Privacy Please

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Y/n P.O.V.
I was so sexually frustrated it was beginning to ruin every pair of underwear I had. He had literally walked around being the sexiest walking creature I had ever seen and I have t been able to realize that feeling in a while. You know why? Heyman. Every single chance had to fuck my husband he was there to fuck my plans up. I sat angrily in Ro's locker room thinking about all the things I should say or how to bring it up but not one came out with the slightest bit of kindness. He walked in title around his thick waist as he looked at me before smiling. Fucking hot bastard. "Hey babe." He said walking over to me bending down kissing me softly. I responded by pulling him deeper into the kiss. "Woah babe chill. Heyman will be in here in just a few minutes." He said with a chuckle and I stopped completely pulling away. I pushed him away standing up storming into the bathroom. I slammed the door shut with an angry huff. I could hear him get off the couch and walk up to the door. "Baby?" He asked confused. "Fuck off!" I said rolling my eyes and before he could say anything back I heard Heymans voice. "You are on in 5 for a promo come on." He said and I heard Roman sigh. I heard him walking away and I sighed. I was really fed up. I walked out of the bathroom packing my stuff up. Before leaving. Once I made it to the hotel I checked into the suite we were staying in and took the elevator up to it. Once I made it to the room I walked in closing the door. I through my bags out grabbing my phone and texting him.

Me: I drove to the hotel. Get a ride with Heyman.

Is all I said as I through my phone down on the bed. I needed so much relief. I walked to my bag grabbing out my vibrator. I slid off my clothes as I laid down on the bed. I turned the vibrator on to the lowest setting teasing myself at first. I dragged it down my body before slowly bringing it to my clit. I moaned softly as I began to play with my nipples. The sound of a different buzzing filled the room and a groaned angrily. I picked my phone up and Roman was calling me. "What?" I answered turning my vibrator up. "I'm on my way up to the room now. What is that buzzing?" He asked and I hung up. He'd see when he got into the room. I turned it up higher moaning softly. All I could imagine was my mans face shoved between my legs and that's really all I wanted. Well besides his dick. I reaaaally reaaaally wanted that too. I heard the door unlock but I didn't give a fuck I continued pleasuring myself. He walked in dropping his bags as he looked at me angrily. He grabbed my vibrator shutting it off throwing it in my bag. "So this is what you do when I'm not here?" He asked angrily and I sat up. "Yes. Since you've been lacking on your job to pleasure me. I had to take measures into my own hands." I said and he scoffed. "Oh so I haven't been pleasuring you enough so you had to resort to a fucking toy?" He said and I nodded. "Don't act like you can even be offended. I have tried to please you too and every time I do. It's 'oh Paul's coming in soon' or 'sorry babe Paul said I've got an interview in 5' Paul is so far up your ass at this point I'm surprised I can't see his head in your god damn mouth. But she's blame it on me like I'm over reacting. Like I didn't marry a man who likes to fuck almost every day. I want from fucking at least three times a week to nothing. Nothiiiiingg! Zero! Cero! Zilch! So don't get an attitude with me like you haven't been neglecting me and I haven't even tried. Because I've tried numerous times." I said and he went silent. "Yeah. That's what I thought. So now you've either got two choices. One you give me my damn vibrator back and watch me pleasure myself. OR you do it for me. Times a ticking Reigns. Pick." I said tapping my wrist like I had a watch on. He closed the gap between us kissing me roughly. Making me moan. "Get on the bed spread you legs." He growled out slapping my ass making me moan. I laid down on the bed spreading me legs looking at him with a smirk. He stripped down to nothing and I bit my lip. My mouth watered at the sight of his large cock. I hadn't seen it in what feels like forever. He stroked himself as he crawled onto the bed. He bent down close to my entrance looking up at me before he spit onto my entrance making me groan. I grabbed his hair pulling him up to me slowly. He looked deep into me eyes as I gripped his thickness. "Fuck me." I said lowly and but his lip lining up with my entrance pushing into me roughly. "YES!" I moaned out with a soft happy whine. "Fuck you feel so good." He growled as he began thrusting into me rough. The sheer power of his thrusts making me loose my breath. "Fuck yes daddy!" I yelled out and he brought his mouth to mine shutting me up with his tongue. "So fucking loud. We are in a hotel with other people. Stop being such a slut." He growled wrapping his hand around my neck making me smile evilly. "Fuck me harder and maybe I won't be able to scream." I challenged and he growled picking up his speed. He was hitting my spot every time with such precision that my eyes rolled back. "Oh that's how you like it? This is how you needed it? So fast you can barely breath?" He asked with a grunt and a smirk. I nodded around his hand the best I could. "Fuck flip over on your hands and knees." He said pulling out of me making me growl. I flipped over arching for him. He pushed back into me and I surprised him by pushing back against him and he stumbles slightly. I giggled looking back at him and he slapped my ass. "Throw it back if you are that needy for this cock Babygirl." He said with a smirk and I moaned at his words as I began bouncing back against his thick cock. Our moans traveled throughout the room making me even more turned on if that was possible. He gripped my hair in his large hand before he started to thrust into me roughly. He hand trailed to my hip gripping it tightly. "Fuck you feel so fucking good." He growled making me whimper. "Wanna take a ride baby?" He asked and I nodded. He pulled out of me again flopping on the bed. I moved above him before I sat down on him and moaned softly. I began rocking my hips as I looked down at him. He had his eyes closed as he groaned. There was a knock on the door a d I groaned angrily. "Who is it?" I asked not slowing down. I was so fucking close to cumming. "It's Mr.Heyman. My I speak to your husband Ms.Reigns?" He asked and I gritted my teeth angrily. "No. And so help god if I have to get off his dick to answer the god damn door Heyman I will personally beat your ass. Now give us some privacy please!" I yelled as I began bouncing on top of him. My head fell back as I moaned. Roman groaned thrusting up into me making making me whimper breathlessly. "Fuck you are tightening around me. Are you close?" He asked and I nodded. "Fuck baby. Cum for me. Cum around my cock." He growled as his hand circled my clit. I whined bouncing harder as I came around him. "Cum inside me daddy I need it." I whined and he growled thrusting up into me a few times before releasing his seed inside me. I moaned softly fulling softly onto his chest. He held me as we caught our breath. "Come on let's take a bath." He said pulling out of me bring me over to the jacuzzi tub. He filled it with warm water before we stepped in. I laid my head on his chest as he rubbed my legs softly. "That was funny babe. You made him leave." He said with a chuckle and I smiled. "I was dick deprived. It was the anger from that." I said and he laughed. "I'm sorry for neglecting you lately. I didn't even realize I was." He said softly and I smiled kissing his cheek softly. "That's okay. Just stop giving up the opportunity to fuck me at work. I know work sex turns you on." I said with a smirk and he hummed nodding. "You turn me on in general so. Whatever you want and give me turns me on." He said and I smiled happily. "Well maybe if your dick game wasn't so good I wouldn't have been so mad. But god damn babe." I sad with a chuckle making him laugh. We soon stepped out getting into be cuddling. We turned the tv on and watch a movie. "So round two in the morning?" I asked looking up at him and he smirked. "Shit you can get round two right now." He said and I giggled as he flipped over on top of me. This was the privacy I needed.

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