous child.

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