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Y/n P.O.V.
I was sitting on the bed in Roman and I's hotel room and he walked in with a small frown on his face and I furrowed my eyebrows. "Hey handsome." I said with a smile trying to lighten his mood. "Hi baby." He said softly not looking at me. "Baby? What's wrong?" I said standing on my knees and crawling over to his sitting figure that was sulked over. He put his hands on his face blushing. "Your gonna think I'm being stupid and weak." He grumbled and I gasped. "Leati Joseph Anoa'i when have I ever thought you were stupid or weak? You're my big strong handsome very smart intelligent man." I said kissing his cheek and he cracked a smile. "Now what's wrong?" I asked again. He finally uncovered his face and sighed. "Well you know how I did that photo shoot for that magazine and I- I'm shirtless?" He said keeping his head down. "Mhmm what about it?" I asked rubbing his shoulder lightly. "Well... people are calling me fat, and a pig, and all this other stuff and I shouldn't let it get to me but it does and then people were comparing me to my brother and saying how alike our bodies were and and." I could see the tears coming to his eyes. Believe it or not Roman is a softy. He gets hurt very easily that's why I protect his heart at all costs. "Baby." I whispered softly as I pulled him in for a hug as he softly sniffled. "You aren't fat whatsoever. You have worked so hard to get to where you are today and it wasn't with the help of any of those haters. Baby you need to remind yourself that they are probably the ones living in their mothers basement, eating Doritos and playing video games all day. YOU are the hardest most driven person that I know. You won't ever stop until you feel like you have accomplished your goals. Which is one of the main reasons I love you. You are so determined. Your so strong. Your such a good husband. Such a family man. You are the only one that knows how to keep me happy baby and that's all that matters. Do I care if you have a lil tummy on you no as long as you don't care I have one too. Do you?" I asked with a smile. "No of course not your beautiful." He said looking up at me with puffy eyes. "And your the most handsome guy I've ever met. And your body is sexy as fuck don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It's there own damn fault if they don't see how sexy my man is. They don't get to experience the pleasure and ecstasy you bring me. They are jealous that I get your big fat cock and no one else does." I whispered in his ear and he shivered. "You always know how to make me feel better...that's why I love you more than life itself." He said kissing my lips and I smiled into the kiss. "Well lay back and let me help you feel like the king you are. My daddy." I said with a wink and he moaned falling back on the bed. I slowly slid his shorts down revealing that big thick cock I'd been burning for since he walked into the room. His dick was honestly so beautiful. A nice mocha color with a light pink mushroom tip. Short straight black pubic hair on his groin. Tight mocha colored balls with not one hair on them. If there was such thing as dick modeling he would win best looking cock. I licked my lips before slowly engulfing his cock. I slowly closed my eyes as I took him as far down as I could. "Oh fuck I love you so much." Roman moaned out. I smiled around him pulling off for a moment. "I love you to baby now fuck my face till you cum." I said with a smirk and he groaned loudly. I placed my mouth back on his member and put his hands in my hair before bucking his hips making me gag. "Holy fuck your so amazing." He moaned out. I drooled and chocked around his thick member loving every moment of it. I let him completely dominate my mouth until I felt his muscles stiffen and he came with a groan. I swallowed his warm load with a smile.
"Come here and let daddy fuck you." He growled pulling my into his lap. He ripped my leggings apart and then ripped my panties too. "Daddy please?" I asked with an innocent look on my face. He grunted rubbing the tip of his cock against my waiting and ready opening. Before he shoved himself into me. He held onto my hips as I slowly slid down on his member. I began to bounce back and forth and moaned loudly. "Mm daddy your so big your dick feels so good and perfect inside me." I moaned out and he growled. He looked up at me as he slowly latched on to one of my nipples sucking and licking it. My eyes rolled back as my eyes fluttered shut enjoying the moments of complete ecstasy. "DADDY OH FUCK DADDY!" I moaned loudly and Roman quickly brought his hand up to my neck squeezing lightly before flipping us over as he started to pound into me. He put one of my legs up onto his shoulder causing his cock to angle deeper inside me making me scream out. He bit his lip thrusting into me faster as I could feel myself beginning to come to my release as he began to thrust harder. He was a grunting moaning mess. "Baby! Fuck I'm I'm gonna come daddy!" I moaned out scratching his back as pleasure filled my body. Roman moaned feeling me tighten around him. He didn't last much longer before cumming inside me with a groan of my name. "I love you so so much." He whispered in my neck. I smiled softly kissing his cheek. "I love you more. Now let's go take a nice bath." I said and he nodded pulling out of me before helping into the bathroom. He filled the tub with warmish hot water. We sat down in the water cuddling up and enjoying each other's warmth. Sharing kisses and whispering sweet nothings to each other. Once we were finished I put on a fresh pair of underwear and one of Romans big Cotten T-shirts. "Roman come sit down I have a present for you." I said with a smile. "A present?! It's not my birthday or Christmas." He said with a laugh before sitting down. I brought the large present over setting it down in front of him and I smiled sitting down next to him. "Open it." I said kissing his cheek and he smiled. He began pulling the wrapping paper out before he pulled out the sign reading it and his mouth dropped.

 He began pulling the wrapping paper out before he pulled out the sign reading it and his mouth dropped

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He looked at me then back at the sign. "Your we're?" He could barely speak. "Keep opening." I said with a giggle. He pulled one thing out at a time and he was crying by the end. "We're having a babygirl... my princess. My little teine ​​sili pele (beautiful princess)." He said wiping his tears. I smiled happily with a small laugh as I wiped my own tears. "Is that why you've been craving pickles so much lately?!" He asked with a laugh and I nodded giggling. "WAIT!" He said with a frantic face. "Did we hurt the baby when we you know?" He said blushing lightly and I laughed. "No baby I talked to my OBGYN about that and she said with can do it as much as we want just long as it feel comfortable to me." I said and he sighed happily. "Thank god I don't think I could live with making love to you for 7 months." He said and I smiled kissing him. "Me neither baby me neither." I said with a laugh as he put the gifts back in the bag. Before he helped me into bed him following along right after cuddling me. His hands rest softly on my little bump. I can't believe we are gonna be parents.

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