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Warning this ones going to get pretty sad but lightens up at the end. I'm kinda espresso depresso rn.
I was very upset. My boyfriend of six years. Who I live with. And plan on spending the rest of my life with. Hasn't not answered one call or text from me since he went out last night. Now granted I knew he was going to have a fun time and he'd get drunk. I also checks his location because he allows me to so I don't worry and he was at Seth's house. Which isn't surprising especially if he was shit faced drunk. BUT what I do not like is him not waking up and fucking calling or answering his phone! I was so upset. I even called Seth and he said he was on his phone all night and that he stayed at his house and had left about 20 minutes ago. Meaning that he was going to be home soon. I politely kept my cool with Seth knowing he had nothing to do with my anger. I was absolutely sure he had no clue Roman had been ignoring me. Because if he did he would've told Ro to stop being an ass and text me. I heard the door begin to unlock and I sat down on the couch completely silent. My anger and rage burning inside of me. I watched as he walked passed the living room to the kitchen. He walked into the living room minutes later and bent down to kiss my forehead and I dodged it. "What the fuck? What's wrong?" He asked sitting down on the rocking chair next to the couch. "What's wrong seriously?" I asked looking over at him and he scoffed. "Is this because I didn't answer some calls and texts from you?" He asked and I was the one to scoff this time. "Some? Some would be about 4 or 5. In total I called and texted you fifty seven fucking times Roman." I said and he shook his head. "Well sorry I guess. I didn't realize when I go out to a bar I need to have my phone on in my hand at all fucking times." He said rolling his eyes. "See what you aren't about to do is make it seem like I'm the one who's over reacting. YOU are underplaying this situation." I said and he shook his head with a sarcastic laugh. "See what you aren't going to do is tell me what the fuck I'm going to do." He growled out and I finally had enough I stood up and whipped towards him. "You are being an insensitive asshole right now! All I wanted you to do was check in a little so I could know that you were still alive and everything was ok! I love you and care about you for gods sake!" I shouted and I held my hand to my heart. "Yeah? WELL MAYBE I DONT LOVE YOU!" He yelled and the words I was thinking of saying completely left my brain. The knot in my throat inching higher as my eyes began to tear up. Without another word I walked upstairs. I grabbed a suitcase and began to pack clothes, shoes and bathroom items. Once I was finished I walked downstairs dragging the bag down the steps. I didn't look at him as I walked towards the door. "Baby wait!" He said as he walked over grabbing my wrists and I ripped away from him angrily. "Don't fucking touch me! I'm doing us both a favor and leaving. If you don't love me I'm not staying here! You know I-I really thought you were my soulmate. But I guess there's a lot of things I've gotten wrong with our relationship isn't there? Don't follow me out. Goodbye." I said holding my tears back as I opened the door walking out and shutting it. I took a deep breath as I threw my suitcase in my car and got in. I started it up driving away. I drove into a small vacant parking lot and turned my car off. I was trying to think of where I could stay. There was some dumbass convention in town and I knew almost all the nice hotels would be booked up and I'm not fucking staying in a gross hotel. My parents didn't even live in state so that was out of the question. I only had one option. I need to call Becky. I dialed her number sighing and rubbing my temples softly. "Hey girl what's up?" She asked cheerfully. I cleared my throat sniffling softly. "Um I really didn't want to bother you both. I just I-I." I couldn't even get my words out before I started bawling. "Ohh darling what happened?" She asked and I sniffled. "I don't want to tell you over the phone all I will tell you is that I need a place to stay and I didn't want to ask you because I done want to bother you, Seth and the baby." I said wiping my tears. "You are staying here. That's an order. Drive over now." She said before hanging up. I sighed pulling out of the parking lot heading to their house. As soon as I got there Becky had the door open and she was standing in the doorway. I stepped out and she fast walked over to me giving me a hug. I cried hugging her. "Come in. Seth will get your bag." She said rushing me into the the house. She sat me down on the couch holding me. "Oh Hey! I didn't-." Seth said before I looked up at him with tears eyes. "What happened?!" He asked rushing over and hugging me. "Roman got home and I was upset because he hadn't answered any of my call or text yesterday. Fifty three in total I might add. He shrugged it off like it wasn't a big deal and I told him it was to me because I love him and I just wanted to know that he was safe. A-and he yelled well maybe I don't love you! So I walked upstairs packed a bag and left and now I'm here and I have no clue where to go from here." I cried out as they both held me. "So you called me because he hadn't answered ANY of his calls or texts?" Seth asked and I nodded. "I'm going to go get you bag and then I'm going to have a talk with a certain Samoan asshat." Seth said standing up. "Thank you both for letting me stay here. It means a lot." I said softly. "Please don't ever feel like your intruding. No matter how pregnant I am or not." Becky said and I nodded. I wiped my tears away as I finally was able to compose myself. I could see through the patio door Seth was pacing back and forth. Seth was like a brother I've never had. He's the reason I met Roman. I'm sure he feels guilty which he shouldn't but that's how he is. "Well let's distract ourselves for the time being. Since the weather is shitty why don't we just pamper ourselves?" Becky said and I nodded. "Well let's get out the nail polish and do some face masks and stuff." She said standing. "I'm Becky? I really don't mean to like provoke the urge or anything but do you have wine? I could reallllly use some." I said and she laughed. "Of course there's some in the fridge. While I get the stuff could you pour me a glass of the sparkling grape juice?" She asked and I nodded smiling. I stood up walking into the kitchen. I grabbed the wine and the sparkling grape juice from the fridge. Luckily the grave juice looked like champagne and the wine was red wine so I didn't get them messed up. I pour a glass of each and put them back in the fridge. I walked back into the living room and back had everything laid out on the floor. I handed her the grape juice and sat down across from her. Though I was smiling my mind was filled with only the thought of the words the live of my life had said to me. "Ok. Let get face masks on and then start doing nails." Becky said as she opened a face mask putting it on. I put mine on as we began picking out a color to put on our nails. Seth finally walked in and sighed before putting a soft smile on his face. He walked into the living room. "Hey you two dorks. I'm going for a drive to get some pizza for dinner. I gotta blow off some steam. What would you both like?" He asked and frowned. So it hadn't went well. "Hey, do not feel like this is your fault. It's not. He was being an idiot. Just to for warn you he's going to try and make it up to you. He's a fucking idiot and said shit he didn't mean. Trust me it will all make sense as long as you just try and hear him out. Roman isn't always the brightest lightbulb. I just need to blow off some steam because his idiocy worked me up." Seth said and I nodded. I'd try to hear him out. No matter how much it hurt me when he said he didn't love me that didn't change my love for him. I felt myself become nauseous and I brushed it off. I was nervous that's all. Becky and I told Seth what we wanted and he left. I began painting my nails and Becky did the same. "Are you ok? You look really pale." Becky asked cocking her head sideways. "Yeah I just think I'm nervous that's all." I said and she raised a brow. "Mmmm. I think it's something else. I've seen you nervous and this is different. Are you sure you are feeling ok?" She said and I shrugged. "I've been feeling sick to my stomach for a few weeks now but it goes away so I just thought I was stressed or something." I said and her eyes widened. "You've been feeling sick to your stomach for a few weeks now and you haven't taken a pregnancy test?" She said and my eyes snapped up at her. "No. No no no no no no no. I can't be. I no not now I we I can't!" I said as I began crying again. Becky crawled to me and hugged me tightly. "Shhhh you need to relax. If you are pregnant you are already to stressed out." Becky said rubbing my shoulder. I nodded taking a deep breath. "I've got a few tests left so I want you to take them." She said and I nodded softly. "Come on. We are getting it over with." She said grabbing my hand and I stood up with her. We walked upstairs into her bathroom and she grabbed the four tests she had. "Ok pee on the sticks." She said before closing the door. I giggled softly and sat down taking each test. Once I was done I washed my hands before walking out. "Ok. Five minutes is our waiting time. It will be the slowest 5 minutes of your life." Becky said with a giggle. We sat on her bed and talked about numerous things. Waiting for the timer I had set in my phone to go off. As soon as timer started to ring I stood up. I walked into the bathroom and felt like I hit a wall and stopped moving. "You need to look. This could be really good for you. You've always wanted kids. Just because you feel it's the wrong time doesn't mean it is. This could be a blessing in disguise." She said and I nodded. I walked over looking at each test and my jaw dropped.

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