Attitude Part 2.

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Y/n P.O.V.
I was stressed the fuck out. Making hit songs wasn't easy. My fucking manager was down my throat and I could feel myself close to fucking snapping. "One more time Y/n that second verse wasn't your best." My manager Dave said and I sighed angrily. I did it again. And again and again. It still wasn't FUCKING GOOD ENOUGH. "One more time let's see if you can get it right." Dave spoke with an eye roll and I snapped. I threw my papers around the room throwing the stand at the wall. "FUCK YOU! I'VE DONE MY BEST EVERY FUCKING TIME!" I yelled walking out of the room slamming the door running down the hall as tears welled up in my eyes. A door opened and shut and I looked up seeing my tall hunk of a boyfriend standing at the end of the hallway. His smile dropped as he saw the tears in my eyes. I ran to him collapsing in his arms as I sobbed. "What happened?" He rumbled out. "I AM FUCKING DONE!" I yelled into his chest stomping my foot on the floor. "Shhhh tell me what happened." He said rubbing my back. "I've been trying my hardest for the new fucking song and every time all Dave has to say is it's not my best and that I need to try again. I'm so fucking tired of this. I'm tired of it not making me happy." I whispered out and I felt Joe grumble angrily. "Come here let me kiss you." He said and I looked up at him he wiped my tears. He leaned down and kissed me softly making me sigh. He always made me relaxed. "Now we are going to go back in there and you are going to sing it how you want to because it's your fucking song. If you think it's perfect than it's perfect. And I'm gonna hold you. And be there for you. Because I know YOU are your biggest critic and Dave saying shit isn't helping anything." He said stroking my cheek and I nodded. We walked back into the studio and Ro stopped me. "You go in the booth and I'll meet you in there in a few seconds. Just gotta speak with Dave quick." He said patting my ass lightly and I nodded walking into the booth closing the door. I watched as I began picking my stuff up. Jo walked up to Dave. And Dave stood up almost challenging my man. Joe grabbed him by the collar and slammed him against the wall. A picture on the wall now left leaning sideways. I smiled softly as I put my music back on my stand. I began to warm up before Joe walked in and shut the door. "Alright. You ready to do this babygirl?" He asked with a smile and I sighed happily and nodded. He sat down in the chair before wrapping his arms around laying his face in my neck. "Alright Y/n you got this." Dave said and I nodded as I started to sing. Joe rocked back and forth with me. Once I finished I heard loud clapping and opened my eyes. Dave had tears in his eyes. "That was the best! Perfect!" He said and I smiled. I looked back at Joe and he kissed me. "Beautiful so fucking beautiful." He groaned out making me blush. "Alright she's done for today. She's gotta get ready for our date tonight." Joe said and I smiled looking back. "Date? What kinda date?" I asked with a giggle. "A date that's all you need to know. Just don't dress up too much. I mean you'll look hot regardless. But where we're going I don't want you to feel uncomfortable like in heels and a tight dress." He said rubbing my hips and I smiled kissing his lips. "Ok well I need to go get ready then." I said giddily and he nodded with a chuckle. I walked out of the studio and into our room. I walked into the closet looking through various items to wear. I found a pretty sundress and I smiled. I slipped it on putting on some jewelry and some sandals. I did some light makeup then fixing my hair before looking in the mirror.

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