"I'll prove it's only you baby"

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Y/n P.O.V.
I opened the door and stepped inside and I felt my heart sink. I slowly walked up the stairs and opened our bedroom door. And my worst fear was right in front of me. My husband on top of some other woman. His familiar groans filled my ears and I let out a sob. He turned and scrambled to cover them. "Baby." He said and it echoed and echoed and echoed. I gasped jolting awake. I blinked for a few seconds trying to get the pictures of him out of my head. I knew he wouldn't do that. I think... my mind was racing. And I didn't want to wake him...he had just gotten home two days ago from being on the road. But I couldn't shake the feeling. "Baby." I whispered out softly as I looked over at him. I nudged at him gently saying it again. He took in a deep inhale rolling over quickly. "What? What's wrong?!" He asked confused and still sleepy. "Don't laugh. You wouldn't cheat on me right?" I asked softly and he sat still for a moment before turning over and reaching for the lamp turning it on. He sat up rubbing the sleep out of his eyes before looking at me. "What?" He asked confused. "Y-You won't ever cheat on me right?" I asked and his brows furrowed in confusion. "Of course not. I would never ever cheat on you. You are my wife, I took a vow to love and honor you. I'd never even think of  hurting you like that." He said and I looked down at my hands nodding. "Hey...where is this coming from all the sudden?" He asked lifting my chin up and I looked up at him. My lip quivering as I began to get upset. "Baby...don't cry what's the matter? Tell me what's wrong." He asked and I cried as he pulled me into his lap. "I-I had a dream that I walked in on you having sex with someone else. In this bed." I said shaking my head and he pulled me closer hugging me tightly. "Jesus Christ baby. That's horrible. I'm so sorry that happened and I'm sorry for my actions in your dream even though I would never even think of stepping out on our marriage. I was on the road longer this time...are you just missing me that much that you are beginning to have dreams about me being unfaithful to you?" He asked and I looked up at him with teary eyes and nodded. "It's okay baby. If you were lonesome just tell me and I'll do whatever I need to to make you happier okay?" He said and I sniffled. "I'm sorry I woke you up." I whispered and he chuckled. "It's perfectly fine baby. You were upset. I don't want you trying to sleep when you are all upset. I'm glad you woke me up." He said and I smiled nodding. "Now come on. Let's try to get some sleep." He said as we laid back down. He pulled me into his embrace and I snuggled into his chest. "I love you." He whispered to me as he ran his fingers through my hair. He repeated it over and over until finally I fell asleep.
I gasped jolting awake as I felt his devilish tongue enter me. "Ro baby?" I asked out tiredly and he hummed. "Oh god." I moaned out and he grumbled. He always had a thing for pleasuring me. It was one of his kinks. And I would be damned if I would complain. Having a pleasure dom as a husband was nothing short of fucking magical I'll tell you that. "Hhhmm morning my baby. You comfortable? Need to move up on the pillows a little more?" He asked and I gasped and nodded. He pushed me up more so I could watch him and I spread my legs wider for him. "Mmmm so sweet." He grumbled making me whine. My back arched as two of his thick fingers entered me. "Oh my god Rooooo!" I moaned out gripping at his messy hair. "I can feel you tightening baby are you close?" He asked lowly and I nodded. I rolled my hips against his face as I fell over the edge with a loud moan. "What was that for?" I asked panting as he licked his lips with a grin. "I'll prove it's only you baby." He said making me sigh happily. He sat up on his knees sliding his boxers off. "Look at how hard you make me babe...no one else does this to me." He said as he began stroking his long thick member. I bit my lip looking up at him. "Let me..." I said softly reached my hand out. I removed his hand replacing it with mine making him groan. I slowly slid forward and laid on my stomach. I looked up at him taking him into my mouth. He groaned and I looked up at him with hooded eyes. His hair had became messy from sleeping and he looked like a wild animal. He looked hot all the time but messy haired Ro had to be one of the hottest. "Fuck...just like that baby." He groaned out making me hum around him. "You like the way I suck you daddy?" I asked batting my eyelashes making him groan. "No one does it better Babygirl. Just a little more." He panted out making me smile. I slowly slurped him back into my mouth and his eyes rolled. "God babe...you got me so fucking hard." He growled rubbing my hair making me smile around him. I brought my hand down and played with my clit making him growl. "Yeah...play with yourself for me. Dirty girl." He growled making me hum. He bent down slightly slapping my ass. He moved further down my throat making me gag causing him to groan. "Fuck that's enough baby. I want to cum inside you." He said and I hummed slowly letting him fall from my mouth. "I love the way you take me in your mouth. You do so well." He said rubbing my hair making me smile. He knew I loved to be praised. "Turn over. Legs up." He said and I followed his orders. I turned over onto my back and lifted my legs up onto his shoulders. I was so ready for him to destroy me. He did it the best. He slowly rubbed his tip against my entrance before sliding in making me groan. "Damn...always so fuckin tight for me...you know how much I love fucking this tight pussy? Huh Babygirl?" He asked as he began to pound into me. My eyes crossed at each pleasure filled thrust as I moaned. "Yes daddy! Mmm you love fucking your tight pussy." I moaned out making him growl. "Damn right...I own this pussy...why would I ever want to give it up? It's perfect." He groaned out making me whimper. "You are perfect Babygirl. I'd never leave you. You are too fucking good to me." He groaned slowly his thrusts down but deepening his angle causing me to gasp. I looked up at him as my eyes fluttered and admired his handsome face. His flushed cheeks, his pink lips, his beautiful brown eyes, his dark beard with gray hairs peaking threw in certain spots. God he could t get any hotter. His hand ran up to my jaw, his thumb poking into my mouth making me snap out of my pleasure filled trance. "Still with me Babygirl?" He asked with a smirk and I nodded sucking on his thumb. I nodded with a moan as I began to feel my high approaching. "Mmmm I feel you tightening baby." He groaned lowly making me whimper. "You know how much I love you?" He asked and I nodded with a smile. His thumb that was in my mouth traveled down to my clit as he began to rub in slow circles making my eyes roll. "Oh god Ro! I love you so much!" I moaned out and he hummed. "I love you more Babygirl. You gonna let daddy cum inside this tight cunt?" He asked and I whined and nodded. "Please daddy! F-fill me up! I want your babies!" I moaned making him growl. He sped up his thrusts making my toes curl before I fell over the edge with a loud scream. I gasped for air as I looked up at him. "Fuuuccckkk!" He groaned with two more deep thrusts he came inside me. I smiled softly closing my eyes. "Morning." He said with a soft pant making me smile and laugh. "Good morning." I said opening one eye looking at him smile. He slowly pulled out of me making me moan. "Did I prove I'd never cheat?" He asked and I nodded with a smile pulling him down for a kiss. "I hope you just got me pregnant." I said rubbing his cheek softly making him smile. "Oh I'm sure I did." He said kissing my neck softly. "Nap before a shower?" I asked and he nodded pulling me on top of his chest. I kissed his cheek closing my eyes. I snuggled into his chest and rubbed his arm as I slowly drifted off into sleep. He definitely proved it would always and forever just be me...

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