"You Need To Be Taken Care Of."

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Y/n P.O.V.
I was worried. We had a four day weekend off. Which was rare. My best friend Roman and I usually always traveled together. Even on our way home. But it had seemed like he had disappeared after our last house show. Roman and I did everything together. Went to the gym together. Eat in catering together. All of it. And now he's not answering my calls. My texts. My facetimes. Nothing. He disappeared from the arena. I had knocked on his hotel room door and no one answered. But I knew damn well that he was in there. I walked down to the front counter and told the woman that I had forgotten my key and my husband was sleeping in the room and he was a heavy sleeper. Surprisingly she believed me and gave me a key. I walked back upstairs and unlocked his room walking in. I walked in slowly. As I looked and he was looking out the window. With the large white comforter wrapped around him. His hair looked matted and messy and his entire body was sulking. "Ro?" I whispered and he turned to look at me and the site was heartbreaking. His eyes puffy and red. Beard overgrown and messy. "Oh my god." I said rubbing to him pulling him in my arms as he sobbed. "Are you okay?" I whispered and he shook his head no. "S-she cheated on me." He sobbed out and anger built up inside of me. His long time girlfriend that he was head over heals for. I knew she was not a good person. They got into arguments a lot. She had did sketchy things before cheating. Seeing him like this. Made me want to beat the fuck out of her. "God I'm so sorry. I'm sorry." He choked out and I rubbed his matted hair. "Shhhhh just relax. I'm not mad at you. You are going through it Ro Bear. Just relax. Breath." I said as he took in a deep breath before letting it out. I wiped his tears as he began to calm down. "Have you been in here since last night?" I asked and he nodded. "I'm sorry I didn't answer I know you were worried I just. I barley could get one word out with how much I was crying and I didn't want you to feel like I was a baby or something." He said and I sighed. "Now why would you think something so ridiculous like that? You know I support you through everything." I said and he sighed and nodded. "Now. We are going to get you packed up. And you are staying with me okay?" I said and he nodded. I walked over to his suit case grabbing out a pair is sweats, a t-shirt and a zip up. I tossed it to him and he walked into the bathroom changing. I packed up his stuff before he stepped out. His hood up his eyes looking like he hadn't slept in a few days. Which was I knew was true. I gave him a hug making him sigh. "Come on. I've got all my stuff in the car already. Let's go." I said and he nodded. We walked to the front counter checking out. Before walking through the parking lot. Once we made it to the rental Roman put his bag in the back as I grabbed a blanket walking to the drivers side.I got in starting the car as Roman got in the passenger seat. "Here. It's about a two hour drive home. Get some rest." I said handing him the blanket and grabbing my pillow from the back handing that to him. He nodded before laying his head against the pillow and covering up as I drove off. It wasn't too bad of a drive and traffic was light. Once we got into town I need to grab some things and stuff to cook dinner. I stopped at Target and parked. I looked at Ro who was passed out sleeping and decided to not wake him. I grabbed my purse, getting out of the car closing the door as quietly as I could. It probably didn't matter because he was passed out but I wanted to make sure he'd stay sleeping because I knew he needed it. I walked in grabbing various things. I grabbed some face mask, epsom salt and bubble bath, a hair mask, under eye masks, and a nice Nike outfit for Ro. He needed to be taken care of for once. He always took care of others. Seeing him broken down today was enough for me to spoil him the rest of his life. Once I was finished with that stuff I walked to the grocery section and grabbed shrimp, potatoes and carrots. I was going to make him a nice home cooked meal. Once I was finished grabbing the stuff I needed I checked out and walked back to the car. Putting everything in closing the trunk. I got in once again before driving to my house. Once I pulled into the garage I turned the car off before shutting the garage door. I brought all the groceries and stuff inside and even brought in our suitcases. I then walked back out and opened Romans door. Which startled him making him let out a nervous breath of air. He looked up at me relaxing. "We are here. Come inside I've got some stuff for you." I said and he nodded. He unbuckled grabbing the pillow and blanket. He walked inside with me before shutting the door. "Thanks for letting me sleep." He said with a smile and I nodded. "You needed it. While you were sleeping I stopped at target so here this is for you tonight." I said handing him a bag with a smile. He looked in it and smiled.

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