Shattered Dreams

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Warning: This mentions previous struggles of self harm.
Y/n P.O.V.
I hadn't been on the main roster for a super long time. Only about a month. And I just so happened to be drafted to Smackdown. I was walking down the hall into catering when I saw the one person I had wanted to meet since I was a teenager. Roman. I composed myself walking over to his table. He was occupied with something on his phone. "Uhm I just wanted to come over and say hi. I'm a really big fan. You've inspired me a lot." I said softly and Paul looked over at me. "Can't you see that the tribal chief is busy?" He asked and my brows furrowed. "He's too busy to listen? I just wanted to come over and say hi." I said and he looked up at me before looking back down at his phone. "The tribal chief doesn't need to be pestered by some newbie with no in-ring talent." Paul said and I felt like my whole life stopped. My dreams felt shattered. Tears filled my eyes as he completely ignored me. "Well when the "tribal chief" is not busy. Relay the message to him that he's a fucking prick and his storyline has gotten to far into his head." I said as I ripped the necklace that I always had on off. It was his logo, and on the side closest to my heart it was engraved with the words "I can I will". I slammed it down on the table before walking away as tears flowed down my face. I felt humiliated. I felt like my heart had been ripped out at the seems. I walked into the bathroom shutting the door locking myself into a stall. I sobbed and sobbed until I had no tears left. I ran my fingers over the scares on my arms. I had come so so far. And Roman had been a huge part of that. He had always been true to himself and that gave me energy. Energy to really take myself serious and better myself. I heard the door open and I quickly held back my sniffles hoping that they would just go away. "Y/n sweetheart...are you okay?" I heard Nattie ask and I sniffled. "Y-yeah I'm alright." I whispered out. "Come out here and let's talk somewhere that's not the bathroom." She said and I stood opening the stall. She gave me a hug and rubbed my back. She had become like a mom to me since I got here. She took me under her wing and I couldn't thank her enough. "Let's go to my locker room." She said and I nodded. We walked to her locker room and walked in closing the door. "Sit down. Let's talk." She said and I nodded. We sat down and she held my hand. "What happened?" She asked and I sighed. "I saw Roman in catering....and I went to go introduce myself, and he wouldn't even say Hi. P-Paul said he doesn't want to be bothered by a newbie with no in ring talent." I whispered looking down. "Oh sweetie." Nattie said pulling me in for a hug. Tears ran down my face again and I hugged her back tightly. "I'm gonna kick his ass." She said and I laughed through my tears. "No no it's okay. Maybe I shouldn't have bothered him." I said and she shook her head. "No he was being an ass. He's usually good at  separating in ring and out ring issues. Maybe he's got something going on. I know he's going through his divorce. Maybe that's his issue." She said and my eyes widened. "He's getting a divorce?" I whispered and she nodded. "'s pretty messy from what I've heard." She said and I nodded. "But that's still no excuse. He shouldn't have been am asshole." Nattie said and I nodded. My phone buzzed violently and I picked it up. "It's Vince." I said and she smiled nodding. "Hello Sir." I picked up waiting nervously for his reply. "Y/n I need you in my office. There's a big change you need to be aware of." He said and I gulped. "Of course I can head up right away." I said with a nervous smile. "See you soon." He said before hanging up. "Holy shitttt." I said as I stood. "Vince needs to meet with me to talk about changes..." I said nervously. "Well calm down. It could be good changes." She said with a smile and I nodded. I made my way up to Vince's office and knocked on the door. I heard his low voice say to come in. I opened the door and he smiled at me. "Hey kid! How ya liking smackdown?" He asked and I smiled. "I-it's a change. But I like it." I said as I sat across from him. "Well...I heard that something went down in catering to me about it." He said and I sighed. "Well...I walked into catering and I saw Roman and he's been my idol for...years. And I walked over just to tell him how much of an inspiration he is and Paul told me he doesn't talk to people who are just newbies with no in-ring talent." I said and he nodded. "And so...I got upset and threw my necklace down at the table and walked away." I said softly looking down at my hands. "I see...well...I've got an idea." He said and I nodded. "I want you to become the new force of the bloodline." He said and my mouth dropped. "I-I but." I stuttered making him laugh. "You are going to go out there tonight. And prove to them you aren't just a newbie. You've got a lot of talent kid. And I'll be damned if you don't get a far way with it in this company." He said and I smiled. "They have a segment tonight, and the judgement day is going to interrupt. I want you to go out there when the twins are getting attacked. Blindside Rhea. The judgement day knows. The bloodline doesn't." He said and I nodded with a happy smile. "So you like the idea?" He asked and I nodded. "I want you to cut a promo after. Say what feels right. Put real emotion in there if you please." He said and I nodded. "Can I add something?" I asked and he nodded. "I'm listening." He said leaning back in his chair. "Can I attack all of them? Not the bloodline but the judgement day? As if I'm not just saving Roman but I'm saving them all." I said and he smiled. "I knew I did the right thing switching you to Smackdown." He said with a smile. "I love that idea. I want you to come out with as fierce of an attitude as you've got. I want this to work perfectly for you." He said and I nodded. "Thank you sir." I said and he nodded. "And hey. Don't beat yourself up about it. Paul can be...too much most of the time." He said making me nod. "I've talked with Roman before he knows you have talent. He might just be having a bad day. Don't sweat it. All that matters as that the fans believe in you." He said and I nodded. "Thank you again." I said as I stood and he nodded. "Crush it tonight. I believe in you." He said and I smiled nodding. I walked out of his office and went back downstairs. Nattie was in the hallway by my dressing room. "So? How did it go?" She asked and I smiled. "You'll see just how it went tonight." I said with a smile and she squealed dancing around. "Oh good!" She said and I nodded. "Alright you go get ready!" She said and I smiled giving her a hug before walking into my room shutting the door. I grabbed my brand new gear and walked into the bathroom. I changed and then did my hair and makeup. I looked in the mirror and smirked.

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