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Y/n P.O.V.
I woke up checking my phone. I hoped and prayed my lecture would be canceled for the day. Sadly it wasn't. It was the most boring lecture I had ever had to take. I walked to the lecture hall and sat down in the far back. I wasn't really paying attention at all. Until I heard a familiar voice. "Hello class. I'm sure you don't know me as I'm not your regular professor. My name is Mr.Reigns. You can call me Joe too if you want. Either works. I'm gonna be here this your professor has the flu." He said and I crossed my legs feeling all the memories from the night we spent together flood back. The places he touched. The way he brought me to complete ecstasy over and over. I looked at him as his eyes scanned the room. "So there's these sheets with a video that you have assigned. Get them done by the end of class. If you have any questions you can come to me afterwards and I can help." He said as he walked toward. He finally caught my eyes, he looked back down before looking back up. He smiled a little and I quickly looked down. I was gonna have to see him all week. Great just great.

——3 Days Later——

Each day it felt like it got worse...he was hot...and damnit if he didn't know it. I had been doing well with the sheets he had been assigning until today. I couldn't focus and none of it was making sense. And as everyone left I was still stuck on the first fucking question. I shook my head as I stayed seated not wanting to embarrass myself more that I already was going to be embarrassed as it was. I looked up at him and he smiled. "Need help?" He asked and I nodded. "I can't focus..." I said as he stood walking up to my seat. "Is it because of me?" He asked and I looked at him. "I mean...yes. Last time I saw you was..." I trailed off and he chuckled softly. "When you were screaming my name below me?" He asked and I felt that heartbeat down below. "Yes..." I whispered out and he smiled. "I told myself I would never see you again." I whispered out as he stood. He walked up to the door, locking it, closing the shades that covered the small window of the door. "Come down to my desk." He said as he walked back down to his desk. I stood slowly clenching my thighs. "Bring your work with." He said and I nodded. I grabbed my sheet and pencil walking down to his desk. He curled his finger beckoning me to come to him. I stood in front of him and he looked up at me. His large hands slowly slid up my thighs. "I'm gonna help you with this sheet. I want you to get full points." He said and I nodded. "Thank you sir." I whispered and he groaned. "Still just as good as you were a few months ago." He said and I blushed. He unbuttoned his pants and my mouth was already watering. He slid his dress pants down slightly along with his boxers allowing his hard cock to spring free. "I missed that." I said with a smile making him laugh. He unbuttoned my pants pushing them down to my knees. He brought two fingers to my entrance making me gasp. "Mmmm wet as hell." He said before sticking his fingers in his mouth sucking my essence off his fingers. "And you taste just as good as I remember." He said with a smirk. "Come here." He said and I nodded. He held my hips turning me to face his desk. "Sit down on that cock baby." He mumbled lowly making me whimper. I slowly began to sit as I felt his tip slide against my entrance before pushing in making me gasp. I felt full as I sat fully down. "This is how we are gonna do this. I want you to go question by question. Try to find the answer. If you get it right you get one bounce. If you get it wrong you get one spank. Do you understand?" He asked rubbing my hips. "Y-yes I understand sir." I whispered and he hummed. "Good. Now first question." He said and I nodded. I looked over the first question. I think I got it right. I circled which one I thought was right. "What answer did you get?" He asked and I bit my lip. "B?" I asked and he hummed. "Good girl. One bounce." He said and I moaned as I lifted myself up before dropping back down. I bit my lip moving onto the next question. It was hard. I knew I was going to get it wrong. But honestly, was it really a punishment? If I enjoy it? No. I looked through the question trying to figure out what it was. "Mmm A?" I asked and he sighed. The slap scared me. I jumped slightly with a yipe. "Come on Babygirl. You are better than that what's the answer?" He asked and I whined. "C?" I asked and he hummed. "Good girl. One bounce." He said and I bounced slowly this time. Savoring the feeling of his warm cock filling me to the brim. "Next question." He said rubbing my hips slightly making me moan. The next one was easy. I quickly jotted down my work and smiled. "D." I said and he hummed. I bounced slowly and he laughed. "Confident on that one huh Babygirl?" He asked and I nodded. "Glad you got it right then." He said rubbing my hips making me smile. "Come on. Three more questions." He said and I nodded. I looked through and I was almost certain that I got it right. "C?" I asked and he shook his head making me whimper. "Wrong baby." He said and I braced myself as his hand slapped down onto my ass making me whine. "Try again." He said and I looked at the answers again. "A?" I asked and without warning his hand came down again. "Wrong. Two more shots Babygirl." He said and I whimpered. "B?" I asked and he sighed. "Naughty." He grumbled before laying another harsh slap onto my ass. "No bounce for you. Do you understand why it's D?" He asked and I shook my head laying my head against his desk. "You didn't follow the order of operations correctly. You take the cubed on the outside of the parenthesis and multiply it to the power of the inside." He said and I nodded. "Next question." He said and I nodded. I did the work and looked through the answers. But this time...I wanted to get it wrong. "B." I answered as I smirked. "Sassy you know that's not right Babygirl." He said and I bit my lip closing my eyes. His hand cracked down on my ass sharply making me smirk. "Try again." He growled making me smile. I squeezed my walls around him making him grunt. His hand cracked down again making me jump. "Stop. That's naughty." He said and I smiled humming. "It's D sir." I said lowly and he nodded. "Goood. One bounce." He said and I smiled lifting up before rolling my hips as I sat back down. "Fuck. Alright one more. You got it baby. This is for the grand prize." He said and I smiled. "What's the grand prize sir." I asked and he groaned. "You'll see when you get it right." He said and I whined. "Don't be naughty. You can wait." He said and I sighed. I looked over the last problem and I knew the answer almost instantly. "It's A sir." I said and he smiled and hummed. "Good. Good good girl. You got it right." He said and I smiled. "Do I get one bounce sir?" I asked and he chuckled as he began to stand. "Oh you get much more than that." He said as he bent me over the desk and began to pound into me. "Fuck yes." I moaned out gripping onto the hardwood of the desk. The familiar feeling of him hitting my spot dead on every time was something I could never forget. "You missed this dick baby?" He asked and I nodded. "Mmm I missed that dick so much." I moaned out making him growl. "Who's dick did you miss Babygirl. Tell me." He growled out picking up the pace. "D-daddies....I missed daddies dick." I moaned and he hummed happily. The sound of the desk creaking filed the large room and I knew I'd he kept fucking me like this I wasn't gonna last long. But I also knew in any other position he's fucking me in he would make me cum just as fast. His hand gripped my hair into a pony tail and he pulled me back slightly. "Fuck oh my god daddyyyy don't stop." I moaned out and he growled. "I won't baby. I promise I won't." He growled making me smile. My legs burned from the sensation of being held up. I didn't mind it though. I wanted all of it. Anything he was willing to give me. "Flip over. Lay on the desk." He said before slapping my ass and pulling out. I whimpered, turning around on wobbly legs. He helped me up onto the desk before I laid back on it. His large hands gripped my ankle putting them over his shoulders. He slowly slid back inside of me making me moan. He just felt so good. He began to pound into me again. My eyes rolled as I took in the feeling of him fucking the life out of me. "Fuck I missed you." He groaned making me smile. "Missed this pussy. You feel so fucking good around me." He growled making me whine. "God I missed you daddyyyy." I moaned scratching at his big biceps. His large hand wrapped around my neck making me gasp. He bent down further kissing me roughly. "You gonna cum for me?" He asked and I nodded. "Tell me. Tell me in words baby." He said and I moaned as my brows furrowed. "Yess yes daddy I'm gonna cum please make me cum." I moaned out making him growl. His other hand traveled down to my clit rubbing in slow circles which quickly drove me to my breaking point. "Be quiet and cum for me." He growled out and I held it as long as I could before exploding around him. "Fucking shit. I'm gonna cum." He growled lowly making me whimper. "Cum inside me. I want to feel it." I whispered in his ear and he groaned as his hip's faltered as he came inside me. I moaned listening to him breath heavily. Watching his chest rise and fall. He slowly pulled out of me and I moaned. He helped me sit up and I looked up at him. He smiled before pulling me me into a kiss. I smiled against his lips as he caressed my face. "I'm sorry for not reaching out. I've been trying to figure my life out and I wasn't sure since you left that morning if you were interested." He said with a soft sigh. I blushed girly looking down. "I liked you...and I liked what you did to me that night. I knew you were...not ready for what I was looking for. So I decided it would be  best if I just left." I said and he nodded. "Understandable. I wasn't ready to be in a relationship. But if I'm honest. I haven't stopped thinking about you since that night. I'd really like to get to know you more and actually work up towards a relationship with you." He said and I smiled. "I'd like that." I said and he smiled. "Busy tonight? Matter of fact. This weekend?" He asked and I shook my head. "No not at all." I said and he smiled. "Would you want to come over for the weekend? Hangout, watch movies, get to know each other more?" He asked and I smiled blushing. "I'd like that very much." I said and he smiled. "Great. I'm excited for this." He said as we began to get dressed. We cleaned up and I helped him get his stuff together. "You might wanna pull your hair into a bun. It's a little uhhh messy." He said and I blushed hotly quickly pulling my hair up. "Uhhh you go out first. I'll grab my stuff. Wait outside. You'll see me go to my car and then you can come and get in. Sound like a plan?" He asked and I nodded. I walked out of the room and outside. I sat down on a bench waiting patiently. I watched as he walked out and over to his car. He got in and I waited a few minutes. I looked around making sure no one was watching. I walked over getting in and he smiled. "Long time no see. Ready for a nice weekend?" He asked and I nodded with a big smile. I was excited to see where he and I would end up.

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