"You had every right"

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This is for Joy_of_life88 HOPE YOU LOVE THIS!!!
It was a viscous cycle every single day. All because I was dating Roman. Hate. Constantly. I had panic attacks almost every day. I began to flinch more often. People threatened to kill me every single day. All because of the person I loved with my whole heart. I sat in Romans dressing room as he opened the door and slammed it shut making me gasp and jump. Looking up at him quickly. "Chill Babygirl." He said with a chuckle as he walked over to his bag. "Please can you try to not slam the door?" I asked softly as I pushed some of my hair behind my ear. "It didn't even slam it that hard. What's up with you lately Babygirl? You been all jumpy and shit." He looking over at me curiously. "Just more paranoid now I guess." I said with a shrug as I continued to read my book. "Paranoid? About what?" Roman said with a laugh making me glare up at him. "I have thousands of people hate on me every day because I'm in a relationship with you. People threaten me. I'm paranoid because I have to be." I snapped at him and he scoffed. "You think that's bad? You should see the shit people say to me." He said and I sighed. "Let's not compare how bad mean comments get. Thanks." I said rolling my eyes. "All I'm saying is your making a big deal out of it when people have it way worse." He said with a shrug and I scoffed. "Shut up. Seriously stop talking to me. All I asked you to stop slamming the door so hard and you can't even take me seriously. I hate when you feel the need to compare everything. Can you just take what I have to say seriously for once?" I asked and he looked at me crazy as if I had three heads. "I always take your dramatic ass comments seriously. All I'm saying is people like ME have it worse." He said and I chuckled. "You know what Roman? I think a person that has panic attacks constantly because people threaten not only my life. But your life. My families lives. Even our fucking friends lives. Isn't being fucking dramatic. But maybe that's just me. Since I'm so dramatic right? RIGHT!?" I yelled as I stood and he stood there not saying a word. I scoffed again shaking my head as I began to pack. Tears filling my eyes. "I need to go home." I whispered out. "Fine than I'll meet you back in Florida." He said as he began to walk toward the door and I groaned angrily. "No. I need to go HOME. Roman I need to go back to Germany." I said with a sigh not being able to even look at him. Knowing his eyes were filled with sadness. I finished packing before standing up. I walked over to him finally looked at his face. He looked devastated. I wiped my tear bending up kissing his cheek softly. "I love you. Text me later so I know you made it to the hotel." I whispered out as I walked out. Tears trailing down my face as I walked into the parking lot. Seth and Jon had appeared from the side of a car and I tried quickly to make my way around them but it was to late. "Y/n what happened?" They asked and I stopped. I looked up at Seth before bursting into tears. He hugged me shushing me quietly. Before I could even go into details I heard someone yell. "HEY! Rollins! You insult my religion by calling yourself the messiah. There is only ONE messiah. And that is god himself! You. YOU NEED TO PAY FOR YOUR SINS!" The man yelled before reaching in his jacket pocket grabbing a gun out. Everything moved in slow motion as instincts took over. I pushed Seth away as a loud pop rang through the are and I felt shooting pain in my chest that knocked the air out of my body. I fell to the ground as my ear rang. I looked up at the ceiling as my vision blurred. I could here the commotion as someone was yelling my name. I figure blocked the bright light and I focused seeing my boyfriends tear stricken face. "Baby. Baby! Stay with me!" I heard in the distance as he grabbed my weak hand. "I-I love you." I whispered weakly as I faded out of consciousness.
I could hear. But I could move. I heard each beep. I could hear sobs. The I love you's over and over again from my boyfriend. It's was hard to not let him know I loved him too. To listen to him cry. To feel him hold my hands.
It was one of the most vivid dreams I had ever had shook me. Before I could finally feel my body. I squeezed the hand that hadn't left mine for however long I was in the hospital for. I heard his body shift. "Baby?" He whispered as he stroked my forehead with his rough calloused hand. I fluttered my eyes softly trying to open my eyes. "Stay still baby I gotta tell the doctor." He said letting go of my hand as I heard his shoes squeak as he ran out of the room. Soon I heard footsteps and then a bright light was shone on my eyelids. "Ms. Y/L/N are you awake? If you can feel your hands can you squeeze mine?" The doctor asked and I squeezed her hand. "Great. Welcome back. I'm going to take your breathing tube out first ok? Try to stay as relaxed as possible." The doctor said and I relaxed my body as she pulled the tube out. I coughed trying to relieve the dryness of my throat. "Now I'm going to wipe your eyes off and then put in some drops to make them lubricated again. So just relax. Mr. Reigns if you could turn the lights down to thef they can go. It's going to be really bright for her." The doctor asked and Roman walked over turning the lights down. She began to wipe my eyes off and they felt refreshed. She opened one dropping some of the liquid in one before doing it to the other. "Now just take it slow." The doctor said and I slowly opened my eyes. I groaned softly as my eyes struggled to adjust. Finally I was able to see again. I looked over at my boyfriend who looked tired. Worn down to the bone. Tears streamed down his face as he stroked my cheek. "Drink some water Ms. Y/L/N it'll happen your throat." She said handing me a cup of water with a straw. I quickly drank it down feeling myself finally be able to say anything. "I missed you." I whispered and he let out a big breath that had been holding in. "God I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. For the way I acted and the things I said. My biggest regret was letting you walk out that door and not telling you how much I fucking love you. You had every right. Every right to be paranoid and worried. I went on you pages while I you were in here and I read the comments and I just I was sick. I couldn't eat I couldn't do anything. And I felt like all the shit I said hit you so deep and it added on to how fucking sorry I am." He said shaking his head as tears streamed down his face. "Shhhhhh. Hey. I heard all of your apologies. I heard every I love you. I saw you right before I blacked out. I heard how excited you were when I squeezed your hand. I know that you've been by my side the entire time. I don't need to hear any more apologies. Knowing that you were here with me through this is enough ok?" I said stroking his hand with a soft smile and sighed and nodded. "Are you hurting at all?" He asked searching my face for pain. "No my shoulder feels a little tight but that's it." I said and he nodded. "The wound is almost healed." He said and I looked at the bandage over my chest. "H-how long was I out for?" I asked looking around. "A month and 7 days." He said and my mouth dropped. "I-I need my phone. I need to see how people are doing." I said frantically and Ro grabbed my face softly making me relax. "You need rest. And I've got everything handled okay? The doctor also has some news fo you." He said with a soft smile. He took his phone out as he began to text someone. I looked over at the doctor and she smiled. "Well. Good news on top of good news hopefully." She said and I smiled nervously. "First you are making a full recovery. You should have to do minor physical therapy to get your shoulder acclimated back. But even more exciting news. You are expecting a child." She said and my mouth dropped. I'm pregnant. Roman smiled at me widely and I smiled back at him. "Now that you are awake. We can do an ultrasound and also find out the genders." She said and I felt like getting out of bed and dancing. "That's great right baby?" Roman said grabbing my hand and I nodded. "We're going to be parents. This is the best news." I said with a smile and he hugged me softly. "So we'll get that right away for you okay? Then I'd advice that you eat a little something." The doctor said with a nod before walking out. "I can't believe we're going to have kids." I said happily and he smiled. "I was so excited when she told me. It was hard to keep it a secret." He said with a chuckle when I heard to girly giggles in the hallway. They sounded familiar and then I heard the voice of my best friend. I looked up at Roman my jaw slack with disbelief. "AUNTIEEEEEE!" I heard the squeals of my two favorite girls as the ran into the room. I smiled happily as the ran over to the side of the bed. "Be careful! Auntie was hurt remember?" I heard my best friend say as she speed walked into the room. "Oh yeaaaah." They said and I giggled. "Auntie is your booboo all better?" One asked and I nodded. "It's getting there. How are my two favorite ladies doing?" I said tickling the youngest side making her giggle. "We are good! We got Tom come here and visit you!!! We saw so much cool stuuuuuuffff and got to go to Disneylanddddd." They said making me smile. "That's wonderful." I said smiling. "Momma can we watch TV?" They asked and my best friend nodded. The ran over to the couch turning on cartoons. My best friend walked over with tears in her eyes hugging me. "I thought I was loosing you forever." She whispered and I sighed. "It's ok. I'm here you didn't loose me." I said rubbing her back. "Oh mein armer Liebling." (Oh my poor darling). I heard from the doorway and looked over. My mother standing there. "Mama." I said as she shuffled over hugging me tightly. Tears fell from my face. I had missed her so much. "Wie sind Sie hierher gekommen?" (How did you get here) I asked rubbing her back as she cried. "Ihr reizender Freund hat mich eingeflogen. Er hat mir sogar ein schönes Haus gemietet, in dem ich wohnen kann." (Your lovely boyfriend flew me in. He ever rented me a beautiful home to stay in) She said looking over at Roman who had no clue she was talking about him. "You flew them out? For me?" I said looking at him as tears streamed down my face. "Of course. They are the most important people in your life. It was a little hard with the communication but your best friend helped me and I used a translator app too." He said with a smile and I felt like bawling. He did all this for me. "I love you so much." I said shaking my head. "War Ihr Flug in Ordnung?" (Was your flight in okay) I asked my mother and she nodded. "Es war lang, aber wunderbar! Ich saß im Bus!" (It was long, but wonderful! I sat in coach!) She said excitedly and I smiled. "Mom, ich habe dir tolle Neuigkeiten zu erzählen." (Mom, I've got some great news to tell you.) I said with a smile and she nodded. "Ich bin schwanger!" (I'm pregnant!) I said happily and she gasped as she did a little happy dance before hugging me then hugging Roman. The doctor knocked on the door coming in slowly with the ultrasound equipment making my best friend looked at me odd. "Surprise." I said with a giggle and she gasped. "You're pregnant???" She asked excitedly and I nodded. She squealed walking over and hugging me. "Oh my god!!!! I'm so happy. You are both blessed with good genes too. Your kids will be be beautiful!" She said happily and I laughed. "Ok sooo I'm going to do the ultrasound now. Make sure everything is progressing as it should be okay?" The doctor said and I nodded. Roman pulled a chair over for my mother so she could sit down. I pushed the blanket lower before pulling my gown up. I smiled as I looked at my small bump. Roman smiled as he looked at my bump. "Come here." I said with a smile and he stood walking over with his hands in his pockets nervously. I grabbed his hand putting to in my stomach letting him feel. "Our baby's in there." He said with a smile kissing my forehead. "That's crazy." He said with with a happy laugh. "Alright are you guys ready to find out the gender?" The doctor asked and we nodded. She began getting me prepared as she squirted the jelly like substance on my stomach. She began getting the machine ready before she turned off the lights. Roman grabbed my hand kneeling next to me. We watched as we could begin to hear movement. Then a heart which made my heart jump in excitement. I looked at Roman who looked like a kid that had just opened his favorite Christmas present. But then there was something odd. Another heartbeat repealing against the other. I looked at the doctor as she tuned on the screen. Running the device over my stomach slowly. "Well it sound like you've got twins in there. Let's see." The doctor said and Roman looked up at me excitedly. He had always wanted twins. They ran in his family too. I watched our baby popped up on the scream. Tears welled as Roman sniffled. The doctor moved it as another baby came into view. "Well you are indeed pregnant with twins Ms. Y/L/N. And we will do a blood test to make sure but I'm seeing a girl and a boy." She said and I laughed happily as tears streamed down my face. Roman rubbed my hand as the doctor looked at us with a smile. Her eyes widened before she smiled softly. I looked at her with a questionable face. "Baby." Roman whispered and I looked down at him and gasped. He held open a ring box. Now actually down on one knee. "I cannot wait any longer. I almost lost you a month ago. When I ran up to you and saw that faraway look in your eyes and the last thing you said was that you loved me. I knew that as soon as you woke up I needed to propose. I can't let you go. You are my person. Regardless. Through thick and thin. I love you and never ever want to be away from you fro the rest of my life. Will you marry me?" He asked flipping the velvet box open revealing a gorgeous and unique ring. I looked at him as tears fell again as I nodded. He smiled standing up and hugging me. He slid the ring on my finger and I gawked at it.

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