Air Force Ones

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Soooo confession.... I have like a shoe kink of some sort. Like I have an idea in my head about being on my knees for Roman while he's wearing those shoes above. Or like I have a thing for nice dress shoes. I think I just like when I guy has a good sense of fashion. And I have a shoe addiction soooooooo this is based off of my kink.
I licked my lips at the site of him. I watched from behind the camera as my man attacked Kevin Owens. My man was already sexy but when he had his Air Force Ones on he ALWAYS made me feel some type of way. I listened to his deep voice as he talked into the camera. They wrapped up and he walked over to me with a big smile and I grabbed his hand dragging him along. "Slow down woman." He said with a chuckle and I shook my head. I pulled him into the dressing room slamming the door closed. I pulled him down kissing him roughly and his hands shot out to my hips gripping them tightly. He groaned softly as I swirled my tongue against his. I pulled away slowly and looked down at his now plump red lips. "Damn babe. What's up with you? I know you're horny almost all the time but I've never seen you be so aggressive." He said and I looked deep into his chocolate brown eyes. "I'll tell you when we get to the hotel. Get packed up. Your Babygirl doesn't like to be kept waiting." I said before turning on my heals walking over to my bags packing them up. I stood up picking my suitcase handle up with me. Roman was already standing by the door with his bags making me giggle. "I love you." He groaned out as I walked over leaning up kissing his lips softly. "Mmmm I love you more. But I'd love you even more if your cock was shoved down my throat. So let's get going and make that happen ok baby?" I said and his jaw dropped. "Yes ma'am." He said with a nod as he opened the door letting me walk out. We walked out to our rental car putting our bags in. We got in before driving off. I looked over at my handsome man as he drove. He looked so sexy. One hand on the wheel leaning back slightly. My eyes shifted down his body. Watching his slow breathing. I leaned over and he turned his head but I turned it back. "Eyes on the road." I said with a smile. I pulled at the collar of his shirt bringing it down. I licked from his collarbone up his neck sucking on his jaw. He groaned as he bit his lip. I knew his neck was one of his sweet spots. It always has been. "Baby you gotta chill out. Imma end up pulling over you and fucking you in the back seat." He growled out with a soft sexy chuckle. "I can't help it. You are too sexy." I hummed pulling a strand of his hair out of his loose bun twirling it with my fingers. He smiled his cheeks turning a soft pink shade. "I love making you blush. I feel like I'm doing my job." I said with a giggle and he groaned. "Stooppp." He said with a smile. We arrived at the hotel and I quickly got out. I pulled his door open making him hurry. "Jesus babe." He said with a chuckle and I whined. I pulled his hand down to my panties making him feel how wet I was. "This is an emergency. I'm in dire need of your cock inside me okay? So let's stop waisting time and hurry up." I said and his jaw dropped. I walked inside the hotel getting our keys as he was still at the car grabbing our bags. I was going to be completely naked by the time he got up to that hotel room. I slid the card in the door stepping in and shutting it. I stripped down to nothing as I waited. He knocked on the door with a groan and I opened the door pulling him in quickly. "Strip but don't take those god damn shoes off." I panted as we kissed roughly. He groaned grabbing my neck making me look up at him. "That's what makes you like this? My Air Force Ones?" He asked with a smirk and I bit my lip. "Yes and when you wear dress shoes." I said before pulling him back down into another heated kiss. "Fuck me right here." I growled out as I pulled his shirt off. Then pulling his pants and underwear off. His hard cock springing free. I bent down in front of him bracing myself with my hands in the floor. I watched between us and he pushed into me roughly. I moaned as he waisted no time pounding into me. Slapping my ass just how I liked it. "Fuck! Yes! God you are so fucking hot." I growled out as I let my gaze linger down to his shoes then back up his legs. God it was so sexy. I don't know why. But it was. "You like me pounding into you don't you?" He growled out lowly making me moan and nod. He slapped my ass hard making me squeal. "Oh god daddy make me fucking cum." I moaned out and he growled as he thrusted into me harder. "You gonna cum baby? Huh?" He growled loudly making me whine. "Cum. Cum all over my cock." He grunted out and I tightened around him before I exploded. My juices running down his legs. I shook softly as I tried to keep myself up. "Fuck baby suck me off." He panted as I turned around kneeling down in front of him. I pushed him to turn sideways towards the mirror so I could watch as I sucked him off. "Grab the camera." I said with a smirk and he groaned walking over to his bag and grabbed the camera from his bag. "Take some pictures from up above. Then take so videos through the mirror." I said with a smile as I grabbed his cock before I opened my mouth sucking him in. He groaned as he looked down at me taking pictures. I smiled and batted my eyelashes. "You look so fucking good." He growled wrapping his fingers in my hair pushing me farther down his throbbing member. I tried my hardest not to gag as I looked up into the camera. "Yeahhhh. Look right into the lense with them pretty eyes baby." He said stroking my hair making me smile around him. He turned the camera to the mirror as I saw the red light turn on meaning that it was recording. "Come on baby. Work your magic." He groaned sexily and I smiled moaning around him as I brought my hands down my body picking my nipple before bringing it down my stomach to my clit rubbing it in circles. "F-fuck baby. I'm gonna bust." He groaned as he tilted his head back. "Cum in my mouth daddy. I'm ready." I said as I stroked him while talking. I stuck my tongue out looking up at him blinking up at him innocently. "Ohhhh fuck! Fuck keep that mouth open right fucking there!" He growled as his warm cum slid down my throat making me smile. He moaned loudly before turning the camera off throwing it on the bed. "Come here." He growled picking me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist with a big smile. "Let's wash up quick." He said as he brought us into the bathroom. He let me down so he could take his shoes and socks if before picking me back up. He turned on the shower before we got in. He washed us up as I relaxed against him. "Love you." I said tiredly and he kissed my nose as I admired his body. "Love you too baby." He said lowly with a soft smile. He walked us back into the room once we were done and sat me on the bed. He then grabbed a bag that I hadn't seen before and smiled. "I got you a few things." He said and I squinted at him hesitantly. I opened the bag and gasped. There was a bunch of Nike shoe boxes inside and he smiled. "Now we can match baby." He said with a wink as I began opening each box excitedly. They were all gorgeous!

I got up and hugged him tightly kissing him all over his face

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I got up and hugged him tightly kissing him all over his face. "I love them all! Thank you soooo much!" I said with a big smile and he nodded walking us over to the bed grabbing the camera. He held it up and I snuggled into his chest as he took a picture. "Mm you look sexy. But we need rest Babygirl its gonna be a long day tomorrow." He said kissing my forehead setting the camera on the table. He pulled the blankets over us before turning the lamp off. I kiss his chest with a sigh as we slowly drifted off to sleep.

This was short.... but happy new year. I brought this new year in crying. So I hope you all had a better celebration than I did🙂 love you guys

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