Evil Turned Sweet

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3rd P.O.V.
He was rude. Completely vile. One of the meanest kings known to exist. Or so people thought... He was truly just misunderstood and taken advantage of. Y/n knew. No one else who worked for him did. But she was what is known as an empath. She could feel his true emotions without him even speaking to her. And she knew that his attitude was just a front. And she felt he truly just felt disappointed in himself. She hoped one day she could change that.
——Y/n P.O.V.——
I opened the door peaking inside feeling slightly nervous as King Reigns, Jimmy, Jey, and Paul all looked over at me. "I'm sorry sir I thought-." I said trying quickly to explain. "No. It's okay. Come in." The king said and I walked in with the tea, cups, sugar, honey, and small decorative yet edible flowers on the tray in my hand. I walked in clearing my throat as they all looked at me. "Quit staring at her, you are making her uncomfortable can't you see?" The king growled and I blushed. He always took care of me...even though I worked for him. "Tea sir?" I asked and he nodded. I put his tea together before setting it in front of him. "Thank you Y/n I appreciate it more than you know." He said and I nodded. I quickly scurried out of the room trying to contain my embarrassment. The door opening behind me scaring me and I jumped as the guys looked at me before laughing. "Y/n would you mind meeting with me?" He asked with a soft smile. "Of course sir. Right now?" I asked and he nodded. The guys walked out and he held the door open for me. I walked in and he closed the door behind us. I smiled to myself as I turned around. He held his hand out to me and I took it. He pulled me close. And I smiled up at him. "God you are gorgeous." He groaned making me blush. "Thank you sir." I said and he groaned. "You know you don't have to call me sir when we are by ourselves." He said kissing against my neck and I smiled moaning. "I like to..." I said looking up at him and he smirked. "Well I can't say I don't find it hot. Anything that comes out of your mouth is pretty fucking sexy." He said making me smile. "Even if I said...bubbles?" I said with a giggle making him laugh. "So...what's this meeting about?" I asked and he bit his lip. "I was wondering if I could treat you to a nice dinner in my room later on tonight?" He said and I smiled. "Just us?" I asked hopeful. "Just you and I Babygirl." He said and I blushed. We were...well I don't know what you would call us...friends with benefits? No. We hadn't had sex ever. I told him that was off limits until he earned it. Sure we kissed, and cuddled, but never anything more than that...well besides me teasing him with pictures of myself in risqué outfits that he buys. I was hoping that maybe, just maybe this would be the time where he asks me out finally. I knew it wasn't the best circumstances...I was his maid, he was the king. But I hoped that somehow someway we could eventually be a couple. I loved him. I truly did. And spending time with him. Alone. Made me feel full. "So I've got a whole wardrobe for you to choose from in the spare room next to my room. Pick out what ever your pretty little heart desires. I want this to not be interrupted so wait until you know everyone is out of here." He said and I nodded happily. "Gimmie a kiss." He said with a smile and I leaned up kissing his soft lips. "I'll see you later Babygirl." He said with a low hum and I nodded. I walked out of the room closing the door behind me. I did a giddy little dance before continuing to work.
——Later On that Night——
I watched as the people who don't live in the castle gather their things and leave for the night and I sighed happily. I took my apron off and walked upstairs. I opened the spare room door before closing it tightly behind me. I walked into the closet and gasped. He really did have an entire wardrobe for me to choose from. I looked through everything. I picked a dress that I liked. I matched it with a perfect set of heels before I began to undress. I walked into the bathroom and gasped seeing a huge basket of makeup, soaps, conditioners and loofahs. With a note next to it. It read:

For you Babygirl, see you in a little while beautiful.


I blushed and sighed as I read it. This was out of some type of fever dream. I grabbed some stuff putting int in the shower before turning it on getting in. I washed up and shaved, then did my hair before getting out. He had perfume for me as well. I wondered if he had picked out all these things. I began to get dressed and then I did my hair and makeup. Finally once I was finished I looked in the mirror and smiled.

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