Graduation Speech

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Hey loves! Well I did a thing the other day...I decided to try out to read a speech at my graduation. This was a huge step for me because as you all know I have major anxiety but I felt like it would be a good way to end my hellish time in school. Unfortunately I wasn't picked. So that was very disappointing. But I figured since I worked on the damn speech I don't want to go go to waste! So I figured I'd share with you all! There's a new chapter of his weakness on the way as well I just need to finish it up. But anyway. Enjoy my speech. For reference the speech was supposed to be 2 to 5 minutes long.

We all worked hard to get to this moment. Four long chaos filled years. We survived a world pandemic, we watched as the world crumbled around us. We survived virtual school, something completely foreign to all students and all teachers. Frustration. Failures. Hardships. All of us have gone through difficult challenges throughout the years of high school. But we didn't give up, we pushed through and made it. It all led up to this. This moment. The celebration of surviving. The celebration of hard work and effort. We made it. We all made it. And we deserve this special moment. Take it in. Take in a big deep breath, close your eyes and realize you just survived one of the most difficult challenges of your life. And then let that deep breath back out. Edward Koch once said "The fireworks begin today, each diploma is a lighted match. And Each one of you is a fuse." As you all veer off onto your own path, you will Flourish into a bright and beautiful firework. Remember to follow what feels right. The only thing that matters now is honoring yourself. Making yourself proud of the accomplishments that you will grow to achieve from here on out. Congratulations to the class of 2022. We did this. We made it. We all have potential, and now it's up to us to capture that potential and succeed to the fullest extent. Find what makes you happy. Find what your true destiny is and push yourself to accomplish more than that. Whatever it takes. Don't give up. We didn't give up for these four years of our lives. Dont give up. Not now, not ever.  As I look out into this crowd I see hundreds of people full of potential. But for now, take in this moment while it lasts. We all deserve this. Congratulations to the class of 2022.

Thank you.

Hope you guys enjoy this. I don't post many other things that have to do with like personal life so I thought I'd just go out on a limb. And I'm pretty sad that I wasn't picked so nice comments would be very much appreciated.


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