Arguments and Apologies

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This one is going to be an emotional roller coaster just an FYIIIII!

Y/n P.O.V.

My heart dropped as I stared into the eyes of the devil himself. The person who made my life hell. For 3 years. I was stuck with an abusive asshole for three years and there he was smiling at me?! Anger grew inside of me as I walked over to him in the lobby of the hotel. "What in the fuck are you doing here?!" I seethed up at him and he smirked. "Awww baby why does it seem like you aren't excited to see me?" He asked and I growled. "Because I'm not." I seethed out and he smirked. "Why princess? You don't like remembering how you screamed my name? In pain? In pleasure? Both at the same time." He smirked as he moved close to me. I couldn't move. I was frozen in my tracks. He put his hand on my chin and I veered my head to the side seeing my boyfriend. Standing there stone faced. My heart dropped. He walked away and I sighed. "Just leave me the fuck alone." I said slapping him hard on the face before pushing him away. He looked at me surprised holding his red cheek as I walked away. I hurried up the stairs to the hotel room and opened it. Seeing my boyfriend with his back turned to me as he was packing up his bag. "Babe? What are you doing?" I asked with a sigh as I set my purse down. "Leaving." He mumbled and I cocked my head to the side. "Babe. Can we please talk about what you saw down there." I said sighing and he turned around looking at me angrily. "What is there to talk about? You clearly have found someone more important." He said and I scoffed. "Roman don't be ridiculous. He wasn't my side chick or something." I said and he laughed. "Are you sure? You both looked real comfortable all close and shit." He said and I stood up. "What in the fuck is that supposed to mean? You think I sleep around with other people? Why the hell would I ever do that to you?" I asked as rage began boiling. "If the shoe fits, slide that bitch on and wear it." He said and the room went silent. "You know what? Fuck you! Fuck you for thinking I'd EVER do some shit like that! You might as well unpack your fucking shit because I'm done! I don't even have the energy to deal with this bullshit! I'm so fucking done!" I shouted as my voice cracked. I wasn't going to stand around and let someone call me a hoe. When I have been NOTHING but faithful to him because of how much I love him and he knew I had more respect for myself than that. I walked out of the room and down the hall. I walked up the stairs to the third floor. I knocked on my best friends door and I heard her walk over. "Hey girl- what happened?" Sasha asked and I bursted into tears. She brought me in her room closing the door. I cried as she walked me over to the bed sitting me down. "What happened?" She asked and I tried to pull myself together. "B-Brian was out in the lobby and I got mad so I walked over and asked what he was doing here and he started being a dick again and I stood my ground and then he started hitting me with low blows and I froze up. He got super close to me and touched my face and Roman saw and got angry. I tried to explain but he wouldn't even give me the chance and then he said I had someone on the side and said that I sleep around. I I don't have energy for this shit Sash." I said sobbing and she held me close. "Shhhh relax. You are overwhelmed. You need to breath." She said and I began trying to control my breath. "Better. Okay now let's talk about this slowly." She said and I nodded. "I walked up to the room, and Roman was packing. I asked what he was doing and he said leaving. I asked if we could talk about it. He said there's nothing to talk about and that I obviously found someone else. I told him to stop being ridiculous and that he wasn't my side chick or something. He asked if I was sure because we looked real comfortable. I said what is that supposed mean and I asked him if he thought I sleep around. And he said if the shoe fits wear it. So I said fuck you don't pack up your shit I'm leaving. And now I'm here." I said wiping my tears away and she rubbed my back. "He doesn't know what Brian did to you does he?" She asked softly and I looked down at my hands. "No. He doesn't even know who Brian is. He knows I've been in shitty relationships he just doesn't know how shitty the ONE relationship with him was." I said and she nodded. "Well I understand the frustration on both sides. Do I think that Roman can get upset easily especially over people he loves absolutely. Do I think that Brian is a very sensitive subject for you and you may have been upset for him even thinking you would do such a thing yes." She said and I nodded with a sigh. "I'm just so tired. Lately I just feel like I've been fighting this battle by myself. And I love Roman. I'd do anything for him. But I just think I need to refresh myself. I'm not happy. And it's not because of him. It's because I don't deal with issues the way I should and I bottle them up." I said and she nodded. "I did the same thing. Look how depressed I was. I would suggest you take a break. Maybe spend some time with your family at home. Get some things done at home. Take life slow. Do some traveling or something." She said and I nodded. "I need to call Vince." I said and she nodded. "Thanks for letting me get all this out Sash. I needed it." I said and she nodded. "Anytime babe." She said before giving me a hug. I walked out and since I hadn't even checked into the hotel I didn't grab my bags from the car. I walked out to my car getting in. I took my phone out and called Vince.

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