"Babygirl I See You Over There."

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Y/n P.O.V.
I woke up in an empty bed. Daddy's warm body wasn't next to me and I grumbled. I sat up rubbing my eyes and grumbling. "Daddy." I said in a grumbled tone and got no response. I sighed getting up and stomping to my bathroom. I slammed the door and got ready by myself. I hated when daddy got up early because then I didn't get morning snuggles or morning playtime. I brushed my hair out and put it up in a ponytail. I brushed my teeth and I washed my face and walked out of the bathroom. I grumbled as I walked to my closet picking out this outfit and putting it on.

 I grumbled as I walked to my closet picking out this outfit and putting it on

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Once I was done I walked downstairs slowly because I didn't want to fall. I walked in the kitchen to see a plate of breakfast, a sippy cup filled with apple juice, and a note. I grabbed the note opening it and reading.
Morning Babygirl,
  Daddy is outside working out in my workout room. Enjoy your breakfast and come out when your done and we can figure out what you want to do today.

I smiled and sat down eating my breakfast. Daddy made the best bacon and eggs. I swung my feet happily and smiled finishing my food and washing it down with my apple juice. I skipped over to my pink jelly sandals and put them on. I walked to the sliding glass door opening it, stepping out, and closing it. I walked along the brick path to daddy's workout room. I could hear the sound of Daddy's workout music as I opened the door. I shut it softly walking in slowly. I peeked out from the side of the wall seeing Daddy curl the weight upward his veins sticking out. I bit my lip watching him. He grunted finishing his set. He moved on to the next bench and I brought my hand down to my princess parts and rubbed softly. I brought my sleeve to my mouth biting it to muffle my soft moans. He stopped and I saw him smirk. "Babygirl I see you over there." He said with a chuckle and my face instantly got red. I hide behind the wall and blushed softly. "Come here babygirl." He said lowly and I rubbed my thighs together softly to ease the throbbing sensation. I walked out from behind the wall and he smirked. "There's my baby." He said holding his arms out and I walked over and sat down on his thigh and he kissed my neck softly. "Why does my princess not look happy?" He said bringing his hand up to my cheek and stroking it softly. "Cuz I didn't get no pway time dis mornin'." I said grumpily and he smirked. "Ohh princess needs her cupcake played with?" He asked bringing his hand down to my soaked panties making me whimper. I nodded and he hummed kissing my neck. "Well then let daddy take care of his girl." He said as he picked me up setting me down on the bench. He lifted my long sweater up over my hips. He slowly slid my underwear down and smiled looking at my wet cupcake. He stuck his tongue out slowly lapping at my cupcake making me moan. He held my thighs open slurping and licking at my center. "Ohh daddy!" I moaned out gripping at the seat. "You like the way I eat your sweet pussy?" He growled against me and I whimpered. "Yes daddy." I whispered out as he skillfully moved his tongue in different patterns. "Ohhh!" I squeaked our as he licked a particularly sensitive spot. He inserted two of his thick fingers inside me making me moan out. He rubbed my spot so well making me shake around him. "D-daddy I'm gonna come!" I moaned out and he growled pulling his mouth and fingers away. "Daddy." I whined and he chuckled. "Don't whine baby I'm about to give you some good dick. So stop worrying and let daddy do his job." He said picking me up and flipping me over on the bench. He picked up my knees and put them on the bench so I was in sort of a doggy style position. He held pushed on my back lightly instructing me to arch. I did as far as I could and he hummed. I felt him rub his member against my cupcake before slowly entering me. I gasped gripping at the bench as he began to thrust into me at a slow pace. "Daddy!" I whimpered out feeling him hit my spot almost immediately. "I know babygirl daddy's hitting your spot isn't he?" He hummed out with a smirk. "Yes daddy." I said with clenched teeth and furrowed eyebrows. "What do you need to cum babygirl? You want daddy to keep this pace? Or go faster?" He asked giving me one rough thrust making me yelp. "Please speed up daddy. Please!" I moaned out loudly and he chuckled thrusting into me at a fast pace. Our skin slapping together creating blissful noises that echoed throughout the room. "Fuck princess your so tight." He grunted out making my eyes roll back. "All for you daddy." I whispered out and he groaned. "Damn right." He grumbled making me whimper. I could slowly feel my high begin to build as he picks up his pace. "Daddy! I'm gonna cum!" I moaned out and hummed speeding up. "Cum for daddy babygirl." He moaned out and I exploded around him with a squeal. "Oh daddy." I moaned as my legs shook. He picked up speed bring my hips into his harder until I felt his warm seed enter me. "Oh daddy." I whispered letting my eyes close softly. "Your such a good girl baby." He hummed out rubbing my butt softly. I smiled with my eyes closed as he flipped me over softly. He grabbed a clean towel from his pile he kept in here to workout. He wiped off my legs and my princess parts. Daddy pulled my panties back up and pulled my long sweater down. "Come on babygirl I'll take you inside, we'll take a quick shower and take a nap. How does that sound?" Daddy asked and I hummed smiling. He kissed my forehead and picked me up making me wrap my legs around his waist. I laid my head on Daddy's shoulder as he brought me back into the house. He brought me into the bathroom and turned the shower on strip both of us out of our clothes. He helped me in and got in behind me. Daddy washed me up and gave me kisses telling me how much he loves me. "I love you so much princess." He whispered in my ear and I smiled kissing his lips. "I love you too daddy." I said laying my head on his shoulder. Once we were clean daddy picked me up bringing me into our bedroom grabbed a towel and a nightgown. He wiped off my whole body then slipping my nightgown on for me. "Daddy can we watch beauty and the beast? Pwease?" I asked with big eyes and he smiled. "Yes babygirl lay down and daddy will put the movie in." He said and I happily jumped in the bed and laid down. Daddy put the movie in and laid down next to me cuddling me up. Midway through the movie I felt my eyes begin to feel droopy and I fell fast asleep.

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