Confessions in Paradise

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Y/n P.O.V.
I was having such a good time with all my friends. Roman had been particularly paying me more attention of the past few days but I didn't mind. His smile was so cute. And he smiled at me more than anyone. He was such a good guy. I had grown to like him more and more as we worked and traveled together. I kept how I felt away from him because I never wanted to ruin what we had. A truly great friendship. As night grew closer everyone was pretty tired except for Roman and I. We had decided a few days we were just gonna stay at the resort and not go anywhere. Everyone else was determined to go places every day. Everyone decided to go to bed but I didn't really want to. "I'll stay out here with you if you want. I'm not tired yet." He said and I smiled nodding. "Wanna go for a walk down by the water?" I asked and he nodded. We stood up making our way down the path to the beach. I took my sandals off as we walked into the sand. I loved the beach.

Roman P.O.V.
God she was so gorgeous. The way she looked in the moonlight. The way her hair and dress flowed against the wind of the ocean. I watched her with a smile as she spun around taking in the atmosphere. "What's that smile for?" She asked with a giggle and I shrugged. "It's nice seeing you smile." I said and she smiled shyly. God I am so in love with her. I walked next to her as we listened to the sounds of the waves crashing. Her laugh was like music to my ears and she skipped and ran down the beach. Her happiness made me feel so full. She walked back over to me and I looked down at her. "Can I ask you something?" She asked almost breathlessly from her running and skipping just moments prior. "Mhm." I said and she sighed. "Do you ever just want away? To a place like this? And just never go back?" She asked looking out at the ocean. I thought for a moment. What I really wanted to say was. Yes. With you. I wanna run away with you all the time. But instead those words were pushed back. "Yeah. Sometimes." I said and she nodded. "Wanna go back to the bonfire?" She asked and I nodded with a smile. I was so undeniably in love with her.

Y/n P.O.V.
I sighed as we sat back down next to the fire. Silence filled the air between us for a moment as I looked over at him. "Can I ask you another question?" I asked and he looked over at me and nodded taking a swig of his beer. "Do you ever feel like...wrestling isn't your calling?" I asked looking down at my hands. "Y/n...what's going on with you? I can tell somethings wrong." He said and I looked over at him as my lip wiggled, my eyes filling with tears making me cover my face. "Shit...don't cry I'm sorry. I don't mean to pry." He said as I felt his warm arms wrap around me. "No. It's it's not your fault. I've just been, overthinking lately." I said shaking my head with a sniffle. He let go of me sitting right next to me on the bench. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked and I sighed nodding. "I feel like...people just don't like me. I don't feel like the fans think I'm enough. I-I don't feel like I'm enough." I said with a whimper trying my best not to cry. "Jesus Babygirl." He said pulling me into a hug and I cried against his chest. "Is that why you asked me if I think about running away?" He asked and I nodded into his chest. "Don't run away babygirl. You are 100% worth it. You have so much talent. And your passion for wrestling is so strong. Don't give up Babygirl. I know how amazing you are. I think you can be the biggest in the company." He said and I looked up at him. "Really?" I asked and he nodded with a smile wiping my tears. "You are amazing inside and out. Don't doubt that just because the fans dislike you. They always feel some type of way. If they hate you they'll always find a way to hate you. But if they love you Babygirl....they will ALWAYS love you." He said and I smiled and nodded. "Thank you." I whispered looking up at him he smiled with a nod, his eyes shifting from down to my lips for a moment and I felt my breath hitch. I wanted nothing more than for him to lean over and kiss me. He slowly began to lean down and I leaned forward and as our lips touched I felt like fireworks were going off above us. His hand fell to my hip as he pulled me up into his lap. "Y/n Babygirl. I have had feelings for you forever." He said making me whimper. "Me too." I whimpered out making him smirk. "You better not give up on me now Babygirl. You've got me even more hooked on you." He said making me blush and giggle. I leaned in and kissing him again but this time deeper. He hummed against my lips as his hands traveled to my ass squeezing roughly. "I want you." I whispered to him lowly making him growl. "I want you too." He said lowly making me whine. Before I knew it I was being carried inside. He closed the door softly behind us as he brought me into his room shutting the door. I pulled his hair from its confinements and racked my hands through it making him groan. "R-ro...I don't think we can do this..." I whispered and he quickly looked back at me ending the kiss. "What's wrong?" He asked lowly and I giggled. "There's how many other couples in this house? I don't want them to hate us." I said with a giggle and he groaned. "You are right. But nothing says we cant watch a movie and cuddle." He said with a smile and I nodded. We crawled into his bed and turned the tv on finding a good movie. He held me close as we both watched in content. "I'm tired. I better go into my room. We don't want anyone suspecting this." I said with a soft laugh. "Yeah." He said with a soft laugh. I sat up and he sat up with me. "Goodnight kiss?" He asked making me smile and nod. I kissed him softly making him smile. "Good night." I whispered with a soft smile. "Good night Babygirl. Sweet dreams." He whispered back against my lips making me hum. I stood up slowly watching as the smile left his face slightly. "I'll see you in the morning okay?" I asked as I walked towards the door and he nodded. I walked down to my room and changed for bed, brushing my teeth, taking my contacts out before crawling into bed. My phone buzzed and I looked down with a smile.

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