Dont yell at her like that.

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Y/N P.O.V.
I was one of those quite woman. Kept to myself. Me walking into the stadium. To watch wrestling. The one thing that can't make fun of me. You see I've got a stutter and glasses. Somehow that makes me the loser in everything. People ask why don't you wear contacts? Because one I can't afford them and two my eyes are so bad they said I couldn't get contacts. So I wear glasses everywhere I go. I walked with my Shield shirt on with my little purse. I walked up the stairs of the stadium and heard shouting. I looked around and people started to get pushed. "Out of the way stay to the sides of hallway!" I heard someone yell. As people started to move to the sides I was pushed and fell to the ground my glasses falling off my face. I squinted trying to find my glasses. Feeling around on the floor. "Ma'am you need to move!" A man shouted and I looked up squinting. He looked like he was wearing a suit of some sort. "I'm sorry I can't find my-." He cut me off before I could finish. "Ma'am I couldn't care less what you lost. I told you to get up now get up!" He said and stood there with my mouth a gap. "Don't yell at her like that man. Can't you see she's squinting. She's obviously looking for her glasses." I heard a low smooth voice say. He grabbed my hand helping me up. "Could you h-help me f-find my g-glasses?" I ask squinting trying to see his face I just couldn't. "Here they are." He said picking them up and putting them on my face. No fucking way. The Roman Reigns helped me up. "So your a fan?" He asked and I looked down at my shirt with his logo on it. "Y-yeah." I said quietly. "Hey um this might be random but would you wanna go out for a little while with me tonight?" He asked and I pushed my glasses up. "I-I'm n-not really a b-bar type of g-girl. B-big crowds are tough for m-me." I said looking down at the ground. He lightly lifted my chin and smiled. "That's alright I mean we could just stay in somewhere. You wanna just come to my hotel? I mean as long as you don't leak my hotel room number." He said with a smirk. "U-um sure. I w-won't leak I-it." I said with a small smile. "Good can I have your number." He asked and I nodded. He handed me his phone and I put my number in his phone and handed it back with a smile. "Alright I'll send you the room number and when you can come over." He said with a wink and I smiled and nodded. "Alright I gotta go take a shower see you later babygirl." He said with a smile. He walked away and I took in a deep breath. I'm going to hang out with fucking Roman Reigns.
Right after I left to go get changed. Running into my house and trying to look for a perfect outfit. Sadly I couldn't really find anything even attractive looking. So this is what I picked.

Roman texted me and told me his room number so I drive to the hotel walking up stairs to his room

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Roman texted me and told me his room number so I drive to the hotel walking up stairs to his room. I knocked on the door taking a deep breath and pushing my glasses up my face. He opened the door and boy was that a site to see. He hair dripping wet. A muscle shirt perfectly fitting his muscles and some grey sweatpants. (If y'all don't know why I choose grey sweatpants look that up😂). I stood there for a moment with my mouth dropped. "Hey." He said waving his hand slightly in my face. "Sorry I um g-got side tracked." I said blushing. "It's alright you wanna come in?" He asked and I said and nodded. He let me in and I looked around. Being one of the top superstars must mean you get the big ass room. He's got a jacuzzi in here and everything. "You must not go to hotels much huh?" He said and I shook my head. "Hey I forgot to get your name." He said with a small chuckle. "Y-Y/N." I said and he shook my hand. "You eat yet?" He asked and I shook my head. "You want some room service?" He asked and I nodded. "Alright you pick what you want and I'll order it." He said with a smile. I nodded and looked at the menu. "I think I'll h-have a burger w-with fries." I said and he smiled. "Damn normally when I invite a girl over they order steak dinners and shit." He said and looked nodded so he's had girls to his hotel rooms before. "Oh! I didn't mean it like that um. Not like that I mean like some of the writers backstage and stuff." He said and I nodded. "That sounded really bad I'm sorry I um haven't like been on a date with a woman in like a year." He said scratching his head. I giggled. "What?" He asked with a small smile. "You? Single f-for a year? How? I-It's gotta be by c-choice." I said with smile. "I didn't really put myself out there... haven't been interested in anyone accept for you just today." He said and I blushed. "O-oh." I said shyly. "Do you have a stutter?" He asked sitting down next to me. "Y-Yeah I h-hate it." I said looking at the ground. He lifted my head with a smile. "You should embrace it. I think it's cute." He said with a smile. I blushed and shook my head. "You seem so...." He stopped himself mid sentence. "Geeky? Weird?" I said and he shook his head. "No innocent." He said and I furrowed my eyebrows. "H-how?" I asked and he chuckled. "I mean look at you. You've got cute little glasses and a cute little stutter and a big brown eyes. You just seem so sweet and innocent." He said and I giggled. "I'm n-not innocent I- I must j-just give off that vibe." I said with a shrug. He raised his eyebrows with a smirk. "Really now?" He said and I nodded. "If I-I'm being honest I've not explored other s-stuff when it c-comes to s-sex I-I've just a-always l-liked the thought of t-trying new things." I said and he hummed. "Like what?" He asked and I smiled. "I-I've always thought that choking would b-be fun. O-or like r-role play. O-or like being tied up." I said and he nodded. "What about spanking?" He asked and I blushed and smiled lightly. "I w-would try I-it. I just d-don't get much action b-because well I d-don't really no why." I said with a shrug. "Is it your dirty talk or something?" He asked. I shrugged. "Well let's test it out. Talk dirty to me." He said with a chuckle. I blushed and shrugged. I sat on his lap and put some of my hair behind my ear before going close to his ear. "I want to suck your dick until your legs are shaking and your groaning my name." I whispered in his ear and I felt him shiver. "I d-don't think it's your dirty talk." He said and cleared his throat. "W-well what do you t-think it is?" I asked him. "I don't know girl your sexy as fuck so I'm pretty sure it's not your looks." He said and I blushed. "Thank y-you." I said with a smile. "Maybe people think your just too innocent." He said rubbing my hips. I frowned lightly. "D-do you think I'm t-too innocent?" I asked looking into his chocolate brown eyes.
"I think there's something about you that is almost screaming that your naughty." He said and I blushed. "I c-could show you just h-how naughty I can be I-if you'll let me." I said softly. He moved my face to look at him and then kissed my roughly. "Get on the bed and spread your legs and arms out." He grunted. "Yes daddy." I said crawling on the bed and spreading myself out. I looked over at Roman and he was taking his shirt off and I licked my lips at the site of his abs. He got on the bed and kissed me again pushing his tongue into my mouth. "Don't move." He said and I nodded. I felt him slowly drag his hands down to my pants unbuttoning them and then trailing his hands up to my shirt and pulling it off. He pulled back and bit his lip looking at my large chest. He started to kiss down my stomach and my breathing caught up. "Relax babygirl all I'm gonna do is make you feel good I promise." He said soothing me. I nodded as he continued kissing down my body until he got to the top of my leggings sliding them off me. He kissed down my legs before getting of the bed. I whimpered at the loss of contact and I could here Roman chuckle. "Relax babygirl I just gotta get a few things." He said going to his suit case and search for something. He came back with ties in his hands. I looked up at him innocently and he smirked darkly. He flipped me over and silence filled the air before I felt a harsh smack to my ass and I yelped. It felt so good. I looked back biting my lip and Roman chuckled. "You like that hmm? Dirty little girl." He said smacking my ass again. He wrapped the tie around my wrists and tied it to the bed post. "Lift your head up." He instructed and I did as told. He put a tie in my mouth tying it in the back. This was so damn hot. "Damn I'm fucking this fat peach right now." He muttered as he stripped himself of his boxers. I heard a ripping sound echo throughout the room then I looked back and saw that he had ripped off my panties. He bit his lip as he slowly rubbed the tip of his dick against my slick folds. I tried to push back but he only moved away and slapped my ass hard and I squealed. "Be a good girl for daddy or someone won't be able to come tonight." He growled and I nodded my head. He randomly pushed all the way inside me causing me to gasp. I screamed against the tie as he pound me into utter euphoria. He slapped my ass hard a few times as the sound of skin slapping. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as I took everything he had to offer. "You like this dick don't you baby?" He groaned out slowly down. "Mmmmhhhnmm!" Was all that I could say with the tie still in my mouth. I felt his hand come up to the tie and untie it. "A want to hear that sweet little voice of yours screaming my name when you cum around my cock do you hear me?" He growled out assertively. "Yes daddy yes!" I moaned out as I felt him hit my spot and I screamed out. "Ohh daddy must've found the spot huh?" He chuckled sexily. He pounded into my spot like it was his mission to destroy it and I felt myself gadfly coming to my peak. "DADDY? I-Im gonna come!" I squealed out. I felt him reach his hand down to my clot and rub harshly. My eyes rolled back, my toes curled, and my whole body started to shake. He bent down and bit my shoulder and that was it for me. I came screaming his name. "FUCKKKK DADDDYYYYYYY!!" I yelled and convulsed around him. I heard him grunt before I felt his warm seed mix with my juices and I moaned at the feeling. "Damn that was fucking spectacular." He said with a chuckle and I giggled lazily. He slowly undid the ties on my wrists and I sighed in relief when they were free. He turned me over and kissed me softly. "Y/n?" He asked softly looking into my eyes. "Yes?" I said back with a smile. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked and I smiled. "O-of course." I said pulling him into a kiss. I can't believe my dreams of being in a relationship with him are actually true now.

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