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This was suggested by Jane_zabini
Y/n P.O.V.
Today was pep rally day for the end of the year football game and we are going to STATE! It's the last week of school and everyone is gathered first hour for the pep rally. I was part of our cheer team so we were performing to this song.

In this uniform.

I, being the Senior of the group and also the best dancer in the group I was in front

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I, being the Senior of the group and also the best dancer in the group I was in front. I was doing the whole routine EXACTLY TO A TEE. Mr.Reigns stood off to the side just staring at me with a iterated look on his face. Why you may ask? Because I literally give him attitude everyday. But that's because one has is super fucking hot and I can't be with him and two because I don't understand his fucking CLASS! But you know I deal with it. I continued to do my thing until the song was over and we all posed. Everyone cheered us on. We walked back to the bleachers watching other groups perform.
——Last Hour of the Day——
This is the class I indeed have Mr. Reigns class this hour. He was handing back our tests we had taken a few days ago and when he handed me mine I rolled my eyes.
I want to meet with you after class discuss getting this grade up during the summer.
I sighed and shook my head. I can't I've got the game to get ready for.
Once class was done I texted my team I'd be late because Mr. Reigns needs to have a discussion with me. I walked up to him my hands crossed across my chest and I looked at him with an annoyed expression. "What is it exactly that you want to do about my test score? I have a game to get ready for." I said rolling my eyes and he looked up from the papers in his hands before setting them down. "Do you really think I'm stupid? Why is it that you hate me hm? Is it because you just don't like the class? Is it my teaching abilities? Or is it that you've got a crush on me?" He asked and I stood there rolling my eyes playing right along. "Listen old man I told you this once and imma tell you again!" I sassed before he pushed my body up against the desk then bending me over on top of it. "When did I become old to you the last time I checked you were the one that said I was the hottest teacher and that you wanted me to fuck you right here on my desk." He growled out angrily. "How'd you find out?" I whispered. "Your little friends don't keep their conversation to a whisper. Katlin said yesterday that you and her had a conversation all night about the things you wanted me to do to you. You little pain slut." He growled out pulling my skirt up seeing my bright red panties making him groan. "You always have a fucking attitude with me and I'm fucking sick of it. Your tell me right now why the fuck you always have an attitude." He said slapping my ass hard. My body buzzed with pleasure as I tried to speak up. "B-because I wanted you to fuck me and I don't get what we learn about in here." I whimpered moving so my legs were spread to a comfortable distance. "Oh my sweet little slut. You could have just asked for me to fuck you and I wouldn't have to punish you but you keep pushing my buttons." He growled walking toward the door and locking it. He walked back and I finally looked back at him. He had a stern yet sexy look on his face. He loosened his tie as he threw it on his chair. He rolled the sleeves of his dress shirt up and he grunted. He sat down him his chair looking straight into my eyes. "Get over here and lay across daddies lap." He growled hardly. I quickly sat up and walked over to him and laid down across his thighs. He flipped my skirt up rubbing his large hands across my ass. "You count and say your sorry to daddy do you understand?" He asked gruffly. I nodded and he slapped my ass roughly making me squeal. "Words." He spit. "Y-yes Daddy." I mellowed out and he moaned in content. His hand came down and slapped my ass hard. "One. I'm sorry daddy." I whimpered. Slap. "Two. I'm s-sorry daddy." I said feeling my pussy dripping with anticipation. This went on until he got to twenty five. My ass was burning. "Daddy please fuck me." I whimpered as he rubbed lotion on my sore ass. "I've got you baby girl." He rumbled our as he helped me up laying me down on the desk spreading my legs and putting my heals on the desk as well. I stared at him innocently. He bit his big pink lip and stood up unbuckling his pants. I knew Mr.Reigns had money but I didn't know he could afford a Rolex. His shiny gold watch glistening against the lights of the class room. As he took his pants and boxers and I finally say that beautiful huge cock I'd seen only the outline of for four consecutive years. I licked my lips biting my lip looking up at him darkly. He slowly bent down on top of me and kissed me softly. "Lay back and enjoy this good fucking." He growled out and I whimpered as his cock slowly slid into my wet pussy. "Fuck your so wet for daddy. Someone really enjoyed those spankings huh?" He asked as he started to thrust into me. "Yes daddy I enjoyed being punished." I moaned out scratching his back. I've been waiting to feel this level of pleasure for so long. Now that I have it I don't want to ever lose it. He pounded into me so good. So deep yet so hard. He knew exactly what he was doing and I loved it. He held the underside of my legs with his arms angling himself deeper inside me. "Oh fuck daddy please!" I moaned out as he sucked on my neck and breasts. "Feels so good doesn't it princess?" He growled in my ear. "Daddy oh fuck mmm please make me come." I moaned out and he grunted. He picked me up so he was standing while fucking into me harder. "Daddy!" I yelled out and he covered my mouth bouncing me on his dick as I began to feel my high coming. "Daddy can I please come?" I asked but it was muffled by his hand. He groaned and nodded as I began to squeeze him before I exploded around him. My eyes rolling back and my body tending up. He pulled out of me quickly setting me on my knees. "Come on make daddy come." He breathed out and I sucked him into my mouth. Running my tongue along the underside of his cock a few times before his cum filled my mouth. He groaned out loudly gripping my hair. I looked up into his eyes as I swallowed his cum with a smile. He helped me up setting me on the desk giving me a kiss. "You busy after the game?" He asked as he began to help me get dressed. "Nope I was gonna go to my apartment and sleep why?" I asked. "You coming over to my house and I'm rocking your world again. All over my house. In the bathroom. In the living room. In the master bedroom. In the guest house. In the pool. Then we are gonna lay down and cuddle ok?" He asked and I smiled widely. "Ok daddy. But how am I gonna get there?" I asked. "Well you know I'm coaching the game. So I'm gonna watch you shake your fat ass out there at half time. Then after the game I want you to be the last one out of the women's locker room. Then come to my office pretend you asking a question if there's still guys in the locker room. Then we'll wait till everyone's gone and I'll bring you to my house." He said and kissed my lips a few times. "Wow daddy's gotta real solid plan." I said with a giggle pulling my skirt up. "So your up for it then?" He asked kissing my forehead. I nodded as I stood up. I hugged him breathing in his manly scent. His hands traveled down to my ass gripping it in his hands. I slowly sucked on his neck making a purple hickey appear. I giggled softly. "Now everyone will know your taken." I said softly looking into his brown eyes. He smiled as he lowered his mouth to my neck sucking hard. I moaned as my legs became weak. He let go lightly licking at the spot. "There now everyone knows your taken. Soon when you go to college I'll finally be able to tell people who my girlfriend is. You know I gotta play it safe. With being your teacher and all." He said and I nodded. "I understand baby. Just don't cheat on me and I'm fine. I swear to god Joe if you do I will cut your dick off." I said seriously. "Damn. I want cheat on you baby mammas." He said putting his hands up in defense. "Baby mamma?" I asked with a giggle. "Soon to be. Babygirl you really don't even need to go to college. I've got you covered." He said and I smiled. "Where'd you get bank from?" I asked as I let him hold me. "I was a professional wrestler before I was a teacher Babygirl. My bank and my muscles come from there." He said and giggled. "Mmm Daddy threw guys around in the ring?" I asked and he hummed and nodded. "That's why I know how to handle you." He said with a wink and I giggled. "Daddy I've got to go to my apartment and get my outfit for the game. I'll see you there?" I said with a wink. "Alright. You better shake your fat ass just for daddy out on that field you here me?" He asked as I began to walk towards the door. "Understood Daddy!" I said skipping out.
—— The Locker Room——
I walked into the locker room and saw my best friend Cardi. "Hey bitch you late!" She said as I laughed and started to get changed. "Girl who gave your ass a hickey?" She asked grabbing my head tilting it to look at the hickey. "I-I can't say." I said with a laugh. "Your not gonna tell me?! I'm your best friend! We don't keep no secrets from each other." She said her Bronx  accent coming out. "Fine you promise that it stays between us?" I said in a whisper and she nodded. "It's from Mr.Reigns." I said with a smirk. "BITCH! Getchu that dick!" She said as we both began to twerk. "Shit how was it?" She asked and I let out a happy sigh. "Heavenly. A gift from the motherfucking gods. Bitch he was rough and sensual and all the things I have dreamed about." I said and she eowed. "Go get you that man." She said and I smiled. I put my outfit on and looked into the mirror fixing my hair and smoothing my outfit out. It was go time as we grabbed our Pom poms and walked out onto the field. My eyes instantly connect with Joes and I smile widely and wink at him and he smirked. We walked out in our spots and got ready.

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